Popular series "Family Drama": actors and roles

Popular series "Family Drama": actors and roles
Popular series "Family Drama": actors and roles

We all like watching movies where everything always ends well and beautifully. If this is a comedy, and a person in it gets into some stupid and funny situations, we expect people to always appear next to him who will support him and solve the problem. If these are horrors, then the main character at the end of the film must definitely catch and punish the killer, the maniac, and at the same time he himself must remain alive. Even in films about love, where there can be betrayal, and jealousy, and tears, lovers should stay together.

But there are also films where things don't always go as we would like. And they are taken from life situations, that is, based on real events.

One of these multi-part television films is the series "Family Drama". The actors in it play various life situations that can happen to anyone.

Favorite Family Drama Series

The film presents different life situations, such as betrayal, debt, problems at work, distrust, misunderstanding with children. These problems are becoming more and more serious every day. And they disturb the population of the whole world. Of course, you can find a way out of any situation, but these events will forever leave an imprint on the heart, and sometimes people with such problems live their entire lives.

Family Drama Actors

family drama actors
family drama actors

In the series, the roles are played by professional and non-professional artists who play the lives of ordinary people who find themselves in any situation. Among them, we can highlight Galina Ustinova, who plays the role of Christina, Lyudmila Ryabtseva (Nina), Andrey Bogdanov (Mikhail), Maria Surova, Natalya Belyaeva (Lyudmila), Murat Shevlokov (Vladimir) and other famous and not so famous actors.

In addition to adult roles, there are also children's roles in the film. Their performers: twelve-year-old Ilya Kostyukov, who played Bogdan; Bogdan Idolenkov; eleven-year-old Anna Malahieva (the role of Rada). Each of them already has a huge acting baggage behind them.

Reviews about the series

The film was released in 2010. Since then, viewers have been very fond of. And this is not surprising. Indeed, in the series "Family Dramas" the actors embody the images of people who ask questions such as "What to do?", "What to do?". And they always try to find a solution to any problem. Actors very accurately convey the characters of the characters in the series. Spectators empathize with their problems, rejoice at their successes, try to find some solution together with them, a way out of this incomprehensible situation.

family drama actors and roles
family drama actors and roles

In the series "Family Dramas" the actors and roles fit together so well and correspond to real life that most viewers highly appreciated it. Many write that it was because of this film that they were able to save their marriage, and some report that now they have begun to do the right thing, and their life has become better. It was in the series "Family Dramas" that the actors helped people who needed support and understanding to look at their surroundings from a different perspective, find meaning and start living from scratch.
