World of series: foreign mystical series. List of the best

World of series: foreign mystical series. List of the best
World of series: foreign mystical series. List of the best

Witches, sorcerers, monsters, vampires - these heroes distinguish mysticism from thrillers and horrors. Mystical series have long been loved by many viewers. This is not surprising. Foreign mystical series are especially popular. The list of the best is endless, but among them there are those that simply cannot be ignored.

Beauty and the Beast

The list titled "Best Mystery Series" tops the "Beauty and the Beast" project. A rather old and well-known fairy tale received another interpretation. This time it is a series for adults. The plot is structured in such a way that the whole story seems real. It's like a story from the past. The series also has room for romantic feelings that flare up between the main characters.

According to the story, a young girl was saved by a certain monster when bandits attacked her and her mother. Many years later, the girl starts working as a detective in the local police and at the same time tries to find her savior. And one day a miracle happens. They meet. The hero is rendered crippled by geneticsoldiers' experiments. Not everything is so rosy.

foreign mystical series list of the best
foreign mystical series list of the best

Heroes are separated and deprive the memory of a mutilated soldier. At the meeting, he does not recognize his beloved. After a long struggle, he remembers his beloved and together they begin to fight against those who create an army of genetic mutants.

Game of Thrones

Game of Thrones was also on the list of "Best American Mystery Series". The creators of the project thought out the plot in such a way that each episode is intrigue and riddles. Everyone here is trying to claim the throne of the Seven Kingdoms for themselves. A particularly fierce struggle unfolds among the seven noble families. This series became mystical thanks to the White Walkers. They live far beyond the Wall and are able to resurrect the dead.

mystical series list
mystical series list

It is noteworthy that the director's wife was initially against filming the series and believed that it would fail. However, it turned out the other way around. The popularity of the series contributed to the emergence of rumors that viewers are waiting for more than seven seasons. There will be many more. According to fans, the creators of the project plan to extend it to 10 seasons. If they really make a sequel, then it will only please the fans of the saga.

The Vampire Diaries

The list with the name "Mystery and fantasy series" includes the film "The Vampire Diaries". The eternal love triangle has found a kind of display in this series. The main characters are an ordinary schoolgirl and her two friends. The brothers are vampires. One of them, according to the law of the genre, is “good” and does not killpeople, the second is “bad”, it feeds exclusively on human blood. Such a love triangle is also used as a plot in Russian films, and not just in foreign mystical series. The list of the best projects in this genre continues with The Vampire Diaries.

best mystical series
best mystical series

The popularity of the series played into the hands of the representatives of the American Red Cross. They used a specific slogan to attract blood donors. “Starve the vampire to death. Donate blood! That was their slogan. Each donor received an exclusive promotional material for their favorite series as a souvenir.

This project also has a spin-off, which will also tell about the life of vampires. The series "The Originals" reveals the struggle of the original vampires among themselves for power and success. Their story is no less captivating and compelling than that of today's young vampires.

Once Upon a Time

Perhaps the kindest and most magical project, which was included in the list of the fifteen best mystical series. Adam Horrowitz and Edward Kitsis have created a captivating narrative that spans two worlds at once - real and fabulous.

At the very beginning of the series, everything seems clear and lends itself to a logical explanation: you can immediately determine who is the villain and who is the hero. But from season to season, the characters of the heroes are revealed and it becomes clear that the brave have flaws, and the villains can become better.

mystical series all the best series
mystical series all the best series

Mystery and mystery is what separates the ordinary from the mysticalseries. All the best series keep intrigue until the last episode. And the final episode of the season turns into the beginning of a new one. Once Upon a Time is no exception. If in the first season the Evil Queen wanted revenge, then from episode to episode her kind nature is revealed, and a sensitive mother's heart yearns not for retribution, but for protection for her child. Emma and Regina, who in the first two seasons were at enmity because of their love for Henry, later became friends. Emma, Henry's biological mother, accepted the love and care of the boy's adoptive mother, Regina.

