Why do I need a drawing mannequin?

Why do I need a drawing mannequin?
Why do I need a drawing mannequin?

If you are serious about painting, namely, you are fond of depicting people, then a drawing mannequin should be an indispensable attribute of your art set. This is a small wooden figurine in which all the proportions of the human body are preserved. Moreover, this "chrysalis" completely imitates the plasticity of people, all movements and gestures. Therefore, if you can’t catch the proportions of a person’s body in any way, the features of his body movement, immediately get a drawing mannequin. It will become easier to improve further skills.

drawing mannequin
drawing mannequin

Features of wooden men

Most often such "human miniatures" are made of natural wood. Each detail is precisely machined for a specific part of the human body, all of them are fastened together in those places where the joints bend. As a result, the drawing mannequin can be placed in any position. So you can accurately convey this or that action, create the basis of the picture, and later draw the details, so to speak, work out the picture in all its details.

Why do we need mannequins?

In most casessuch models are used in order to create an accurate and proportional sketch. The drawing mannequin does not have a face with all its parts and any features, it does not have clothes, accessories or any other additions.

girl mannequins for drawing
girl mannequins for drawing

It is also worth noting that such figures are "asexual", that is, it will not be possible to depict a female bust with their help. If you need to accurately convey a certain movement of the female body, then for such cases there are girl dummies for drawing. Their structure is more complex than ordinary wooden models, but they also lack facial features and other additions. "Doll" strictly repeats only the silhouette of a woman, imitates her movements and possible poses.

Change movable to immobile

Such an art toy is also useful in that it is an excellent alternative to living nature. A person who poses for one artist or a whole group of masters will move anyway. His arm or leg may move slightly, which will violate the proportions that were previously applied to the paper, the head will change its position several times during the entire session. Installing the mannequin in the position you need is as easy as shelling pears, and you can do it at any time. The only thing to remember is that the distance should be minimal. Otherwise, your drawing will be too small.

mannequin for drawing
mannequin for drawing

How to fix such a toy?

Sometimes it happens that the mannequin for drawing does not always hold the right pose. Maybe,those brackets with which his joints are fastened are poorly fixed, or the toy is simply not designed to take the position you need. In order to secure the doll, use ordinary rubber bands for money. Try to visually remove them, do not pay attention during redrawing. And with their help, you will achieve more variety and will be able to expand your artistic experience in depicting human figures.

Given that mannequins for depicting people are made of wood, they can be painted to your taste with acrylic or any other paints, as well as dressed and decorated with accessories.
