Biography of Lyubov Orlova was filled with success

Biography of Lyubov Orlova was filled with success
Biography of Lyubov Orlova was filled with success
biography of love orlova
biography of love orlova

Like everyone else, the biography of Lyubov Orlova begins from the day of her birth - 1902-11-02. She was born into a we althy family. The Orlovs belonged to one of the oldest noble families in Russia. There were two daughters in the family: graceful, thin Nonna and Lyubochka - a kind of strong child. The first to predict that the biography of Lyubov Orlova would be connected with the stage was Fedor Chaliapin himself. He saw her in a home performance, where Lyubochka played the role of "radish".

With the coup of power, the sisters had a chance to carry milk from Voskresensk to Moscow for sale. It was especially hard in winter, it was necessary to move heavy icy cans with bare hands. The memory of this was swollen and reddening joints of the hands. Since then, Lyuba has always hidden her hands and tried to keep them out of the frame.

The acting biography of Lyubov Orlova began with the Moscow Musical Theatre, where she performed with choreographic numbers and as an opera singer. She first appeared in films in 1934. It wasthe role of Grushenka in the film "Petersburg Night". The second role was in the silent film "Alena's Love". But the biography of Lyubov Orlova changed with the release of the film "Jolly Fellows". Stalin liked this picture so much that he awarded the highest awards to many cinema luminaries involved in this picture, including the debutante Orlova.

love orlova biography
love orlova biography

But this was not the main thing at the turning point of fate. The director of "Merry Fellows" was Grigory Alexandrov, with whom Lyubov Orlova fell in love at first sight. Biography since then they had one for two.

The next success was the role of "American actress" in the movie "Circus". And already the poet Lebedev-Kumach, the composer Dunayevsky and the director Aleksandrov were called Oryol trotters, since everyone understood that this film, and the next one, Volga-Volga, were films for Orlova. After these pictures, she became Stalin's favorite actress. Perhaps that is why in those years she and Alexandrov managed to fully realize themselves.

love orlova photo
love orlova photo

Lyubov Orlova was very beautiful and talented, her photos did not leave the pages of newspapers and magazines. She became one of the most beloved and famous actresses of the thirties and forties. Her heroines, perhaps, were different in character, way of life or profession, but they all bore the appearance of their time, where justice and goodness always triumphed, all desires and dreams came true. Therefore, her heroines were so loved and close to millions of viewers who always followed her work with delight.

Since 1947 LovePetrovna began working at the Mossovet Theater. There she managed to create some wonderful acting work, for example, Mrs. Savage from, one might say, the play of the same name "Strange Mrs. Savage." In the last years of her life, she almost did not act in films. In the 70s, Aleksandrov stopped making films. Enthusiastic patriotism was replaced by new images, and they were not interesting to the director. But he taught, participated in symposiums and wrote a book. And Lyubochka played in the theater. Even in the last months of her life, already in the hospital, she was choosing a play for her next production. And she chose Travesty, where a theatrical prima would become her heroine. But this was not destined to happen, death violated all plans. The actress passed away in January 1975 and was buried at the Novodevichy Cemetery in Moscow.
