Stendhal "Parma Monastery": a summary

Stendhal "Parma Monastery": a summary
Stendhal "Parma Monastery": a summary

We will talk about the work written by the outstanding French writer Stendhal. The Parma Monastery is the most famous work of the author. This is the third and last novel written by him. The work was written in an incredible hurry - in just 52 days. Among other things, the "Parma Convent" has made a significant contribution to world literature. Stendhal took an innovative approach to the depiction of battle scenes and the personality of the characters. This article will reflect the summary of the work, its analysis and feedback from readers.

Stendhal parma cloister
Stendhal parma cloister

Stendhal, "Parma Convent": summary. Tie

The main character is the youngest son of the Marquis Dongo, Fabrizio. He spent his childhood in a family castle surrounded by loved ones - he had two sisters and an older brother. By the age of seventeen, Fabrizio had grown into an attractive, slender, tall and smiling young man who was passionately infatuated with Napoleon. Upon learning that his army has landed in Juan Bay, he goes there under a false name to join the ranks of the emperor's soldiers.

The young man manages to take part in the Battle of Waterloo, but Napoleon enduresdefeat. The candy girl advises Fabrizio to return home, and he decides to follow the advice. But on the way back, he learns that his older brother denounced him, and now the police are looking for him as a conspirator.

Mother takes the hero to Milan, hoping for the patronage of the powers that be. But this does not help, and Fabrizio is forced to go into self-imposed exile. Gina, the hero's sister, falls in love with the count, but he is married. Therefore, the girl agrees to a fictitious marriage with the Duke of Sanseverina, which allows her to settle in Parma, as well as be presented to the court. Soon her home becomes incredibly popular in the world.

Palace life and first love

Stendhal portrayed the palace life of his time very well. "Parma Monastery" allows the reader to understand what the relations of the nobility were based on. So, at the royal court there were two warring parties. Their influence depends on the will of the monarch, so one of the leaders of the movements does not notice the cowardice of the ruler, and the second tries to constantly keep him in fear and catches non-existent conspirators.

Stendal parma monastery reviews
Stendal parma monastery reviews

Gina likes her new life, the court fuss amuses her, but the girl is worried about the fate of her brother. Thanks to her requests, Fabrizio is sent to the Naples Theological Academy to study theology. The study lasts three years and ends with the successful passing of exams, after which our hero goes to Parma. Here he moves in with his sister.

One day, Fabrizio accidentally enters the theater and sees the actress Marietta, with whom he falls in love. But she alreadythere is Giletti's patron who is ready to kill the nobleman. They meet outside the city, a fight begins, which ends with the death of Giletti. Now Fabrizio is forced to hide. He flees to Bologna where he meets Marietta.

Conspiracy and a new lover

Shows all the meanness and pettiness of the palace relations of Stendhal ("Parma Convent"). The prince does not like the behavior of Gina, and he decides to humiliate her, and for this he issues a decree on the capture of Fabrizio and the beginning of the trial. If the young man is convicted, then hard labor or death awaits him.

Stendhal parma cloister analysis of the work
Stendhal parma cloister analysis of the work

Finding out about the plot, Gina goes to the palace. The prince expects a humble plea from the woman, but instead hears words of gratitude for having shown her mercy and courtesy over the past 5 years. Now she is ready to leave the capital, since she did not please the monarch. The prince is afraid that Gina, having left, will spread bad rumors about him and at first agrees to pardon Fabrizio. But the next morning he changes his mind and sends out arrest orders.

Soon, Fabrizio finds himself in the Parma fortress. The commandant of the fortress is General Conti. As the young man is led through the prison yard, he accidentally sees his daughter Clelia. Fabrizio is fascinated by the beauty of the girl and can no longer think of anything else but her face.

In front of the tower where Fabrizio is being held, there are birdcages. Clelia comes here every morning to feed the pets. The girl accidentally raises her head and meets the gaze of the prisoner. Clelia is very beautiful, but terribly timid and shy.

Youngpeople start talking secretly using the alphabet. One night, Fabrizio writes a love letter, which he lowers on a rope.


In his novel, Stendhal also describes the search for true love. "Parma Monastery" is a kind of adventure work, where there are dangers, battles and incredible feelings.

So, Clelia decides to save Fabrizio, as the prince has sentenced him to death. Fabrizio and the girl secretly meet, Clelia persuades him to run away. The plan succeeds, and Gina takes the captive to Switzerland.

At this time, Ernest V ascends the throne in Parma, which gives the fugitives the opportunity to return. But the sentence is valid, and the trial will take place. The case is resolved in favor of the hero.

Fabrizio becomes archbishop. Clelia marries at the behest of her father. The lovers meet in secret. Soon the girl gives birth to a child, but after his death, Clelia herself dies. Fabrizio retires in despair to the monastery. A year later, the hero dies of longing.

Stendal parma cloister summary
Stendal parma cloister summary


A high degree of artistic truth was achieved in his work by Stendhal ("Parma Convent"). An analysis of the work indicates that he was especially able to accurately depict historical characters. All this was done in order to show the realities of the depicted time. Even the tragic fate of the protagonist emphasizes the authenticity of the events, as it deprives the novel of a fairy-tale ending – “and they lived happily ever after.”

The main idea of the work is very tragic:the cruel world does not forgive people sincere and real feelings. Anyone who dares them will die.

Stendal, Parma Convent: reviews

The novel is still popular today. The reader generally appreciates it rather highly, but points out a number of shortcomings, among which in the first place is an unexpected and sad denouement. Then it is emphasized that today few people know history so well as to freely navigate the intricacies of the plot, since the author does not analyze and describe historical events in detail.


stendhal parma film
stendhal parma film

In 1947, the novel written by Stendhal was filmed. "Parma Convent" - the film was called that. The director was Christian-Jacques, the picture was shot jointly by Italy and France. The script was kept as close to the original as possible, although the events of the book were greatly reduced. The film received fairly high critical acclaim and is now considered a cinematic classic.
