Canadian writer Douglas Copeland: biography

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Canadian writer Douglas Copeland: biography
Canadian writer Douglas Copeland: biography

Video: Canadian writer Douglas Copeland: biography

Video: Canadian writer Douglas Copeland: biography
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Novels, short stories, non-fiction - you won't be indifferent to the works of 20th and 21st century Canadian writer Douglas Copeland.

douglas copeland
douglas copeland


This person was born on December 31, 1961. His father, Douglas Charles Thomas, being a doctor, served at a military base, where the future writer was born near Baden-Baden, a German resort famous for its thermal springs. His mother, Janet Copeland, was a housewife and devoted all her free time to her four sons. Douglas Copeland was the second child. Thus, the future writer grew up in a large family.

douglas copeland biography
douglas copeland biography

Without the support of his relatives, it would be difficult for him to achieve success. Douglas Copeland himself says this. Photos from his childhood are direct proof of this.

Education and awards

Four years after the birth of their son, the family comes to their native land on the west coast of Canada. Here, the future Canadian writer Douglas Copeland begins to take a deep interest in design art. Further, he does not stop there and goes to studyin Sapporo and Milan. His work is rewarded, and soon, working in his profession, he receives two awards in the industrial design industry.


In 1986, Douglas Copeland comes to Vancouver, where he publishes his articles in printed editions. The themes of his work often became youth and popular culture. So there is a well-known name - "Generation X". In one of the publications, the writer uses this term to define his peers. Almost immediately after the article was published, he receives an order for a non-fiction book that should consecrate all the intricacies of his generation, but Copeland writes the novel that made him famous in March 1991 - "Generation X"

douglas copeland bibliography
douglas copeland bibliography

Who is Douglas Copeland? The biography of this person is not full of passionate duels or sharp events. With the help of his painstaking work, he becomes famous and after the first book continues to conquer his audience with novels and non-fiction. In 1994, he gets a job at Wired and writes about Microsoft employees. Fascinated and immersed in this world, he comes to California, and soon, simultaneously with the release of a new version of the system, his new masterpiece "Microsoft Slaves" is released. Douglas Copeland is a writer who became interested in the world of electronic technology and soon released several books on this topic.

One of Canada's outstanding personalities on merit is Douglas Copeland. His bibliography is rich, and the subtle handwriting of the writer can be traced in all his works. A special perception of the world, which he conveys through eachline, makes you feel and does not leave anyone indifferent.

Generation X: Tales for Accelerated Time

We present to your attention the novel, the idea of which the author presented in a surprisingly new form! Three people suddenly decide to give up a beautiful life and go into the desert to find and understand themselves. They work for pennies, inspired by the idea to get rid of the yoke of advertising, traditions and statutes. Be that as it may, the environment absolutely does not accept them and even treats them with disgust. Strange people are trying to bring family harmony to life, dressing and eating absolutely ridiculous.

douglas copeland writer
douglas copeland writer

The heroes of the book destroy stereotypes and ridicule the craving for falsehood in all its manifestations. They understand that three is too little to change the world. The characters find a way out for themselves in another reality, they come up with various games and fairy tales just to avoid getting bogged down in this environment. "Generation X" is the kind of novel where everything is complicated and simple at the same time.

Shampoo Planet

In this novel, Douglas Copeland brings to life one year of a young American citizen, a difficult year that turns everything upside down, makes you think about truth and lies, about truth and fantasy. This is a novel in which reason borders on illusion. Everything is opposite and relative: ice and fire, love and hate, beginning and end.

Microsoft Slaves

This is a novel that sparked the author's attachment to new technologies and became the starting point for several books on the subject. Allbegins with observations of the employees of the largest company who live by programs and system codes. The Microsoft organization, owned by Bill Gates, supplies almost every modern office with its software in every corner of the planet.

douglas copeland photo
douglas copeland photo

The company has a feudal structure. The main characters of the book are simple, decent people who gradually begin to notice that work takes more and more time and becomes ubiquitous. Everything revolves around the corporation. Breakfast, wake up time, personal life - everything began to depend on the changing regimes of the company. Soon one of the heroes, having secured support, decides to leave and start his own business. Dropping everything, he dreams of creating something unique and changing his life for the better.

Miss Wyoming

The girl Susan was a young "queen". Further, her life smoothly flows into the television series. And then emptiness and fall. Susan was the only survivor of the plane crash. The thought of staying with people who once sat on the same board haunts her, and the girl decides to impersonate the deceased. But not everything is so simple. An idea that seemed brilliant to her turns out to be the worst decision in her life. The real problems and troubles are just beginning.

Hey Nostradamus

This is a novel about a guy and a girl living in a Canadian city. Diligent, well-mannered heroes, students in a religious school, fall in love with each other. Nothing can stand in the way of the young. After forging documents, they secretly get married in Las Vegas!

Canadian writer Douglas Copeland
Canadian writer Douglas Copeland

Soon the main character understands that she will become a mother and wants to share this wonderful news with her beloved husband. Cheryl makes an appointment at the school cafeteria. Several armed guys entered the room and opened fire. This story left a big mark in the hearts of the inhabitants of a small town.


J-Pod is a computer game design department where there are losers, the so-called whipping boys. Are you in a bad mood? There are game designers! As it always happens, one day one of the losers decides to change his life! What's next?

Gum Thieves

A novel about the writer Roger and the girl Bethany. They seem to be mired in a pen and pencil store. One of the entertainments is to mock each other, in between dreaming about the end of the world. But all opposites attract and they become friends!

Thanks to the unique manner of presenting topical issues, the writer receives such a grateful and loving public. There are many good writers in the world, but only a few are outstanding, and Douglas Copeland is one of them.
