Georgy Dronov: biography, filmography, best roles and photos

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Georgy Dronov: biography, filmography, best roles and photos
Georgy Dronov: biography, filmography, best roles and photos

Video: Georgy Dronov: biography, filmography, best roles and photos

Video: Georgy Dronov: biography, filmography, best roles and photos
Video: 7th grade first year ever running track 2024, June

Dronov Georgy Alexandrovich is a popular theater and film actor, who is loved by the audience for the role of the good-natured Kostya from the Voronin series.

Georgy Dronov
Georgy Dronov

Georgy Dronov - biography and path to the cinema

The actor was born in Moscow in an ordinary family, in no way connected with the world of art. This joyful event took place on April 7, 1971. In the family of Georgy Dronov, they always called Yegor, and this name has since been used by the closest people. The actor asks everyone else to call himself George.

He grew up the most ordinary child. Strongly did not hooligan, obeyed his parents. Egor's father, connected with the exact sciences, really wanted his son to enter the Bauman Moscow State Technical University. But since the son did not have any pronounced inclinations for any subject, his parents suggested that he enter the Institute of Culture with a degree in Directing theatrical performances. There was the smallest competition, which gave a chance for success. Most importantly, studying at the institute gave liberation from the army. As a student, Yegor met the owner of an amateur theater and realized that he wanted to participate in productions.

For the first time he appeared on stage at the age of 19 in the play "Notes of a Madman". I was terribly afraid, I was ready to run away. Butthis day ended with the victory of Georgy Dronov. He coped with his role so well that even his parents did not recognize him in makeup.

After graduating from the Institute of Culture, he entered the Shchepkin School, wanting to be educated as a professional theater actor. Since 1998 he has worked in three theaters. Now he is an actor in the Independent Theater Project.

Dronov Georgy Alexandrovich
Dronov Georgy Alexandrovich

First movie roles

Immediately after graduating from the institute, Georgy Dronov began to try himself in the cinema. At first, these were episodic roles, but in the highest-grossing films at that time. His first role was the image of a newspaperman in the film "Good weather on Deribasovskaya, or It's raining again on Brighton Beach." Then there were roles in such popular films as Burnt by the Sun and Moscow Holidays. But the most important success was participation in the sensational "The Barber of Siberia", where he played the cadet Nazarov in the company of Oleg Menshikov and Marat Basharov.

After participating in such a large-scale project, Egor waited six months for invitations to new roles, but then he realized that he should not dream, but work. And he agreed to shoot in the new series "Sasha + Masha". He brought the actor a long-awaited success.

Voronin series

The successful STS project - the series "Voronins" - in February 2014 had an anniversary - 5 years. As part of a television project, this is a lot. The American version of this family sitcom had only 10 seasons, but our Russian audience liked it so much that it is now in its 13th season. Unfortunately, he is allit will be the last one. The producers of the series have already stated that they intend to put an end to it.

One of the colorful roles is played by Georgy Dronov, whose biography carefully preserved this fact of his life. After the success of the sitcom "Sasha + Masha", he had many more film roles, he gained experience as a director in the series "Happy Together". But "Voronins" is another work in a large project, which once again reminded the audience of Dronov.

Actor about himself

By the roles that he gets, you can not determine how old Georgy Dronov really is. In the series "Voronins" he plays a young father and head of the family. Many will be surprised, but he is already 43 years old. Does the actor feel that he has crossed the line separating mature years from youth? Georgy Dronov says with humor that he will feel like a boy until old age.

When asked about his biggest hobbies, Yegor replies that it is laziness and travel. He loves to visit new countries because of the change of scenery that he, as an actor, needs. He begins to rest already on the plane. In dreams - to see the Grand Canyon, to visit Peru and the Amazon. Dronov loves to live, to feel every moment, therefore he has a sharp negative attitude towards virtual communication. With friends, he prefers to see in the real world, most of all appreciates friendly gatherings in the kitchen.

Georgy Dronov biography
Georgy Dronov biography

Work in the theater

Despite the fact that Georgy Dronov is a successful and sought-after film actor, he does not plan to leave his work in the theater. For him, these are completely different things,there is no point in comparing. In cinema, the work of an actor captured on film will always be the same. In the theater in the same performance - its own nuances. There is always an element of improvisation and close contact between the actor and the audience.

The personal life of an actor. Georgy Dronov and his wife

An example of other public figures whose family life collapsed if it was put on public display forced the actor to keep his current chosen one a secret. Georgy Dronov (a photo with his wife is simply impossible to find!) Carefully protects his new life partner, and they still have not appeared in public together. Appearance, biography, career - nothing is known about this. The only information Dronov gave to journalists was the name of his wife. Her name is very poetic - Lada.

Georgy Dronov has already experienced the burden of parting. For five years he lived in a civil marriage with the TVC channel host Tatyana Miroshnikova. They broke up due to the fact that she devoted all her time to work. George understood that building a career is a very important moment for his companion. But he, like any man, wanted his cozy family corner, warmth. They parted without scandals, but both prefer not to discuss this topic.

Georgy Dronov and his wife
Georgy Dronov and his wife

Then, Lada appeared in the life of George, who on March 28, 2011 gave birth to 40-year-old Dronov's daughter Alice. Many viewers consider the actor an exemplary man thanks to the characters he plays. But he also does a lot in life for the family - he loves to cook, although it rarely happens with such a busy schedule. It is not difficult for Georgy to go to the grocery store. But his most important and favorite pastime is to replace his wife and babysit Alice. They take long walks and play outdoors. Feeding a daughter or getting up to her at night is absolutely normal and natural for a young dad, and he does not see a feat in this.

Georgy Dronov photo with his wife
Georgy Dronov photo with his wife

Now Georgy Dronov is happy next to his beloved wife and daughter, he does not want to let anyone into this world.
