"The Adventures of Gulliver": a summary of the novel by D. Swift

"The Adventures of Gulliver": a summary of the novel by D. Swift
"The Adventures of Gulliver": a summary of the novel by D. Swift

Four parts of the novel, four fantastic journeys described by Jonathan Swift. "The Adventures of Gulliver" is a utopian work, the author of which wanted to depict England of his time and, with the help of satire, ridicule certain human qualities. The protagonist constantly sails from real-life port cities, and ends up in exotic countries with their own laws, traditions, way of life. Gulliver learns a lot of new things during his travels, and also tells the inhabitants of outlandish states about his homeland.

Journey to Lilliput

gulliver's adventures summary
gulliver's adventures summary

Gulliver's adventures begin from the country of dwarfs. The summary of the first part of the novel tells that little people greeted the "Mountain Man" kindly. Lilliputians do everything to make it convenient for both parties, especially for their guest, they adopt several laws,regulating his communication with local residents. The dwarfs provide Gulliver with housing, provide food, which is not so easy, because the guest's diet is 1728 servings of midgets.

The traveler talks nicely with the emperor, tells him about his homeland. All the main characters of Gulliver's Adventures are amazed at the absurdity that prevails in England, because their political system is built differently. The Lilliputians tell the guest about their war with Blefuscu, and he helps them defeat the enemy empire. But among the court retinue there are those who present all the good deeds of Gulliver to the emperor from the bad side. They demand the death of the intruder, but in the end, they decide only to gouge out his eyes. Gulliver runs away to Blefuscu, where he is greeted with joy, but they also want to get rid of the giant as soon as possible. The hero builds a boat for himself and sails home.

the main characters of Gulliver's Adventures
the main characters of Gulliver's Adventures

Journey to the Land of the Giants

In the second part of the novel, already in the country where the giants live, Gulliver's adventures continue. The summary of the work tells that here, in comparison with the previous plot, the main character with the local population change places. Gulliver demonstrates the ability to adapt to any circumstances, even the most fantastic life situations. The hero gets into various troubles and, in the end, comes to the royal palace, where he becomes the favorite companion of the ruler. Here the writer again compares the laws and traditions of the utopian state with the laws of his own country. No matter how good it is at a party, but home is better, andthe hero again sets off for his native shores.

Travel to the flying island of Laputa

In the third part of Swift's novel Gulliver's amazing adventures continue. The summary tells the reader about the unusual life of the Laputians, who love to be aware of news and politics so much that, due to excessive anxiety and fear living in their minds, they cannot sleep peacefully. Here the writer gave many examples of absurdity. First, there are the flappers, whose job it is to draw the listeners' attention to the conversation. Secondly, the poverty of the continent is shown, on which Gulliver descends from the flying island. Thirdly, a visit to the Academy of Projectors, where Swift in all its glory described scientists who allow themselves to be led by the nose. Tired of miracles, the hero goes home again.

swift adventures of gulliver
swift adventures of gulliver

Journey to the land of the Houyhnhnms

Gulliver's adventures come to an end in the fourth part. The summary tells about an amazing state in which noble, highly moral and respectable horses live, and they are served by vile and vicious Yahoos that look like people. The main character likes this utopian country and wants to stay here forever, but the Houyhnhnms expel Gulliver from their state, because, although he is noble, he looks like a Yahoo. The idea of tolerance turns out to be alien even to these kind creatures, and the main character goes home.
