2025 Author: Leah Sherlock | [email protected]. Last modified: 2025-01-24 17:46
Outstanding Russian architect Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin made an impressive contribution to the development of domestic architecture. Its buildings create a unique image of St. Petersburg. And the life of the architect itself is worthy of admiration and surprise, having passed the path from a serf to a courtier, he remained true to himself and his character.

Family and childhood
A. N. Voronikhin was born on October 17, 1759 in the village of Novoye Usolye, Perm province. His father was a serf of Count A. S. Stroganov. In later times, a rumor circulated in St. Petersburg that Andrei was the result of Stroganov's extramarital affair with the serf Martha. But the architect himself never touched on this topic, and all his relatives categorically refute this version. Alexander Stroganov was the president of the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg for a long time, various art crafts were developed on his estate, there were several workshops. In one of them, in the icon painting workshop, little Andrei studied, who very early showed the ability todrawing.
Stroganov was sensitive to the talents of people and early noticed the abilities of a boy in a serf family. So Andrei ended up in the workshop of Gavrila Yushkov in the village of Ilyinsky, at the Tyskor Monastery. In 1777, Stroganov sent the young man to continue his education in Moscow, where Andrei Nikiforovich Voronikhin studied painting. He gets the skills of a miniaturist, then studies perspective painting. But at this time, fate brings him to the largest architects of Moscow - V. I. Bazhenov and M. F. Kazakov. Under their influence, Voronikhin is fond of architecture. Painting remains a hobby for him and an additional opportunity to express his ideas in architecture. In 1778, he took part in the painting of the Trinity-Sergius Lavra in a team with other Moscow masters.

Years of study
In 1779, Count Stroganov transported Voronikhin to St. Petersburg so that he could seriously study architecture. He lives in the count's house, is friends with his son Pavel. The young men together make several trips around Russia, visit Moscow, the south of Russia, Ukraine, inspect the Black Sea coast. The journey took a total of five years. The young men became extremely close to each other, feeling almost like brothers. Their education is handled by a teacher discharged from France on the recommendation of Denis Diderot - Gilbert Romm. Young people receive systematic knowledge in history, natural science, mathematics, and languages. Such education was commonplace in Russia at that time.
In 1786, Count Stroganov givesthe serf Voronikhin was free, and he, almost as an equal, went with Pavel Alexandrovich and Gilbert Romm on a large foreign tour, financed by Count Stroganov. This way of gaining knowledge about the world was also typical of the 18th century. Andrei Voronikhin, whose biography is closely connected with the Stroganov family, together with Pavel visits Germany, Switzerland, and France. There Voronikhin received the broadest knowledge of architecture, he carefully studied the buildings of Europe, in particular, he devoted many hours to the study of the Pantheon in Paris, made many sketches.

Revolutionary youth
The future architect Voronikhin and Count Pavel Stroganov stayed in Paris for a long time, where they studied architecture, mechanics and history. There they found the French Revolution. The teacher of young people, Gilbert Romm, was an active republican and was able to infect Stroganov with his ideas, while Voronikhin was far from revolutionary events, he was more interested in art. He spends a lot of time in libraries, visits museums, is fond of the Empire style and is finally approved in the desire to become an architect. And Pavel and Gilbert actively participate in revolutionary actions. Count A. N. Stroganov urgently demands young people to return to their homeland. Romm remains in Paris, becomes one of the leaders of the revolutionaries, even enters the Convention, works on a new calendar of the Republic. Later, he is guillotined along with other revolutionaries.

First steps in the profession
In 1790 the architect returns to St. Petersburg, and his patron decides that he is ready for serious work, and entrusts him with the restructuring and decoration of his palace, which was badly damaged in a fire. Voronikhin is at the head of the reconstruction. The work covered a huge area, he completes the library, art gallery, dining room, decorates the lobby and the mineral room. The architect changes the former baroque decoration created by Rastrelli to a strict classical style. Stroganov is very pleased with his protégé. Voronikhin, whose buildings are distinguished by solidity and exquisite style, showed himself to be a serious and competent architect. This opened the way for him to the profession.

Becoming a Master
After finishing work in the Stroganov Palace, the architect Voronikhin starts rebuilding the count's dacha on the Black River, then finishing the house in the Gorodnya estate. These large projects allowed the architect to establish his ideas about residential architecture, he acquires practical skills and gradually gains professional strength and confidence.
For the project of colonnades for the imperial residence in Peterhof, Voronikhin receives the title of Academician of Architecture. Earlier, in 1797, he had already received the title of Academician of Perspective Painting for a cycle of urban landscapes, including "View of the Art Gallery in the Stroganov Palace", "View of the Stroganov Dacha", in which he harmoniously combined two of his favorite crafts.
Stroganov's dacha in the New Village, created by Voronikhin, became the final building of the initial period in the work of the architect. This building is already in fullone can see the scale and power of the architect's talent.

