New non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten

New non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten
New non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten
non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten
non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten

It's no secret that the attention of preschool children is attracted by everything surprising and unusual. It is the knowledge of something new, non-traditional research and creative experiments that develop artistic taste and imagination in children, stimulate them to show independence and express their individuality.

Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten

It can often be observed that kids do not need paints or pencils to display their impressions of the world around them in the fine arts, they are happy to draw with their fingers on misted glass, sticks on the sand, water spilled on the table, and sometimes with toothpaste or mom's lipstick on the bathroom mirror. Therefore, the task of teachers becomes to make such work more focused for children, using a variety of non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten. To do this, there are a great many techniques, using which you can create original works, without having specialartistic skills. From such activities, the child receives not only great pleasure, but also benefits: memory, attention and fine motor skills of hands develop better and faster.

non-traditional dow drawing technique
non-traditional dow drawing technique

Types of non-traditional drawing techniques

All children love various surprises, and the first question they will ask before each lesson is: “What are we going to draw with today?” Such lessons will always be a holiday for them, they are so interesting and exciting. To work with kids, as a rule, they use such non-traditional drawing techniques in kindergarten as: drawing with a finger, fist, palm, drawing with blots, monotype, drawing with threads, drawing with soap foam, rolling drawing method, drawing on glass, foam rubber imprint, drawing the poke method, drawing with a candle and watercolor, charcoal drawing technique, etc. Each method is a kind of small game that brings joy and positive emotions to kids. For example, the method of inkblotography is that the teacher teaches children to make inkblots, and the child, turning on his imagination, must see a certain image in the resulting drawing and supplement it with details.

types of non-traditional drawing techniques
types of non-traditional drawing techniques

Kids really like this non-traditional drawing technique used in the preschool educational institution, like drawing with a candle. A certain image (herringbone, house) is drawn on a white sheet of paper with the sharpened end of the candle, then paint is applied on top of the drawing with a brush. Of course, the paint does not fall on the greasy mark lefta candle, and a still invisible picture drawn by them magically appears in front of the children's eyes.

Foam rubber drawings are no less loved by kids. For them, various geometric figures are specially cut out of foam rubber, which are then attached to a pencil using ordinary wire. Children alternately dip various figures into paint and at first randomly, and then in order stamp hearts, circles, squares and triangles on a sheet of paper, making up simple and complex ornaments. Children always draw with great pleasure and interest in all techniques.

types of non-traditional drawing techniques
types of non-traditional drawing techniques

Unconventional drawing techniques in kindergarten and their effectiveness

In the process of creativity, kids learn to create various things with their own hands, explore, discover and skillfully use everything that the world gives them, and also develop a non-standard vision of objects. They peer into any junk material, be it a box of matches, leftover yarn, a plastic bottle or a pigeon feather, show imagination, gain self-confidence, learn frugality and practicality, while creating their own little masterpieces.
