Actor Radner Muratov: biography

Actor Radner Muratov: biography
Actor Radner Muratov: biography

Radner Muratov is a well-known and honored film and theater artist who has starred in more than 80 films. He is best known for his role in the comedy film The Gentlemen of Fortune. But in the cinematographic piggy bank of the famous and talented actor Muratov, there are not only films, but also more than 10 roles in theatrical productions. A well-known actor was also engaged in dubbing foreign films.


Radner Muratov was born on October 21, 1928 in Leningrad into a Tatar family. His father, Zinovy Muratov, at that time studied at the Moscow Polytechnic Institute in his third year. And two years later, immediately after graduation, the father of the future actor was sent to the Tatar Republic along the party line. Therefore, in early 1930, the entire Muratov family moved to Tatarstan, where the future actor spent his childhood.


Radner Muratov
Radner Muratov

In Tatarstan, the future actor Radner Muratov entered the Air Force School. There was a war, but this did not prevent him from studying well. In 1946 hesuccessfully graduated from the flight special school. Later, Muratov will recall with regret that he so wanted to make at least one sortie, but he did not have time to do this, since the war was over.

In 1947, Radner Muratov, whose biography is full of events, went on an excursion to Moscow. At that time he was just on vacation. By chance, he saw an announcement that students were being recruited at VGIK. And then, quite unexpectedly for himself, the future actor decided to try his hand. He successfully passed the exams on the first try and became a student at the University of Cinematography.

Some envious of the actor's success said that there were enough places at the institute for those who came from Tatarstan. Therefore, Radner Muratov, whose nationality opened the doors to cinema for him, so easily entered the profession by quotas. But still, the future actor studied excellently and successfully graduated from an educational institution in 1951.

Work in the theater

Immediately after graduating from the Institute of Cinematography, Radner Muratov, whose photo is in this article, gets a job at the State Film Actor Theater. But at first he was only offered roles in extras.

Film career

Radner Muratov, biography
Radner Muratov, biography

In the cinema actor Radner Muratov, whose biography is full of bright events, came in the fifties. At first he played only in episodes. For example, in the film "Composer Glinka" in 1952, he played the role of a bellhop in the theater, so even the name of Radner Zinyatovich was not mentioned incredits. In 1953, he played the episodic role of Akhmet in the film Outpost in the Mountains. In the same year, he played a member of the expedition of exploration geologists in the film Chuk and Gek. The role is so small that the actor is not even mentioned in the credits. In 1954, in the film The Bogatyr Goes to Marto, he played a small role as radio operator Petya.

Only in 1955, after filming in the film "Maxim Perepelitsa", he was not only recognized on the streets, but job offers followed. But only in 1965 in the film "Time, forward!" he played the first serious role.

Actor Radner Muratov
Actor Radner Muratov

In 1986, the work of the famous and talented actor Radner Muratov was highly appreciated, and he received the title of Honored Artist.

Muratov played his last roles at the age of 59. These were small roles in two films: "Seven Screams in the Ocean", where he played a steward, and "Kreutzer Sonata", where the actor got an inconspicuous role of a conductor.

Radner Zinyatovich starred in films for children. For example, in such films as "Welcome, or No Outsiders", "Aibolit 66", where he plays one of the robbers, "Guest from the Future" and others. In the film "Welcome, or No Trespassing" he plays a pioneer leader, but here the role is episodic and small, so he is not in the credits.

He also starred in films by famous directors Leonid Gaidai and Georgy Danelia. In the film "It Can't Be!" directed by Gaidai, he plays a policeman who brings the main character to the police station. From this episodebegins the first story in this film. In the film "Afonya" directed by Georgy Danelia, the talented actor Muratov got the role of a locksmith Marat Rakhimov, who speaks at a meeting against Afonya and complains that Afonya's friend offends his sister, beats her, drinks himself and does not allow his son to study normally.

Gentlemen of Fortune

Radner Muratov, photo
Radner Muratov, photo

In 1971, the talented actor Muratov was lucky. When the casting was announced for shooting in the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" Radner Zinyatovych came with the hope of getting at least a small episodic role. But director Alexander Serov immediately noticed an actor with a characteristic appearance and offered him one of the main roles. The role was a success, and the actor Radner Muratov became famous and popular.

In the film "Gentlemen of Fortune" Muratov plays the simple and charming Vasily Alibabaevich, whom the viewer first meets in prison, where the imaginary bandit Bely is placed. It is this "bandit" who must find out from the accomplices of the real bandit where they hid the ancient helmet of Alexander the Great, stolen by them.

And this Vasily Alibabaevich, whom Muratov played so talented, went to prison because in his homeland, working at a gas station, he diluted gasoline. He escapes from prison with the rest of the heroes and goes through all the misadventures with them until law enforcement finds the helmet.

Voiceover of films

Radner Muratov, nationality
Radner Muratov, nationality

After his successful appearance in the cinema, Radner Muratov, whose filmographyhas more than 80 films, and begins to engage in dubbing films. There are fourteen films in his creative piggy bank. For example, these are the films "Fantômas" and "Fantômas raged", where the hero Leon speaks in the voice of the actor Muratov. In the film "In the Shadow of Death", the hero Janis Dalda speaks in his voice.

Private life

Actor Radner Muratov, biography
Actor Radner Muratov, biography

The first chosen one of Muratov was the actress Izolda Izvitskaya. She entered VGIK when Radner was already in his third year. Together they lived for three years, but there were no children. Soon they broke up, and Izolda Vasilievna began dating actor Eduard Bredunov.

Radner Muratov met his official wife at the Film Actor Theater. It happened two years after breaking up with Izvitskaya. Elena Petrovna Dovlatbekova was also a graduate of the Institute of Cinematography and worked in the theater. In this marriage, the son Leonid was born, who also became an actor, continuing the dynasty of his parents.

But this marriage soon fell apart, since Radner Zinyatovich was at home very rarely, and spent all his free time at the hippodrome, fond of betting. As a result of gambling, the whole family soon found itself in heavy debt. It got to the point that he even began to take things out of the house. Elena tried for a long time to fight such a passion for her husband, but nothing could stop him.


Radner Muratov, filmography
Radner Muratov, filmography

It is known that in the nineties the he alth of the talented actor Radner Zinyatovich Muratov deteriorated. The memory was no longer the sameand meeting with the audience was difficult for him. Many recall that he could easily confuse people, even close ones, lost orientation and sometimes could not remember even the most important dates of his life.

In the early 2000s, actor Muratov never left his small one-room apartment. But he was constantly visited by his ex-wife and son. But the actor behaved aggressively and constantly refused help. Sometimes he did not recognize even the closest people.

In 2004, actor Muratov suddenly disappeared from his apartment. It soon became clear that he went out into the street and behaved a little inappropriately. It turned out that on Preobrazhenskaya Square, seeing an elderly man with unusual behavior, a police patrol stopped him. But the actor Muratov could not name any personal data, he could not remember the name of his street either. So he was taken to a psychiatric hospital.

The clinic immediately recognized the famous actor and sent him to a simple hospital, where they began to fight hard for life. Muratov's condition was critical, and on December 10 he died of a stroke and multiple cerebral hemorrhages. The funeral of the famous actor was held in the capital, but there were few people.