Kazan Cathedral
In 1799, a competition was announced in St. Petersburg for the design of the Kazan Church on Nevsky Prospekt. Emperor Paul the First really wanted to see a building in the capital of Russia, similar in grandeur to St. Peter's Cathedral in Rome. Many eminent architects submit their projects for consideration, but the still little-known Andrey Voronikhin wins the competition. Kazan Cathedral was founded in 1801 and took 10 years to build. The project organically continued the Palladian style, which was developed in Russia by Charles Cameron. Voronikhin collaborated with the English architect, and in the future replaced him on imperial orders. The architect achieves the desired similarity with the cathedral in Rome with the help of a semicircular colonnade, which opens onto Nevsky Prospekt. The grandiose building has become one of the most original buildings in Russia. Moreover, the work on its creation was complicated by the lack of space, as well as the lack of funds, which required constant changes in the decoration of the cathedral. The temple was consecrated in 1811, at the same time the author of the project was awarded the Order of St. Anne and the right to receive a pension from the state treasury.

Mining Institute
In 1803, Voronikhin began work on the second most significant project in his life - the building of the Mining Institute. Alexander the First set a grandiose task for the architect - to create a building by which foreigners would judge the greatness of the Russian state. A. N. Voronikhindesigns a building in his favorite Greek style, but does not directly copy ancient architecture, but creates a modern idea of it. A grandiose portico with columns gives the building a special significance and grandeur. The impression is reinforced by two large sculptural groups "Hercules and Antey" and "The Abduction of Proserpina" by Russian sculptors. Russian Empire in this building is embodied in its best features. In addition to the exterior, Voronikhin designs the interior of the institute, attaching great importance to details. The majestic building with Doric columns harmoniously completed the composition of the Vasileostrovskaya embankment and gave the view from the Winter Palace the desired scale. The design of the extended portico is one of the most unusual architectural solutions of its time.
Voronikhin's Petersburg addresses
In parallel with the work on the Kazan Cathedral, the architect Voronikhin is leading several projects in Pavlovsk, where he builds the famous Pink Pavilion, builds several bridges and buildings for various purposes. Voronikhin is the author of the Italian pavilion, several cascades and colonnades in Peterhof. He also fulfills private orders, in particular, he supervises the reconstruction of the house of the Minister of Appanages on Palace Embankment, works on the houses of the Stroganov family, and builds a house church in the Golitsyn mansion. The master took part in the creation of the mint in the Peter and Paul Fortress, designed the fountain on Pulkovo Gora.
In 1803, the architect Voronikhin was involved in the reconstruction of the central building of the palace in Pavlovsk. Maria Feodorovna trusted the architect, hefinished her chambers in the Winter Palace, so she relied on his taste and made him the chief architect of Pavlovsk. Voronikhin completely replans the buildings, creates ornaments for painting the ceilings. Almost simultaneously, the architect is working on remodeling the Sheremetev Palace on the Fontanka. They wanted to create interiors in a fashionable classic style, and Voronikhin helped them with this. He created spacious halls for gathering large numbers of people.
Another significant work of the architect is the Konstantinovsky Palace in Strelna. The building has been badly dilapidated since the time of Peter the Great, and the owner gave the order to keep the exterior, but to modernize the interiors. Voronikhin completely re-planned the interior, designed the interiors in the Empire style and supervised the implementation of the project. However, the fire of 1803 almost completely destroyed the decoration, and the next reconstruction was entrusted to another architect.
Private life
Andrey Voronikhin (1759-1814) lived an interesting life, with a huge workload, he realized himself in family life. Back in 1801, the architect married the daughter of an English pastor, Mary Lond, or Maria Feodorovna in the Russian manner. She was first a governess in the Stroganovs' house, and then a draftsman and worked for 10 years with the master. The bride refused to change her religion, and in order to conclude the marriage, Voronikhin had to collect a lot of papers. After the wedding, the young people settled in their own house. The couple had six sons, but almost all of them did not live long, today there are no direct descendants of Voronikhin left. Architect a lot andworked hard, in his free time he liked to paint, read a lot.
Path completion and memory
The architect died on February 21, 1814. He was buried at the most prestigious cemetery in St. Petersburg, in the Alexander Nevsky Lavra. On his monument, the descendants depicted the silhouette of the Kazan Cathedral - the main building of the architect.
Only a few Voronikhin buildings have survived to this day. But two of his main masterpieces still adorn St. Petersburg. Also preserved are some of his interiors and many projects that give an idea of the power of his talent. Paintings by Voronikhin are kept in the Hermitage and the Russian Museum, as well as in the collection of the Academy of Arts.
Voronikhin's students
Russian Empire found the most complete embodiment in the work of Voronikhin. His students continued the work of the teacher, some in the literal sense. So, Andrei Mikhailov, instead of a mentor, watched the construction of the Kazan Cathedral. In his author's buildings, Mikhailov follows the traditions of Voronikhin. His most successful building is the Church of St. Catherine on Vasilyevsky Island. The simplicity and elegance of the design are in the style of Voronikhin. Another student - Denis Filippov - remained in the history of architecture as the author of the House of the Academy of Sciences on Vasilyevsky Island, which also has typical features of the Voronikhin Empire style. The third significant follower and student of the architect - Pyotr Plavov - is known as the creator of the Obukhov hospital on Zagorodny Prospekt and the stairs of the Board of Trustees. These projects are also designed in the classic style promoted byVoronikhin.
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