Analysis and summary: "Antigone"

Analysis and summary: "Antigone"
Analysis and summary: "Antigone"

Today the topic of our article will be the ancient tragedy, or rather its analysis and summary. "Antigone" is a play by the ancient Greek playwright Sophocles, who borrowed the idea of the plot from the Theban cycle of myths.


summary of antigone
summary of antigone

The scene of the work is ancient Thebes. However, one should refer to the preface before proceeding with the summary. "Antigone", as noted above, is built on the plot of an ancient myth. But this is not the only work of the author on a mythological basis. We can say that the playwright wrote a whole cycle dedicated to these legends. And "Antigone" is far from the first work in it. That is why a brief backstory of what happened before the start of our tragedy is required.

This cycle tells the story of the Theban king Oedipus. He was a man who combined wisdom, sinfulness and martyrdom. Much suffering fell on his lot - he, unknowingly, killed his father, and then married his widow, that is, his mother. Upon learning of this, he punished himself by gouging out his eyes so as not to see the world around him, just as he did not see his own.crimes.

These events are described by another tragedy of Sophocles. "Antigone", a summary of which will be presented below, refers to the events that occurred after Oedipus was forgiven by the gods. In addition, the main character of our story is the daughter of Oedipus' sinful union with her mother. Antigone also had two brothers - Polynices and Eteocles, as well as a sister - Ismene. After the death of his father, Eteocles becomes king, but Polygonicus rebels against his power. The result of this military conflict is the death of both brothers.

antigone summary
antigone summary

From this moment the events described in our tragedy begin.

Sophocles "Antigone": summary

After the deaths of Polynices and Eteocles, Creon, who was Oedipus' adviser and brother of his wife, seized power over Thebes. By the very first decree, the new ruler orders to bury the legitimate king Eteocles with all honors, and throw Polynices, who rebelled against him, to be torn to pieces by vultures and dogs, for he brought war to his own country. This was a terrible punishment, since it was believed that the soul of the unburied was doomed to eternal wanderings and could never enter the afterlife. It was also believed that it was unworthy to take revenge on the dead, such an act defames people and is objectionable to the gods.

However, Creon was not thinking about gods or people. He was more concerned with maintaining the power he received and the prosperity of his new state.


We continue to describe the summary. Antigone, the daughter of Oedipus, unlike Creon, thought about both honor andgods and people. Polyneices was the same brother to her as Eteocles, so it was her duty to take care of his body and soul. And for this she is ready to disobey the order of the king.

Antigone summons Ismene. But the sister does not agree to go against the state, because she is just a weak girl. Then Antigone decides to act alone. In this scene, Sophocles shows the strength, courage and loy alty to the gods that the fragile but brave Antigone carries.

Summary describes the appearance of a choir of Theban elders, in whose voices jubilation can be heard - now Thebes is saved, the state will not fall victim to angry gods. Creon comes out to meet the elders, who announces his decision: to bury the hero, and to betray the villain to reproach. If someone breaks the decree, death will await him.

sophocles antigone summary
sophocles antigone summary

At this moment, a guard appears, he reports that the decree has just been violated. The servant did not have time, the corpse was sprinkled with earth.

Wrath of Creon

Sophocles does not always unequivocally evaluate the actions of his heroes. "Antigone" (summarized at the moment) is a classic tragedy that is replete with choral inserts in the narrative. So, when the enraged Creon demands to find the criminal, the choir sings. The song speaks of a mighty man who, despite the fact that he conquered the earth and the sea, can only be evaluated by one measure - “whoever honors the truth is good; who has fallen into falsehood is dangerous. And it is not clear whether the choir sings about a criminal or a king.

The guard brings the captive Antigone. Young womanconfesses to her deed and does not repent at all, believing that the truth is behind her. Ismena appears, she is innocent, but is ready to share the fate of her sister. Creon tells them both to be locked up.