In this series you can see Snow White with Prince Charming, Rumplestiltskin, Little Red Riding Hood. The authors also included Disney's Elsa and Anna, who, according to the script, are the nieces of the Snow Queen. The heroes are related to the villains. The authors have a very original vision of fairy tales. In this series, they tried to reveal the reasons for the behavior of many heroes known since childhood to everyone. Multifaceted characters, mystery and unexpected twists of fate - all this makes the series interesting for viewers of all ages.


Foreign mystical series are especially popular with Russian youth. The list of the best continues the film "Moonlight". The series tells about the love of a vampire and an ordinary girl. Their feelings are met with many obstacles in the form of a beloved young beauty and an ex-wife of a vampire.

mystical series foreign list of the best new items
mystical series foreign list of the best new items

The confrontation between the vampire Mick and his wife began many years ago. He is sure that he killed her and saved the little one.a girl with whom, after a while, he himself fell in love. But circumstances turned so that the wife survived and is trying to return her negligent lover. Mick faces a difficult choice.

The best mystery series are rarely told in the first person. This is especially true for the first series. "Moonlight" decided to break some canons: the series begins with an interview of the protagonist, which breaks the audience's initial ideas about vampires.

Initially, the creators called the series "Twilight", but the publication of the novel by Stephenie Meyer made its own adjustments. To avoid confusion, the authors had to change the title to Moonlight.

The Van Helsing Story

The irreconcilable struggle between good and evil distinguishes not only mystical series. The list of multi-part projects filmed in the mystical genre is continued by "Grimm" and "Demons / The Last Van Helsing". People are powerless against magic and sorcery. They need someone who could protect them and save them from otherworldly forces. In both series, the main character learns that he is the last descendant of hunters who are fighting evil for the pure souls of people.

The series "Buffy the Vampire Slayer" and "Supernatural" can be attributed to the same category of projects. In Buffy, a young American schoolgirl with incredible powers is fighting for the souls of people. Two brothers search for their missing demon hunter father in Supernatural.

list of the fifteen best mystery series
list of the fifteen best mystery series

The X-Files

Poltergeist, ghosts, aliens also do not stay inside. Without them, too, mystical series cannot do. The list continues with The X-Files. The plot revolves around agent Fox Mulder and his pretty partner Dana Scully. Each new series is a separate story. But throughout the series, the main thread of the plot remains.

Even in the pilot episode, the story was told that as a child, Agent Fox's sister Samantha disappeared. Having become an FBI special agent, Fox Mulder does not forget about his main mission - to find out where his sister is.

Battle of the Immortals

Sleepy Hollow and Highlander will tell the story of immortals who have been fighting each other for centuries. These two projects are the best mystical series of this kind.

"Sleepy Hollow" tells the story of a rider whose head was cut off in a war in the distant past. Having risen from the dead, he begins to kill people. Another undead is fighting against him - the same man who cut off the horseman's head several centuries ago.

Highlander's story is slightly different. This series was filmed as a continuation of the full-length film of the same name, which tells about the fate of Duncan Macleod - an immortal who fights against the supporters of evil. In the series, we are talking about a descendant of Duncan. He, just like his ancestor, is waging an uncompromising war with the immortals, who took the side of evil.


Witches, sorceresses, sorceresses are the female half of evil spirits. Without their participation, it is impossible to imagine foreign mystical series. "Best List", "New in Mystery Cinema" - that's itcategories that include projects about beautiful witches.

best american mystery series
best american mystery series

The whole plot in these films revolves around witches. In The Witches of the East End, the main character, trying to protect her daughters, brings them up as ordinary girls. Until some time, girls do not even suspect that they have some abilities. But the magic cannot be hidden, and it finds a way.

"My Wife Bewitched Me" is a retro series that is considered one of the longest-running witch projects to date. The plot revolves around the witch Samantha, who marries a mortal. The husband, having learned about the abilities of his wife, asks not to conjure with him. Viewers were able to follow through 254 episodes to see if Samantha was able to keep her promise.

"13 Witches" tells the story of 13 sisters who are victims of a witch hunt. But one of the girls managed to escape execution. She makes a deal with the devil and brings the sisters back to life, who are full of a thirst for revenge. Together they decide to bring their justice to those who subjected them to a harsh death.
