Western "The Revenant": actors and plot

Western "The Revenant": actors and plot
Western "The Revenant": actors and plot

At the end of 2015, the sensational film "The Revenant" was released. The actors who played the main roles are Hollywood stars such as Leonardo DiCaprio and the famous Tom Hardy. The director of this non-standard western is the Mexican Alejandro Iñárritu.


Starring in the film "The Revenant" - Hollywood actors Leonardo DiCaprio and Tom Hardy. In this film, Leonardo plays the positive character Hugh Glass, who has already experienced the death of his wife and who has yet to survive the loss of his only son. It is worth noting the position of Hugh and his child, which they occupy in the society of hunters. At that time, the Indians were not considered people, and the son of Hugh, like his father, could not live normally either in the Indian tribe or in the society of Europeans. In general, the film "The Revenant", the actors and roles of which are fully consistent with each other, is distinguished by its severity and truthfulness.

survivor actors
survivor actors

Tom Hardy plays a negative character. He is a strong and selfish man who, for his own sake, is able to kill a person or leave him to the mercy of fate. However, his courageenough to face the one he betrayed.

As Native Americans

In the movie "The Revenant" the actors playing the roles of the Indians deserve special attention. Iñárritu specifically sought out the descendants of the indigenous people of America, so that the film would not only correspond to the era, but also have its own unique atmosphere.

survivor movie actors
survivor movie actors

Western "The Revenant". Actors and roles. Summary

The story of Hugh Glass is based on a true story. The action takes place in the first half of the nineteenth century in the northwest of America. Hunter Hugh Glass is attacked by an angry bear protecting her cubs. Because of this, the group was forced to split into two parts. One includes the wounded Hugh Glass, his half-blood son, Jim Bridger, and John Fitzgerald. They had to wait for Hugh Glass to die and then bury him. But events develop in such a way that John Fitzgerald kills Hugh's son and, under threat of death, forces Bridger to abandon the wounded hunter. But against all odds, Hugh Glass does not die, but defies nature, the Indian tribes and the cold winter. It is worth noting that in the western "The Revenant" the actors conquered the audience with their performance.

On his way, Glass will have to endure many hardships and trials. More than once he escapes from hostile Indians who have lost the chief's daughter. Their suspicions fell primarily on the group that accompanied Hugh Glass. But it turned out that the daughter was kidnapped by the French, from whom the Indians exchanged the skins of various animals forhorses. By chance, the chief's daughter was rescued by Hugh Glass, who infiltrated the French camp to steal a horse. But soon, after another flight from the Indian tribe, he was forced to open his already dead horse's belly in order to spend the night there and not die from the cold.

survivor actors and roles
survivor actors and roles

At the end, Glass still manages to get to his camp, where the remnants of his group in the person of Bridger and Fitzgerald are located. The latter, having learned about the rescue of Hugh, robs his own and soon runs out of the camp. It is worth noting that the actors of the film "The Revenant" did an excellent job with their roles, despite the fact that there were non-professionals among them. After a short pursuit, Glass catches up with Fitzgerald and a hand-to-hand fight takes place between them. In it, the killer of Glass's son was badly wounded. Hugh did not kill his enemy, but gave the Indians the right to decide his fate. However, they showed no pity for Fitzgerald, scalping and killing him. At the end of the film "The Revenant", whose actors are few, the main character climbs the slope on which he dreams of his wife. In the final frame, his face is shown, Glass looking directly at the camera.

The Revenant Cast: Tough Shooting

Creating such a masterpiece is the hard work of many people. Filming for The Revenant, whose actors worked in unbearable conditions, took place in Canada and British Columbia, as well as in Argentina, where the participants had to travel in search of snow.

film survivor actors and roles
film survivor actors and roles

Specially for filming, several scenery was built: a hunters' camp, a church destroyed either by the Indians or by the weather, a fort and several villages. Moreover, during the construction, those materials were used that corresponded to the era described in the film. True, the mountain of bison skulls was imitated using a wooden frame. About one hundred and fifty dummies made of a special lightweight but durable material were securely fixed on it.
