The best holiday quotes

The best holiday quotes
The best holiday quotes

Holidays are the most wonderful time that can diversify the series of days and decorate a person's life. A bright celebration fills the soul with joy and cheerful mood. It is not for nothing that these memorable wonderful dates are very popular among people. Every year, the citizens of the country are happy to prepare for the solemn events, despite the hassle and financial opportunities.

All year round - red date

Every year the number of holidays is gradually increasing: New Year, Christmas, Old New Year, Valentine's Day, February 23, Easter, Mother's Day, Halloween, St. Nicholas Day - and this is not the whole list of significant events that are celebrated throughout the year.

Each holiday has its own theme, the meaning of reasoning and associations. On New Year's days, we remember the past year, analyze our successes and failures, dream of starting all over again and appreciate relatives and friends.


Different meanings, different subjects

On February 23, we pay great attention and congratulate the male half of humanity, and on March 8 - the female half. In May we sing featsancestors in the struggle for the Motherland and sacredly honor the tradition: "Peace. Labor. May." On the Easter holiday, most of humanity abruptly transforms into Christians, and on the Halloween event, young people and children smear their faces, depicting evil spirits. In this way, they struggle with inner fears and make fun of various frightening objects.

Every holiday is good in its own way. A variety of wishes, decorations, traditions and quotes about the holiday differ depending on the solemn date. They are all pretty funny and worth watching.

People from all over the Earth, young and old, love holidays and sing about them in songs, poems, aphorisms.

A feast for the whole world
A feast for the whole world

Folk sages about the triumph

Sayings about the holiday are serious, sincere, beautiful, funny and funny.

Here are some examples:

  • "The best holidays happen within us."
  • "New Year's is not a holiday, but a time machine that takes us back to childhood!"
  • "After the holidays, only underwear will fit on the body. And even then - bedding."
  • "Holiday is always with you when you have a sense of humor."
  • "The bigger the cake, the longer the celebration."
  • "The Fatherland becomes the most defenseless on February 23".
  • "Woman, your day is March 8th".
  • "Summer has no holiday. Summer is a holiday."
  • "Friday is a small holiday for men, the weekly Men's Day".
  • "Scientists have found that birthdays are good forhe alth. The more birthdays you celebrate, the longer you live."
  • "A large number of children hate dahlias and asters on September 1st."
  • "New Year's Eve is over and everything is falling into place."
  • "Christmas comes even on the battlefield."
  • "Celebration is a reason for gluttony".
  • "As you celebrate the New Year, you are unlikely to spend it."
  • "New Year is when a father tries to convince his children that he is Santa Claus, and his wife in the opposite."
  • "Holidays live for miracles. So that hope glimmers in the soul: what if?"
  • "The victory was celebrated as it should be, there were songs, dances, scuffle".
  • "The New Year is a bright stop between the past and the future."
  • "Holidays are given to man for the pleasure of the soul, not the body."

The best quotes about the holidays are said in a friendly company, favorite movies and personal reasoning. A holiday is a beautiful event, whatever you call it!
