Singing stable steps in major and minor

Singing stable steps in major and minor
Singing stable steps in major and minor

Musical works consist of a huge number of sounds of different height, timbre and duration, which make up the melody and the harmonic vertical. There are also various types of melodic configurations, one of which is the singing of stable steps, which will be discussed later.

Steps fret

girl playing the violin
girl playing the violin

There are modal and tonal systematization of sounds in music.

Probably everyone who has ever tried to sing, even if not professionally, knows that there is a feeling of a lack of a certain note needed to end the song. A similar feeling arises after the sound of an unstable step, without its further resolution into a stable one.

Singing stable steps is done as follows:

  • Seventh - second - first.
  • Second - fourth - third.
  • Fourth - sixth - fifth.

In order to understand how to correctly chant stable steps, you first need to understand such concepts as "mode" and "tonality".

What is fret

Professional pianist
Professional pianist

Frame is a system of stable and unstable sounds and consonances that gravitate in them, giving accurate information about the pitch (interval) distance between all steps of the fret scale.

There are different types of ethnic modes that have developed over time, such as Ionian, Aeolian, Phrygian, Dorian, Lydian, Mixolydian, doubly harmonic, melodic, etc.

Major and minor (mainly harmonic) modes are the most common in classical and modern European music.

The major scale is a sequence of the following intervals:

  • major second;
  • small;
  • three large;
  • small.

Harmonic minor:

  • major second;
  • small;
  • two large;
  • small;
  • minor third;
  • minor second.

Basic scale steps: T - tonic (1st degree), S - subdominant (4th degree), and D - dominant (5th degree).

The remaining steps of the scale are called minor, they include the second, third, sixth and seventh (introductory).

There is also the concept of "derivative" sounds, there are only five of them in an octave - these are steps to which an accidental sign (flat or sharp) is added.

In the tonal musical system there is the concept of "stability" and "instability" of steps.

Sustainable - the first, third and fifth steps of the fret.

Steps - the sounds that make up the harmony. There are only seven of them. In musical notation,in Latin numerals - from I to VII.

There are two systems for designating notes - alphabetic and syllabic. They were formed in the Middle Ages. More famous is the syllabic designation: do-re-mi-fa-sol-la-si, based on the first syllables of the 11th century Catholic chant.


vocal lesson
vocal lesson

Tonality - a fret located at a certain sound height (frequency). All keys, except for C major and parallel A minor, have a certain number (from 1 to 7) sharps or flats, which must be indicated with the key. You can identify which signs the tonality has with the help of a quarto-fifth circle.

There is also the order of the sequence of writing sharps and flats:

  • Sharps: f-c-g-d-a-e-h.
  • Flat: h-e-a-d-g-c-f.

This is the order in which signs are added along the fourth-quint circle. You can consider the major tonalities of the circle of fifths (sharp), moving in ascending order: C major - no signs, in G major, which is a fifth above, there is one F sharp. After another five sounds (fifth) from G major, there is D major, which already has two signs - F and C sharp, etc.


How to make spinning stable steps unstable

Musician clarinetist
Musician clarinetist

All unstable sounds have a certain "color of incompleteness",therefore they need to be resolved into sustainable.

Singing stable steps is a configuration of three notes. This is the alternate playback of two unstable sounds, and then the most stable one, located in the middle.

Singing steady steps in G major:

  • F sharp and A - in G.
  • A and C - B.
  • Do and mi - in re.

If it is necessary to designate stable and unstable sounds in notes, then the first ones are written unfilled, and the second - filled in.

In solfeggio exercises, the technique of singing stable steps is often used, as this greatly contributes to the development of a sense of modal gravity and musical ear in general.
