Popov Anatoly. Creativity of the artist

Popov Anatoly. Creativity of the artist
Popov Anatoly. Creativity of the artist

Anatoly Popov is a teacher, artist, historian. In addition, he is also a poet, musician, traveler and seeker of materials for his works. The name of the Russian artist is known not only in his native country, but also abroad. His work can be seen in Norway, Poland, Bulgaria, USA, Mongolia and Israel, Cuba and the United Arab Emirates.

priests anatoliy
priests anatoliy

About the artist

Popov Anatoly Vasilievich was born in the village of Podgorny in the Voronezh region on 1950-29-06. After graduating from the Podgorensk school, he continued his studies at the cultural and educational school in Belgorod, which he graduated in 1968. Then he entered the Moscow University of Culture, in 1979 he received a diploma as an artist-decorator. Popov Anatoly also graduated from the Academy of Civil Service.

After serving in the Navy, he came to work at a school as a teacher of drawing and painting. Then he worked as a graphic designer. Not only paints and brushes are subject to him - Anatoly Vasilyevich was the first deputy head of the district in the city of Rylsk and the deputy governor.

At one time created the firstRussian public reception of a new type, became its leader. Member of the Regional Duma, member of UNESCO, he was the director of the Department of Culture and the Monument-Architecture enterprise.

anatoliy popov artist
anatoliy popov artist

Introducing Popov's work

The work history of this man is amazing. But, being a creative person, Anatoly Popov talks about everything in his paintings. There are no fictional, abstract forms. His paintings are native nature, cities and faces. Simple lines and pure colors are read in his works. In a word, the sincerity of an artist who puts poetry, kindness, love for people and the world around him into his paintings.

Anatoly Vasilyevich is an outstanding painter, a tireless traveler, he is looking for plots, themes, motives for his works. And, wherever he has been, new landscapes are born, telling about this or that region. The sense of beauty, embedded in him since childhood, helps to see the world with different eyes. Anatoly Popov is the grandson of the itinerant painter A. P. Popov.

Popov Anatoly Vasilievich
Popov Anatoly Vasilievich

Russian landscapes

Popov's works embody life experience and knowledge of native nature - rural areas, fields, rivers, forests, churches, city streets. With all its simplicity, the painter's landscapes warm the soul. Performed with virtuoso skill, they invite you to enjoy the contemplation of nature.

The artist's miniatures are a kind of picturesque pearls. Despite the small size of the works, they are also characterized by completeness and integrity. The composition of miniatures focuses on the details -morning sunrise, moonlit night, evening sunset, storm clouds. They open the world of the artist's images, his feelings and mood.

Most of the work is occupied by paintings associated with his small homeland - the village of Podgorny. Popov captures not only the beauty of his native places, but also shows the daily life of his fellow villagers, the history of his region.

But, wherever Anatoly Popov has been, whoever he meets, all this is reflected in his paintings - Baikal, Angara, Siberia, Yakutia. His works clearly reflect such concepts as the Fatherland, Motherland, power, Russia and the people who glorified it. On his canvases are the shrines of Russia, defenders of the Fatherland, Russian generals.

Popov Anatoly Vasilievich artist Odintsovo
Popov Anatoly Vasilievich artist Odintsovo

Historical painting

Many things in his works are symbolic. So, according to the artist, the painting "Cranes" is dedicated to birds. But in fact, it refers to the song of Bernes and reflects the fate of the Russian warrior. The works dedicated to the events of the war include the painting “Thunderous Summer”, which symbolizes the memorable harsh summer of the forty-first.

Among the works that tell about wartime is a picture of mothers who did not wait for their sons from the war; picture-dedication to veterans; a picture telling about the defeat of the fascist invaders near Moscow. The artist's collection contains more than ten paintings reflecting the history of the war.

As a true patriot, he did not pass by the historical fact. When Napoleon moved with his army to Russia, he came to the Neman. Suddenly, under the hooves of his horse, a hare slipped, which made the horsebucked and threw Bonaparte to the ground. So Anatoly Popov - an artist and poet - creatively approached the defeat of the French army, and portrayed the defeated Napoleon. In addition, this is the only painting in the world that depicts a falling Bonaparte.

The history of Russia is told on canvases depicting Alexander Suvorov, Mikhail Kutuzov, Alexander Nevsky. The artist pays special attention to the spiritual life of his country. He proudly recalls his friendship with Father Ippolit from the St. Nicholas Monastery. He dedicated the painting "The Elder" to him. The monastery of Seraphim of Sarov is depicted by two paintings by the artist: “The Holy Spring” and “The Confluence of the Khoper and Savala Rivers.”

popov anatoliy vasilievich exhibitions
popov anatoliy vasilievich exhibitions

The thread of fate

The artist presents his paintings at collective exhibitions in Russia. He is the initiator of the Fate's Connecting Thread project, which is dedicated to the Wanderers. Among the paintings presented in the exposition are landscapes and urban sketches, paintings on military-historical themes.

But unlike at first glance, the canvases are united by one thing - love for Russia. Hence the name of the project "Binding Thread", since it united the past and the present, Anatoly Popov explains. Exhibitions of paintings within the framework of this project were held in many cities of Russia.

The artist presents his works not only at personal exhibitions, but also holds creative meetings in schools and lyceums. Such meetings are becoming a tradition in Odintsovo. Anatoly Vasilyevich, an excellent storyteller and guide, introduces visitors tothe history of their paintings. The young participants of the meetings listen with bated breath to the talented and experienced master.

“Such meetings are necessary for modern youth to instill in them a sense of patriotism, respect for the great history of their country and a grateful attitude to the memory of their ancestors and their native land,” Popov is sure. In Odintsovo, solo exhibitions are held at the Museum of Local History.

After the opening of the exhibition, on Sundays, the artist holds open lessons in painting and drawing. Shares the basics of working with oil paints, teaches how to make the first strokes on canvas Popov Anatoly Vasilyevich (artist). Odintsovo marked the beginning of such lessons. Most importantly, there is a place where the townspeople can have fun. Everyone is invited to the classes.

priests anatoliy
priests anatoliy

Gallery them. A. V. Popova

Within the framework of the new project “An Art Gallery for Every City of Russia”, Anatoly Vasilyevich donated seven of his paintings to the Novokhopersky Museum of Local Lore. On his next visit, timed to coincide with the 70th anniversary of the Victory, Popov brought twenty-three more works as a gift to the museum.

At the presentation of the gallery, in 2016, twenty-seven works of the artist were presented. And a year later Anatoly Popov donated eighteen more paintings to the museum. Thus, the museum became the owner of a unique collection of works by a famous artist and countryman. The city administration proposed to name the art gallery after A. V. Popov.

Patriotism and love for the motherland did not go unnoticed at the highest level. For contribution to the cultural heritage of Russiaartist Popov was awarded numerous certificates and diplomas, orders and medals.
