The series "Private Practice": actors and roles

The series "Private Practice": actors and roles
The series "Private Practice": actors and roles

The American series "Private Practice", which premiered in September 2007, attracted the attention of viewers for a long time. Six seasons of a multi-part film with a touch of melodrama and comedy gathered more than 14 million fans at the screens.

private practice series actors
private practice series actors

About filming

Grey's Anatomy is a television series directed by Shonda Rhimes that has achieved commercial success and reached 22.5 million viewers. During its broadcast, he received several awards, and fans and critics recognized the series as one of the most successful and popular on television. Then the idea of a new project, the so-called spin-off, was born, in which the audience was able to meet their favorite characters and actors again.

The series "Private Practice" is captivating because it shows the lives of those in whose hands human lives are. It is also interesting that the action takes place in a family planning clinic. In addition to thoughtful storylines, the film has other advantages: beautiful views of Los Angeles and talented acting. The filmmakers feared that this project would be compared with"Anatomy", but the worries of all participants were in vain - "Private Practice" became the most popular series about the everyday life of doctors.

Actors and roles

Having singled out a separate project for Dr. Montgomery, the creators did not fail - Kate Walsh did an excellent job with this role. But not without incidents. Actors who starred in "Anatomy" in the series "Private Practice" also appeared in episodic roles. Actress Alexandra Holden, who starred in "Anatomy" as patient Jamie, also plays a patient in the new series, but under a different name - Laura.

The same thing happens with Amanda Foreman and Debra Mooney - actresses who played in both series, but different characters. Sarah Drew, who starred in Grey's Anatomy in an episode, appears in the new project as a regular character. It is not known why this happened - either this was the director's intention, or everything happened due to their oversight, since there was no end to those who wanted to star in the spin-off. Having learned about the castings of the series "Private Practice", the actors went to the auditions with pleasure, since no one had any doubts that the project would turn out to be of high quality and popularity was guaranteed.

private practice series actors and roles
private practice series actors and roles

Keish Walsh

The actress was born in 1967 in San Jose. She graduated from the University of Arizona, while studying she tried herself in the local theater. Keish was a model who taught English to Japanese students. After moving to New York in 1987, she participated in performances as part of the Burn Manhatten troupe. She began her television career in 1996, starring in a cameo role. TV series Homicide while also playing a small role in the movie Normal Life.

Notable was the appearance of Walsh in the series "Crime Scene" and "Thoughts of a Married Man". Then the actress appeared on the screens in the film "Under the Tuscan Sun". But Keish's most notable work was the role of Barbara Watson in the comedy Hit and Scream. Until 2005, she played more than 30 roles, but the actress "Private Practice" and the series "Academy of Passion" lifted to the peak of popularity.

In these series, Keish played a red-haired beauty who moved to Santa Monica. Around her, the plot of the series "Private Practice" develops. This story tells that it is possible to start a new life, despite previous mistakes and disappointments. So Addison Montgomery, played by Keish Walsh, left Seattle Grace Hospital to work at a cozy clinic her friend opened.

private practice actors
private practice actors

Audra McDonald

Audra was born in 1970 in West Berlin. She is a famous singer and actress who has received several prestigious awards. Prior to appearing in the series Private Practice, Audra played in the film Epilogue, the series Law & Order, Kidnapped, Homicide, The Bedford Diaries.

The Gray Academy spin-off she left at the end of the fourth season, playing one of the main roles - the manager of the clinic, and part-time friend of Addison. Naomi Bennet is a reproductive technologist, married to "medical guru" and practice co-owner Sam. Their relationship can hardly be called good, but they are forced to live together for the sake of their daughter.and work side by side for common practice.

private practice actors and roles
private practice actors and roles

Tim Daley

The actor was born in 1956 in New York. Graduated from Bennington College. He began acting in films at the age of ten. Prior to "Private Practice", the actor participated in 20 films and played roles in seven series on an ongoing basis, but they did not have much success. Tim's notable work was the comedy The Diner, nominated for a Golden Globe and an Oscar.

The actor played the role of Dr. Pete in the series "Private Practice". The role of a self-confident and attractive specialist in alternative medicine, Tim played perfectly. Women pay attention to him, and Addison did not escape this “fate”. Pete has been struggling with the death of his wife for eight years. Just like Dr. Montgomery, he will have to start his life from scratch.

Paul Edelstein and Amy Brenneman

The actor was born in Chicago in 1969. A philologist by training, Paul began his acting career as part of the New Crime Productions theater troupe. He made his debut in the movie "Scammers" in 1990. Played about sixty episodic roles. Notable works were films with small roles: "Cupid", "Escape", "Be cool", the series "Ambulance".

private practice series
private practice series

In the series "Private Practice" he played the main role - Dr. Cooper Friedman. He is a wonderful pediatrician, but fails in his personal life. He seeks consolation from his girlfriend, psychiatrist Violet Turner, whose role went to actress Amy Brenneman. Renowned actress and nominee for severalawards "Golden Globe" and "Emmy" was born in 1964 in New London. A Harvard graduate, Amy made her debut in 1992 on Murder, She Wrote. The actress has not only a long track record of leading roles, she also tried herself as a producer and screenwriter.

Private Practice is a drama about love and friendship, intrigue and romance. The viewer is shown a story about people called to save and heal people. Their personal life, hidden in ordinary life from the eyes of patients, is at a glance in the series "Private Practice". The actors performed the roles with soul and sincerity. One-off roles in the film were played by many famous personalities. The directors coped with their task perfectly - the vital and dynamic plot of the series allows you to watch all six seasons of the spin-off in one breath.