It is difficult for Creon to issue a death decree, which is well illustrated by the summary. Antigone is not only his niece, but also the bride of his son, the future king of Thebes. Therefore, he calls the prince to him and tells about the violation that has taken place. However, the son objects - if Antigone is wrong, then why does the whole city sympathize with her and grumble at the cruelty of the new king. However, Creon is adamant - the girl will be walled up in the dungeon. To this, the prince replies that his father will never see him again.

antigone summary by chapter
antigone summary by chapter


Preparing for the execution of Antigonus. A summary of the chapters tells about the deplorable state of the girl. Her strength leaves her, her life is over, but the heroine does not regret anything. The girl's lamentation echoes the song of the choir, which speaks of the power of her pious deed, for which she will be remembered and honored. Antigone fulfilled the divine law, neglecting the law of people - for this she is the glory. However, the girl asks why she should die if she did everything right, but she never receives an answer. Her last words are addressed to the gods, let them judge. If she is guilty, then Antigone will accept her punishment and atone for it. If the king is wrong, then retribution awaits him.

Guards take Antigone away for execution.

Court of the gods

Antigone is dead. Sophocles (a summary of the chapters confirms this) leaves forthe scene of the death of his heroine. The viewer does not see how the girl is walled up, the consequences of this event appear before his eyes.

God's judgment begins. Tiresias, a blind soothsayer and favorite of the gods, comes to the king. He reports that not only the people are ready to rebel against Creon, the gods are also dissatisfied - the fire is not lit on the altars, the prophetic birds refuse to give signs. However, the king does not believe in this - man has no power to defile God. To which Teresius replies - Creon violated the laws of the gods: he left the dead unburied, and locked the living in the grave. Now there will be no prosperity in the city, and the king himself will pay off the gods, having lost his own son.

antigone sophocles summary by chapter
antigone sophocles summary by chapter

The king thinks about the words of the blind man - Teresius once predicted the future of Oedipus, and everything came true exactly. Creon backs down from his decision. He orders Antigone to be released, and the body of Polynices to be buried.

The choir calls on the help of the god Dionysus, who was born in Thebes, to help fellow citizens.


However, it turns out to be too late to change anything. Antigone is dead. The girl hanged herself in an underground tomb, and the prince hugged her dead body. When Creon entered the crypt, his son attacked him. The king managed to recoil, and then the prince plunged the sword into his chest.

The princess, Creon's wife, silently listens to the news of her son's death. When the story ends, she turns around and, without uttering a word, leaves. A moment later, a new servant appears on the stage, reporting terrible news - the queen committed suicide, not inthe strength to endure the death of his son.

tragedy of sophocles antigonus summary
tragedy of sophocles antigonus summary

Creon is left alone on stage, mourning his family and blaming himself for what happened. The play ends with the song of the choir: “Wisdom is the highest good… Arrogance is execution for the arrogant one.”

So ends the tragedy of Sophocles "Antigone". The summary, thus, has come to an end, now let's proceed to the analysis of the play.

Image of Antigone

Sophocles endowed his heroine with such character traits as willpower, loy alty to ancient traditions, devotion to one's family, courage. Antigone is absolutely sure that the truth is on her side, and this gives her strength. Therefore, she is not afraid of the king of Thebes, because behind her shoulders is the truth of the gods, much more powerful than earthly power.

The girl deliberately goes to her death, realizing that she has no other choice. But, like any person, it is bitter for her to part with life, especially at such a young age. She did not have time to become either a wife or a mother. Despite this, the strength of her conviction in her own rightness does not weaken. The heroine dies, but remains the winner in the dispute with Creon.

sophocles antigone in abbreviation
sophocles antigone in abbreviation

Main conflict

The play is based on the conflict of the tribal law, which is not written anywhere, and the law of the state. Religious beliefs, rooted in the deep past, loy alty to traditions and the memory of ancestors come into conflict with short-lived earthly power. In the time of Sophocles, the laws of the policy, which every citizen was obliged to fulfill, often diverged from tribal traditions, which led tomany conflicts. It was this problem that the playwright decided to draw attention to and show what it could lead to.

Thus, Sophocles saw a way out of this situation only in the consent of the state and religion. Antigone, abbreviated here, has become a kind of call to unite two powerful forces, conflicts between which will inevitably lead to death.
