"Wet asph alt" - the color of discreet luxury

"Wet asph alt" - the color of discreet luxury
"Wet asph alt" - the color of discreet luxury

"Wet asph alt" is one of the shades of gray. And not a banal light or boring mouse, but an intriguing dark tone. No wonder he has so many fans. "Wet Asph alt" is a color that has long been recognized by leading fashion designers and stylists working on the creation of business clothes. Let's find out exactly what shade is usually meant by it, and also what is the secret of its popularity among people of different ages.

"Wet asph alt" - what color is this?

We all know what the color of an asph alt road looks like after rain. Dark gray, almost black, it is both strict and elegant, simple and rich. In beauty and refinement, it approaches anthracite. Not as gloomy as black, and much more interesting than classic gray. Therefore, more and more fashion designers, designers and makeup artists are choosing "wet asph alt". The color is becoming popular both in fashion collections and in the interior.

wet asph alt color
wet asph alt color

Decorative cosmetics of this shade are also very popular. Shadows, varnishes and even hair dye imitating the color of “wet asph alt” are in fashion. Photos of such cosmetic novelties can be found in abundance on the pages of glossy magazines. This shade will make the image more sophisticated and elegant. Especially if you know whatcombine.

color wet asph alt photo
color wet asph alt photo

What does it pair with?

So, what tones are best combined with "wet asph alt"? The color becomes very expressive in combination with pure cold shades. Combinations of gray with blue, mint, pale purple, light pink are suitable for a casual or business look.

color wet asph alt photo
color wet asph alt photo

Given that this shade refers to a purely business style, it is not entirely appropriate to use bright elements. In addition, it is not recommended to make drawings or decorate nails with decorative stones. This will spoil the image of a business woman. It is worth remembering that "wet asph alt" is a strict color, so it is better not to make bold experiments.
