Paul Wade: biography, books

Paul Wade: biography, books
Paul Wade: biography, books

Paul Wade is the author of the famous training system, the foundations of which go back to ancient times. This is how our distant ancestors trained, when there were no specially equipped gyms with various types of equipment. Now many prisoners train in this way, who also do not have the opportunity to go to the gym, and often have only improvised equipment and their own weight. This is what will be discussed in the article.

Paul Wade
Paul Wade

Paul Wade's biography

So, what about the personal life of the author of books about training in prison? There are no details and exact data, it is only known that Paul Wade was already a teenager driving a company with criminal personalities, which led to his first prison sentence at twenty-three years. Here his school of survival began, fortunately on his way Paul met worthy people - masters of physical improvement and survival.

However, Paul Wade himself began the search, becoming interested, as it turned out, in the ancient system of training. Studiedmany people have it, gaining experience and building their own training system. He subsequently conveyed all the experience in several books that he wrote after his release. It is about them that we will talk in the article, as well as the philosophy of developing muscle mass using only your own weight.

prisoner training
prisoner training

Books written by Wade

Now consider what Paul Wade wrote. The books have the following titles:

  • “Training Zone” in two parts.
  • “Calisthenika. Training without iron and simulators. Strength, endurance, flexibility.”

The first book in the series about the development of your body is devoted to the historical aspect. It tells about how athletes of old trained, when there were no gyms and modern ways of pumping up muscle mass. There was only one's own physical strength and some improvised materials, thanks to the use of which a person developed his body naturally, without building up crazy muscles. At the same time, the athlete had real inner strength.

And, of course, this book tells about exercises, how to start exercising, especially if you are a beginner. The system is painted in stages, it is described in detail about each exercise, what load it carries, on which muscles and how to perform it without harm to he alth.

The second part of the book "Training Zone" goes deeper into training the body. Here we talk about more advanced exercises that give a stronger load on the body. But they must be performed only after the previous stages have been completed. Alsothis book covers the issues of nutrition, tells in more detail about the strengthening and development of the joints, neck, spine, as well as muscles in various parts of the body.

Another book by Paul Wade “Calistenica. Training without iron and simulators. Strength, endurance, flexibility. It deals with such a training technique as calisthenics. Showing effective exercises for gaining strength and flexibility of the body. Based on prison conditions and opportunities that can be adapted to the conditions of a free life.

paul wade books
paul wade books

Wade's training philosophy: old school

Now we should talk about the philosophy that Paul Wade describes in his books and methods. For him, it became a way of life due to the circumstances. The development and strengthening of the body and the strength of the spirit in the conditions of survival has led to some realizations and revelations. Encountering teachers along the way who trained in the old school, he learned from them.

Wade came to the conclusion that consistent gymnastics is what will allow you to achieve physical perfection, and less traumatic for the body. It is more adapted to a person (his joints, ligaments and muscles), and also allows you to get real strength and athletic abilities. In the modern world, this has been forgotten, and few people really use such gymnastics. However, there is a place where such techniques have been preserved. The training of prisoners is difficult because they do not have special devices for this. Thus, you have to use improvised materials and try to survive. This is what allows you to dogymnastics by the old methods.

Paul Wade workout program
Paul Wade workout program

Famous historical gymnasts and athletes

The Paul Wade System is an ancient training program that used to give strength to ancient athletes and strongmen. Of course, as such, the system may not have existed or it was compiled by each person for himself personally. Be that as it may, it was this way of training that gave results not so long ago, when there were no special halls for building strength and muscle mass.

Which people inspired Wade to continue working on himself? In prison, he met Joe Hartigen, who was over seventy years old. He has not lost his strength even at this age. Joe was talking about another strong man - the Mighty Atom. He was a famous strongman in the world who lived in St. Louis in the thirties of the last century. He was a truly strong man, even at eighty years of age. He could break the chains with his bare hands, screw a screw into a pine board. Wade conveyed his philosophy and training methods in his book.

The author of the book looked for references to this training method in ancient sources. For example, gymnastic exercises were in the training arsenal of the great Spartans who defeated armies that outnumbered them. Gymnastics was also popular in ancient Rome. It should be noted that bodyweight training was relevant until the first half of the 20th century.

Wade Training Program

What is the peculiarity of the system proposed by Paul Wade? The training program is set tothat it uses natural and rhythmic movements, a small investment of time and full-fledged strength training without special devices. It should immediately be noted that this is not a quick way to achieve what you want. In order for the results to be visible, you need to practice regularly and, rather, all your life.

So, in the first book, Wade suggests working with only six basic exercises, which should be started from the basic level, and for everyone. Each is performed in the rhythm of 2-1-2-1 (for example, push-ups): lower the body for two seconds, hold for one second, raise for two seconds, then hold again for one second. This principle should be used in all exercises.

Repeat as much as you can in perfect execution. At first, ten is enough. Do only two approaches. As a result of the exercises, you will reach the level of the Master (according to the interpretation of the book). In this case, you can diversify the basic exercises with strength tricks.

The second part should be started only after achieving excellent results. A good addition to the previous knowledge will be additional chapters that talk about how to restore damaged muscles and joints to normal.

wade floor system
wade floor system


So, if you want to get real strength, you don't have time to go to the gyms, then turn your attention to the method of "training prisoners". You will not get a quick result, but you will always be in shape and keep your he alth.
