The novel "Moonsund": a brief description

The novel "Moonsund": a brief description
The novel "Moonsund": a brief description

The novel "Moonsund" is a famous work of the famous writer V. Pikul, written in 1970. The popularity of this work is evidenced by the fact that the novel was repeatedly reprinted in thousands of copies. This book was written in the genre of a sea novel. The advantage of this essay is that it presents the history of the Russian fleet in 1915–1918, describes the technical equipment, and also tells about the people who served on it.


The novel "Moonsund" is dedicated to the heroic defense of the islands of the same name by sailors of the B altic Fleet. The action of the work takes place on the eve of the revolution. In the essay, in addition to describing the feat of Russian sailors, the difficult period of the domestic fleet is shown. The main characters of the book are officers and ordinary sailors of ships. The main character is an employee of the destroyer Arteniev, whom the author characterizes as a strong-willed strong man with a strong character and impeccable honor.

roman moonsund
roman moonsund

The writer Valentin Pikul organically wove a love line into the historical context. The protagonist's beloved Anna works for military intelligence, which greatly interferes with the relationship of lovers. The writer describesthe spread of revolutionary ideas on the ship, but Arteniev does not support them. The officer takes command of the most dangerous area near the cape, which is under the greatest attack from the Germans. Valentin Pikul emphasizes the courage, heroism and bravery of the sailors, who remained true to their oath and defended the site from the Germans to the last.

Historical context

This work is interesting in that it reproduces in sufficient detail and authentically the historical atmosphere of the early 20th century, the difficult pre-revolutionary time. A significant part of the story is based on the memoirs of the battery commander Nikolai Bartenev, who defended Cape Tserel.

Valentin Pikul
Valentin Pikul

During the battle, he was badly wounded. The main character of the work also has a real historical prototype. Interestingly, the real name of this legendary scout is unknown - she had many names and surnames. The novel "Moonzund" shows the life of a sailor on ships in great detail.

One of the heroes is a revolutionary sailor Trofim Semenchuk. This is a collective image in which the fates of two real people - a sailor and a commissar - are combined. The value of the work is also increased because the author used not only domestic sources, but also the memoirs of the Austro-Hungarian command.


According to critics, the novel Moonsund is not only a description of one of the most difficult stages of the First World War, but also a philosophical understanding of a turning point in Russian history. Some reviewers point out that although the book was written by a writer adhering to Soviet ideology, nevertheless, the interpretation of events turned out to be very ambiguous. The work is imbued with a patriotic spirit.

moonzund pikul
moonzund pikul

This is manifested in a detailed description of the power of the Russian fleet, the heroism of the sailors. Of particular interest is the fact that the revolutionary moods on the ships are conveyed through the eyes of the tsarist officer, who remained faithful to the oath and did not join the rebels.

The very choice of the main character is ideologically indicative, as it testifies to the author's attempt to impartially comprehend one of the most difficult moments in Russian history. In addition, the author shows not only the revolutionary sailors, but also Kolchak, who later became the leader of the white movement.


The Moonsund novel received generally positive reviews online. Readers note that the text is easy to read because it is written in good language. Users point out that the book contains not only historical moments, but also a romantic line, which gives the story some ease and allows the reader to take a break from the complex drama.

Most readers indicate that one of the most complex and intense works in the writer's work was the novel "Moonsund". Pikul masterfully conveyed the tense situation in the navy, not only because of the external threat of an enemy attack, but also because of the internal aggravation due to the proximity of the revolution.

However, some critics call the novel rathera documentary-historical work, since it contains a large number of specific facts, which was so characteristic of the writer. Readers credit the author for accurately conveying the signs of revolutionary sentiment and the beginning of discord in the recently disciplined troops.


"Moonzund" - a book that belongs to the genre of "sea novel". Considering the fact that there are not so many works of this kind in Russian literature, its importance can hardly be overestimated.

moonsound book
moonsound book

The novel was very popular, and in 1987 a very good film was shot, in which O. Menshikov played the main role. The painting received recognition, and its creators were awarded silver medals named after A. P. Dovzhenko.
