How to draw a family coat of arms: a description of the elements of the coat of arms and their meaning

How to draw a family coat of arms: a description of the elements of the coat of arms and their meaning
How to draw a family coat of arms: a description of the elements of the coat of arms and their meaning

Among the most important relics passed down in the family from generation to generation, a special place is occupied by the coat of arms. Like the family tree, the coat of arms is a kind of emblem that reflects the interests of the family, values and occupation.

What is the family coat of arms for?

The younger generation encounters this concept when they hear it at school. Most often, children ask their parents how to draw a family coat of arms. Here it is important to correctly describe to the descendants the meaning and symbolism of this relic. The combination of heraldic figures and symbols, reflecting the features and values of the family, is the coat of arms.

draw the coat of arms of the family for school grade 5
draw the coat of arms of the family for school grade 5

It is rather difficult for schoolchildren to draw a coat of arms of a family in the 3rd grade, and often parents take on this task, although the skills and imagination of the child, not adults, should be evaluated. Therefore, tasks of this nature began to be given to older children. So, now fifth-graders receive the task to draw a coat of arms for the school much more often than younger students. This decision can also be explained by the fact that older children feel stronger responsibility for completing the task in order to appearmore independent, do not want to once again ask their parents for help.

In order to understand how to draw a family coat of arms, where to start, you need to initially develop a diagram and present its appearance. You can divide the coat of arms into blocks according to the number of family members, dedicate each to an individual. The cells can show a favorite color, hobby, occupation, any personal characteristics of relatives.

Shape of coat of arms

Traditionally, the coat of arms consists of a shield (if that form was chosen), a helmet, a crest and sometimes a motto. It is the shield that is considered the most popular form of the family emblem, but besides it, there are also diamond-shaped, round, square, oval and other coats of arms. However, only a shield can provide enough free space to display all the desired symbols.

how to draw a coat of arms of the family grade 5
how to draw a coat of arms of the family grade 5

Above the coat of arms there is also a helmet and crest. The golden helmet testifies to the noble past of this family, while the silver one will suit everyone else. Horns, feathers, flags or monograms of various shapes can act as a crest. Many people add the so-called shield holders to the shield - these are the branches of plants, animals or people depicted on the sides of the coat of arms.

Color of coat of arms

Advises how to draw the coat of arms of the family correctly, and coloring. After all, the color content in the coat of arms plays no less a role than the symbolism, namely:

  • yellow color in the coat of arms will mean nobility, independence and generosity;
  • the coat of arms in white stands for purity and innocence;
  • red will speak of courage andstrength;
  • blue will mean faith and truthfulness;
  • green - hope, youth and joy;
  • black - humility, modesty and intelligence;
  • purple - prudence and dignity.

Shapes of coat of arms

The symbols and figures of the coat of arms are no less important than the color. In order to draw the coat of arms of the family for the school, the fifth grader must know well the meaning of each of them.

draw family coat of arms for school 5
draw family coat of arms for school 5

It is worth taking a closer look at the meaning of the most popular figures:

  • elephant is a symbol of fidelity;
  • raven represents wisdom;
  • eagle denotes power and strength;
  • rooster - fighting qualities;
  • fish - vigilance or belonging to Christianity;
  • dolphin - strength and fidelity;
  • snake - wisdom;
  • unicorn - innocence.
  • lion symbolizes strength and generosity;
  • dog - devotion;
  • bees - industriousness.

In addition to animals, emblems often depict other figures, such as weapons. So, the sword has long meant the desire for power and justice, the bow and arrow - the readiness to defend, the spear - piety.

Plants also have their meanings. The oak symbolizes strength and resilience, the palm branch symbolizes victory.

Symbols in the coat of arms

The area of the shield is filled with various symbols that will be of great importance for the compiler of the coat of arms and for the family as a whole. It is important to choose exactly those characters that demonstrated what this family is known for or what this particular family can be proud of.

how to draw a family coat of arms
how to draw a family coat of arms

You can depict the achievements or goals of the family. It is necessary to take into account the characteristics, interests and goals of each of the relatives, something that would unite and bind everyone. Therefore, in order to know how to draw a family coat of arms, you will have to conduct a whole study, find out all the necessary information from your relatives.

Most often, the coats of arms do not depict any negative characteristics and features, on the contrary, you need to focus on the positive aspects, it is on them that the main emphasis should be placed.

Heraldists advise putting symbols of a profession on the family coat of arms if there is one that most of the family is engaged in. These professions include teachers or the military. In addition, you can put your favorite hobby or family pastime on the coat of arms. Fishing, sports, traveling or reading are great for this. A special role can be assigned to the moral principles characteristic of the family (kindness, care, love).

Family motto in coat of arms

Any historian will say that to know how to draw a family coat of arms for a school in grade 5, you need to think about the motto. A ribbon or pedestal is drawn right above the shield - this is the place for the family motto. They can serve something authentic, something that only family members will understand, or a well-known aphorism, quote or catch phrase.

There are many variants of catchphrases. Great for a family coat of arms, a motto such as "Valour and strength" or "Everyone is majestic in his work" is suitable.

draw family coat of arms for school 5
draw family coat of arms for school 5

In conclusion, it is worthnote that making a family coat of arms is an activity that will be useful to all relatives. In the process of creating family symbols, close people not only show joint creativity, but remember history, get closer and tell the younger ones interesting things about their family. This activity will be useful for both kids and adults.
