The series "Black Mirror": actors and roles

The series "Black Mirror": actors and roles
The series "Black Mirror": actors and roles

After the collapse of the USSR, numerous Brazilian video products poured onto our screens, thanks to which we began to call the series nothing but “soap”. This kind of cinema began to be perceived as something a priori second-rate, without meaning and intended for housewives. However, the creators of the Black Mirror series have taken this genre to a whole new level.

Black mirror actors
Black mirror actors

Dystopia or reflection of reality?

The term "black mirror" began to be called electronic devices: smartphones, tablets, computers because of the specific type of displays. But there is another side to this phrase. Black mirrors were used by witches in their rituals. These surfaces should not only reflect what is happening, but absorb thoughts, emotions, even the soul of a person! Can't you say the same about modern gadgets? Look around: millions of people live not so much in reality as on the Internet, and the screen has really turned into that same "black mirror"which consumes us. This is what stories from the series of the same name tell us. Someone considers this project a dystopia, but take a closer look: don’t obvious features of our everyday life peep through this fantastic reality?

Black mirror actors
Black mirror actors

Short and talented

The series "Black Mirror" is an anthology, that is, each series tells its own story, revealing different aspects of the influence of gadgets on our lives and, most importantly, on our consciousness. Many viewers easily recognize themselves or someone from their environment in the hero. To date, only three seasons have been filmed, each of which has 3 parts, plus a bonus - one story that claims to be a full-fledged film.

Film critics could not fail to note one feature of the Black Mirror series: the actors are not repeated here. In every story we see a new, unique hero. At the same time, Black Mirror is a series in which the actors are not loud celebrities (for the most part), which means that the viewer does not have a preconceived attitude, and it is impossible to even guess who is “good” and who is “bad” and how the story will end. And the endings of each episode are simply amazing! Thus, the Black Mirror series, in which the actors and roles are chosen extremely well, completely immerses the viewer in what is happening.

black mirror actors season 1
black mirror actors season 1

Pigs, fame and memory

In the first season of the Black Mirror series, the actors starred as follows: Rory Kinnear and Lindsay Duncan in the first episode, Daniel Kaluuya and Jessica Findlay in the second and Tobby Kebbel with Jody Whitakiin the third.

The first episode - "The National Anthem" - is based on a true story. More precisely, on the scandal around the adventures of one politician. At first it seems that this episode is just a satire on a real person, but as the plot develops, the authors bring us to another question: how easy it is to grab our attention! Maybe in real life we also do not pay attention to what is happening under our noses, completely absorbed in the black mirror of the screen?

In the second episode of the Black Mirror series, the actors show an already completely utopian, it would seem, life, where everything depends on electronics, and it seems that people are needed here only to support this industry. The hero of Daniel Kaluuy at some point decides that enough is enough and throws all his strength to express his protest against this artificial system. But will he have enough passion to go all the way, and most importantly, is his struggle necessary?

The third episode - "All About You" - tells how people could live if their memory was like a computer flash drive. That's really a "black mirror"! The actors of Season 1 Episode 3, Tobby Kebbel and Jody Whitaki, can not only remember what happened to them, but also put this picture on the screen to show everyone around! The camera is no longer needed, you can simply expose your soul on the screen mirror. But everything will have to be shown, even what would be better hidden.

Black mirror series actors
Black mirror series actors

Eyes Wide Shut

In the second season of the Black Mirror series, the actors are slightly morefamous. In the first episode, Hayley Atwell and Domhnall Gleason play a young couple with a sad story: after the death of her husband, the wife, unable to bear the separation … No, she did not commit suicide, but simply bought herself a copy of her beloved! So far, computers have not been able to replace humans, but what if…

The second episode is truly "on the topic of the day." Lenora Crichlow, Michael Smiley and Tuppence Middleton reveal the enormity of the situation when others, seeing a crime or an accident, grab their phones, not at all to call for help, but to shoot a hot video. Say, dystopia? But such cases are already talked about a lot even in the news. And it is not known who is worse: the one who commits the crime, or the one who watches it indifferently.

Episode 3 - "A Moment for Waldo" - is a reminder of how untrustworthy the avatars we hide behind on the Internet. The hero of Daniel Rigby became famous all over the world with the help of the virtual character Waldo he created, but he did not take into account one thing - the world needs this “cartoon”, a computer avatar, and no one cares about the person behind him.

black mirror actors season 3
black mirror actors season 3

Social networks are addictive

The last episode of this unusual project to date is "White Christmas". The actors who starred in this part of the series "Black Mirror" (season 3 is conditionally it, this is a "bonus") most impressively and comprehensively showed today's reality. Jon Hamm, Rafe Spall, Oona Chaplin, and Natalia Tena portray people who cannot live without social media in their own way. They became the centeruniverse for many: our daily routine and preferences, our relationships and desires, everything we breathe can be seen on personal pages. It is necessary to remove a person from the list of friends - and he seems to be deprived of access to your life. But what if this is possible in reality: press a button and block someone from even seeing you? How does it feel to be blacklisted?

Black Mirror actors and roles
Black Mirror actors and roles

What to expect

So, the Black Mirror series is one of the highest quality, interesting and shocking projects that subtly but very strongly displays all the dangers associated with the uncontrolled passion for modern technologies. So far, only these 7 episodes have been filmed, but the producer of the project, Charlie Brooker, promises that the shooting will continue, and in the fall of 2016 we will see the next episodes. But even existing seasons provide very tasty food for thought and emotion.
