Russian melodrama - the best of the best

Russian melodrama - the best of the best
Russian melodrama - the best of the best

Russian melodramas of 2013 pleased us with their abundance and different orientations. This year, the Russian audience is presented with high-quality soulful films about life and love, as well as not very interesting, boring low-budget films. But all films, as always, are similar in one thing - most often these are stories of ordinary Russian women with their tragedies and hardships, dishonorable people on their way and wonderful surprises in sharp turns of fate.

We present to your attention 5 interesting Russian melodramas of 2013 with different plot directions.

Russian melodrama "My dad is a pilot"

Russian melodrama
Russian melodrama

A wonderful kind picture about the bright and touching desire of an ordinary kid to have a father. This problem is familiar to a huge number of children in our country, it is close to our women and their families. The film tells the story of a family consisting of a young beautiful mother from the provinces and her young son, who ended up in a military garrison. A young woman got a job as a waitress in the dining room and serves high military ranks. What unexpected turns fate is preparing for her, how imaginary well-wishers and those who seemed at first glance will show themselvesrepulsive brutes? The film is saturated with light humor, looks in one breath, leaves a warm impression.

Russian melodrama 2013 "My sin"

Russian melodramas about love
Russian melodramas about love

A young woman was abandoned at the most unexpected moment. The family broke up, the beloved husband cheated for a long time with a close friend and, finally, went to her, the best friend died in a car accident, and the state of he alth put an end to the possibility of ever having children.

When life seems to have lost its meaning, the heroine of the film realizes that she must return to the past and correct her grave sin - abandoning her own child. Throughout the picture, she is looking for her son, whose traces are thoroughly confused. On her way, she meets wonderful people who provide support and bring new colors and perspectives into her life. Wonderful actress Natalya Antonova graced the picture with her great performance and attractive image.

Russian melodrama "Give Me Some Warmth"

Russian melodrama
Russian melodrama

The story of a lonely fragile girl who grew up in an orphanage and was alone for many years of her life. Until she met a wonderful, cheerful guy on her way, who painted her lonely existence in bright colors of love. If not for one tragic circumstance - the guy was engaged in criminal activities. A young man ends up in jail when his lover discovers she is expecting a baby. It does not serve as an obstacle for the younglovers, and she is ready to wait for him as long as it takes. However, an absurd accident takes the life of a young man, and the girl is again left alone with a burden of sadness and the prospect of raising a child without a father. In her dreary world of pain and disappointment, the same wounded generous person barely noticeably, unobtrusively and timidly gets. And life makes sense again…

Russian melodrama "The Fourth Passenger"

Russian melodramas about love
Russian melodramas about love

A sweet, kind fairy tale, brilliantly performed by your favorite actors, tells about a provincial teacher (Tatiana Cherkasova), who has been divorced for a long time, raised a good son, sent him to study and, faced with the rudeness and rudeness of modern students, remains without work. The woman is forced to go to the capital, where on the way she meets a stranger (Aleksey Zubkov), who then burst into her life like a stream of fresh air on a sweltering day. These two fell in love, and the film tells a beautiful story of their love, moments of rapprochement and fear of opening the heart after a mature experience of life's disappointments. A great positive film for a family evening.

"Check for love" - a film with the brilliant Natalia Rudova

Russian melodramas of 2013
Russian melodramas of 2013

As always, the famous actress appears before us in the role of a magnificent heartbreaker, destroying someone else's quiet family happiness. On the other hand, the touching gentle heroine performed by Glafira Tarkhanova meekly and patiently fights for the return of her little happy world and the love of her husband (Yuri Baturin). Movieexcellent, the acting is natural and exciting, it is not boring to watch at all. The plot, although standard for Russian melodramas, does not leave anyone indifferent. Perhaps the secret is in your favorite actors.

Melodramas about love - Russian, so real, vital, pleased us this year with their positive and good endings. Let's hope that in 2014 we will be able to see no less high-quality and exciting films of domestic production.
