Indian series "Colors of Passion": actors and roles

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Indian series "Colors of Passion": actors and roles
Indian series "Colors of Passion": actors and roles

Video: Indian series "Colors of Passion": actors and roles

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Knowing the productivity of Bollywood, we can assume that fans of Indian cinema have long been fed up with plots, actors, and stories. However, there are several masterpieces to which it is simply impossible to remain indifferent. One such project is "Colors of Passion", a series with actors of incredible charisma and talent.

Series plot

The action begins in the small border village of Birpur, ruled by King Tejavat. Every year, as a show of concern for the girls of the village, the ruler gives one chosen in marriage to a lucky man from the border Jaipur. One of the brides becomes Parvati. However, the girl's happiness is shattered by the harsh reality: the wedding is fake and serves as a cover for arms smuggling, and the girls are sold into slavery after the wedding.

colors of passion series actors
colors of passion series actors

This is exactly what the main character Rudra, Major BSD, is doing. After an unsuccessful skirmish at the border after the wedding, Rudra takes Paro as the only witness to what happened, but the girl flatly refuses to believe in the guilt of her king and does not want to testify. Tejavat, in turn, seekseliminate the witness as soon as possible, so Rudra finds Paro hiding in his uncle's house.

The unique atmosphere of the series

On the path to happiness, the heroes will experience the hatred and intrigues of the Rudra family, the betrayal of Parvati's only relative, a fictitious wedding, the appearance of a rival, skirmishes with Tejavat and the revenge of Rudra's old enemy. In this series, there is both romance and rather cruel scenes of violence, when you just want to turn away from the screen. However, there are touching scenes of pure love and crazy deeds for her sake. There is a certain naivety and purity here, which is not found in any Hollywood film, and this makes you look at the world kinder and more mercifully…

colors of passion series actors
colors of passion series actors

Leaving aside the many parallel storylines, twists and turns and dramatic moments, the main characters eventually find happiness and peace. The rest of the details will be revealed only to a curious viewer and a true connoisseur of Indian cinema!

Ashish Sharma (Major Rudra)

It's amazing what a stunning success the actors of the series "Colors of Passion", an Indian series in the best traditions, have achieved. Ashish's worldwide fame began with this role. The actor was born on August 30, 1984 in the ancient Indian city of Jaipur, at the moment he is 33 years old. He has a brother who works as a programmer, and his mother is an ordinary housewife. Despite the lack of artistic roots, Ashish showed love and, most importantly, the ability to arts from childhood.

actors of the series colors of passion photo
actors of the series colors of passion photo

After graduating from a prestigious school, he enters the speci alty "Model Designer" and finishes his bachelor's degree with brilliance. It was then that Ashish came up with the idea to try his hand at acting. Who would have thought then that "Colors of Passion", a series of actors from the very top of Bollywood, will come out with Sharma in the title role! At first, the actor went to the school of the famous Indian actor Apupam Kher in Mumbai. After - several small roles in short films, after which the teacher recommended him for a role in the film "Love, Sex and Deception." Bollywood immediately noticed the young talent, and the actor began to receive many tempting offers. To date, Ashish is married, he has 4 films and 7 rather voluminous series on his account, where he played his role simply brilliantly.

Sanaya Irani (Parvati)

colors of passion series actors
colors of passion series actors

The girl was born in Mumbai on September 17, 1983, she is now 34, but she looks objectively 10 years younger. After graduating from university, she began her modeling career, and with the full support of her mother. Then Sanaya starred in commercials and videos, without thinking seriously about the career of an actress. In 2006, the girl was invited to star in the film "Blind Love", after which Bollywood noticed her. Then the hour of "Passion Flowers", an Indian series of actors and roles of phenomenal talent, struck. Her heroine Parvati fell in love with viewers all over the world for her sincerity, courage and kindness. Perhaps, today this is the best role of the actress. By the way, in thisSanaya played two roles in the project, but only watching the series will reveal all the secrets.

After "Flowers of Passion", a series whose actors became famous all over the world, Sanaya has already starred in 6 series, and her popularity is still growing. In second place in popularity is the series "What do you call this love?", Where the actress also starred. Now she is actively working on Indian television and continues to act in serials.

"Colors of Passion" and Hinduism

It is worth noting the special emphasis of the creators of the series on religion. The connection becomes clear as soon as you get to know the characters. Hindu fans know that Rudra is one of the manifestations of the god Shiva, whose wife was called Parvati. Fans of the series also know about the explosive nature of the protagonist, which also personifies the essence of Rudra. Parvati is very religious and in difficult moments tends to the temple - to ask for help from the god Shiva. It is noteworthy that it is after this that the plot unfolds favorably for her. And after a broken oath, on the contrary, something irreparable happens. An interesting and unusual idea for the TV series industry as a whole.

Success of the series

colors of passion series actors and roles
colors of passion series actors and roles

The plot of "Flowers of Passion", the actors and the roles of the series were thought out long before the start of filming. The producers were initially completely confident in the success of the project - and they were not mistaken. Filming was undertaken by Tequila Shots Productions, and the crew had to endure working in the arid area of Jaisalmer. The series debuted on ColorsTV on December 30, 2013year, where he immediately soared to the first lines of the ratings. The actors of the series "Colors of Passion", whose photos you can see in this article, received prestigious awards. Including Ashish Sharma won the award for best male role.

A total of 189 episodes were released, the project lasted a little less than a year, ending in September 2014. The audience is so accustomed to the Ashish-Sanaiya couple that for a long time they could not come to terms with the fact that the actors had a personal life that was different from the storyline of the series. Indeed, Paro and Rudra are recognized as one of the most harmonious and, of course, beautiful couples in the history of Bollywood. Now the actors communicate as friends and are not averse to taking part in a joint project again.
