How to draw a turkey with a pencil?

How to draw a turkey with a pencil?
How to draw a turkey with a pencil?

Turkeys are large birds native to America. The turkey was first domesticated in Mexico around 800 BC. e., and since then it has been grown for its meat and feathers. In 1519, this bird was brought to Spain, and a few years later, turkeys spread throughout Europe. Domesticated turkeys are now found all over the world, but smaller wild birds can still be seen in their native habitat. If you decide to draw this unusual bird and don't know where to start, then use the step-by-step instructions given in the article.


All you need to draw a turkey is a pencil, eraser and paper. You can also take multi-colored pencils or paints to color the picture. You may also need images with a step-by-step drawing of a turkey.

Step by step drawing of a turkey
Step by step drawing of a turkey

Easy way to draw a turkey with a pencil

You can draw a turkeydifferent ways, but you should start with the simplest ones. Here's how easy it is to draw a turkey step by step:

  1. Start by drawing a small circle and a large oval. The circle will form the head of the turkey and the oval will form the wing.
  2. Connect the head and wing using two curved lines. This will give you the neck and body of a turkey.
  3. Add feathers. To do this, draw some wavy lines across the wing.
  4. Draw the beak using curved lines that form a rounded triangle. Add a small circle to represent the eye, and inside it another smaller circle. Shade the smaller circle.
  5. Erase extra lines from the beak and wing.
  6. Draw a fleshy growth around the beak of the turkey, depicting an irregularly shaped figure with a jagged line. Then draw the paws by drawing two curved parallel lines from the body. Then use a series of curved U-shaped lines to represent the fingers.
  7. Erase extra lines from the paws.
  8. Draw a fan-shaped turkey tail. It is a long line of small arches connected to each other.
  9. Add details to the tail. Draw a straight line from the base of the tail to each of the bottom points along the wavy line, outlining individual feathers.
  10. Color your turkey. They are usually brown, but can be grey, orange, and even blue or green. Some turkeys are completely white.
  11. Image of a turkey
    Image of a turkey

Funny turkey

To portray a cute and funny turkey, firstdraw an inverted U. This will be the head of the bird. Under the head, draw a semicircle that will become the body of your turkey.

You should have a beautiful pear-shaped figure. The next step is to draw the eyes in the form of circles and a beak with an outgrowth, which are shaped like drops of different sizes.

Stages of drawing a turkey
Stages of drawing a turkey

On the body, add two half circles to depict folded wings.

Next, to draw a turkey, depict magnificent tail feathers. Start by drawing two curved lines on the left and right. Connect their ends with several arches. Lower the lines from the bottom points to the body of the turkey. Next, draw another arch under the existing ones to add some detail to the tail feathers. Then add another row of arches.

At the end, draw the legs of the bird and color the finished drawing.
