The shortest content of The Queen of Spades. In pursuit of the mystery of the three cards

The shortest content of The Queen of Spades. In pursuit of the mystery of the three cards
The shortest content of The Queen of Spades. In pursuit of the mystery of the three cards

The shortest content of The Queen of Spades introduces us to one of the most mysterious prose works of A. Pushkin. The story begins with the most ordinary game of cards in the house of Narumov, a horse guard. When the game ends, Tomsky begins to tell the mysterious story of his grandmother. According to him, somehow Saint-Germain revealed to her the secret of three cards: if you bet on them in a row, you will definitely win. Of course, this story seemed implausible to everyone present. Nor did Hermann, a young officer who had never played before but watched the players intently until morning.

Meet the Countess and Lizaveta Ivanovna

shortest content of the queen of spades
shortest content of the queen of spades

Further, the shortest content of the "Queen of Spades" introduces us to Tomsky's grandmother personally. The old woman is sitting in the dressing room, surrounded by her maids. Here, her pupil works with the hoop. Tomsky enters the room and starts a small talk with the countess, but quickly leaves. The reader's attention switches to the pupil of the old countess, Lizaveta Ivanovna. The girl remains alone and looks at the young stately officer for a long time, whose appearance every time causesshe has blush. The countess distracts Lizaveta - the woman, as always, gives the most contradictory orders and demands that they be immediately executed. Lizanka's life in the house of a grumpy, selfish and wayward old woman has long become unbearable. The countess has a habit of blaming the pupil for everything that she does not like. The proud girl, in turn, could hardly bear the endless whims and nit-picking and was looking forward to when the long-awaited deliverer would appear in her life. This is the reason why the appearance of the young officer, who had been appearing near the house for several days in a row and looking through her window, made Lizaveta blush. This young man, as you probably already guessed, was the same Hermann.

Hermann finds a way to get into the Countess's house

Hermann himself was a man inside of whom passions were seething, he was haunted by his fiery imagination. Perhaps only his strong character saved him from the mistakes of his youth, which were made by many of his peers. The story of Tomsky inflamed Hermann's imagination, and he decided to find out the secret of the three cards without fail. Driven by this goal, he ended up at the house of the old countess, in one of the windows of which he saw Lisa. This moment became fatal.

short story queen of spades
short story queen of spades

The shortest content of The Queen of Spades, of course, does not include descriptions of the many moments that allowed Hermann to approach Lizanka and enter the countess's abode. Secretly, the officer gives the girl a love letter. Lizaveta, in turn, answers him. In his nextHermann's letter insists on a date. The young man writes to Lizaveta almost every day and, in the end, achieves what he wants. Liza sets up a date for her admirer at the time when the hostess is supposed to go to the ball, and explains how to sneak into the house unnoticed. Further, a summary of the story "The Queen of Spades" shows us rapidly developing events. With difficulty waiting for the appointed hour, Hermann enters the countess's house and climbs into her office. When the countess finally returns, the officer comes to her bedroom and begins to beg her to reveal to him the secret of the treasured three cards. The old woman resists the intruder, but he is adamant: at first he begins to insistently demand, then to threaten, and at the end he takes out a hidden pistol. Seeing the weapon, the old woman falls out of her chair in fear and dies.

And again, the shortest content of the "Queen of Spades" brings us back to Lizaveta Ivanovna. She returns with her mentor from the ball and is terrified at the thought that Hermann will be in her room. So the girl even feels relieved when no one is there. Liza indulges in her own thoughts, and at that moment Hermann enters the room and tells the girl about the death of the countess. So Lizaveta learns that the officer’s goal was not her love, and understands that it was she who was responsible for the death of the mentor. The girl is tormented by the pangs of remorse. Hermann leaves the Countess's house with the first rays of the sun.

The soul of the deceased pursues the officer

very brief summary of the queen of spades
very brief summary of the queen of spades

Three days later, Hermann appears at the Countess's funeral. When the officerhe said goodbye to the deceased, it seemed to him that she looked at him with a mockery. The rest of the day Hermann spends in frustrated feelings, drinking a lot of wine and falling asleep. He wakes up in the middle of the night hearing someone's footsteps in his room. The officer recognizes the old countess. She reveals to him the secret of three cards: three, seven and ace, and also demands that Hermann get engaged to Lizaveta Ivanovna. After that, the ghost of the Countess disappears.

The cherished combination continued to haunt the officer's imagination. He can no longer resist the temptation, and therefore goes to the company of the famous player Chekalinsky and puts a huge amount on the top three. Hermann's card wins. The next day, he bets on a seven, and history repeats itself. A day later, Hermann is again at the table. He bets a card, but instead of the expected ace in his hand, there is a queen of spades. It seems to the officer that the lady narrowed her eyes slightly and grinned… The image on the map amazes him with how similar the lady of spades is to the old countess.

So ends the story of A. Pushkin. But, of course, in order to fully immerse yourself in the atmosphere of the work, it is not enough to read a very brief summary. "The Queen of Spades", written in a lively, rich language, allows you to see all the scenes described by the author as if in reality. In conclusion, the writer tells that Lizaveta Ivanovna got married some time later, and Hermann himself went crazy.
