Summary: Chekhov, "Defenseless creature" - current portrait

Summary: Chekhov, "Defenseless creature" - current portrait
Summary: Chekhov, "Defenseless creature" - current portrait

Chekhov's story "The Defenseless Creature", written by him back in 1887, is more relevant than ever. Judge for yourself: a person who is distinguished by amazing meanness and cynicism, brazenly, openly, without embarrassment of anyone, offers, or rather, makes others believe in something else - in a weak, defenseless, sick creature, trampled on by everyone and unloved by anyone. The sugary-sweet wrapper cannot hide the truth, and people, nervous and angry, refuse the "applicant". It would seem that the story could end there. But no, the inside of the “defenseless creature” is distinguished by particular shamelessness and rudeness: it asks, prays, falls into hysterics, then threatens, then cries again until it gets its way. All means are good here… Sound familiar, isn't it?

summary of Czechs defenseless creature
summary of Czechs defenseless creature

A. P. Chekhov, “Defenselesscreature"

The chief manager of the bank, Mr. Kistunov, despite a night attack of gout and the nerves that broke out after that, goes to work in the morning. It is from this moment that the story begins, and hence the summary (Chekhov, “Defenseless Being”). No sooner had he crossed the threshold of the institution than a petitioner in an old coat turned to him, resembling a "big dung beetle" from behind. Pyotr Nikolaevich languidly, tormented, breathing a little, asked her about the purpose of the visit. Mrs. Shchukina quickly filed a petition and quickly “poured out” her grief. The fact is that her husband, collegiate assessor Shchukin, was ill for several months and could not go to work. He was fired, and twenty-four rubles and thirty-six kopecks, which he allegedly took from the comrade's fund, were deducted from the salary due. According to the crying woman, this is not possible, because the husband cannot do anything without her consent…

Kistunov was extremely surprised: the bank - a commercial, private enterprise - has nothing to do with the state military medical department. However, he did not become indignant and decided not to drive the petitioner away. Slowly, extremely patiently, he began to explain that he could not help her. In response, only heard lamentations and tears. She is a poor, sick, defenseless woman who does not eat, does not sleep and can barely stand on her feet. She can wait if necessary, but let her be given at least fifteen rubles. Kistunov could not stand it and asked another employee, Alexei Nikolayevich, to take care of this matter.

Chekhov's story defenseless creature
Chekhov's story defenseless creature

Crushing Force

We continue to tell the summary (Chekhov, "Defenseless Creature"). Half an hour passed. Then another hour. Negotiations continued. Mrs. Shchukina was again explained the difference between departments. They gave examples that it was impossible, say, to ask for a divorce to go to a pharmacy or an assay office. In response, one thing: "Pity me, an orphan, poor, sick, defenseless …" Alexei Nikolaevich could not stand it either. He was replaced by an accountant.

In the end, Mr. Kistunov, fearing that the “remarkably mean”, “nasty woman”, “idiot, traffic jam” would torture and drive everyone away, decided to drive her away. But it was not there. A weak, defenseless woman will not allow anyone to mock her like that. She's already sued three tenants, she's going to sue this bank too, she'll make them all fall at her feet.

The whole day passed in such tension. Cries were replaced by complaints and entreaties, tears interspersed with fury. Pyotr Nikolaevich's patience ran out, and indignation at the boorish behavior of Mrs. Shchukina finally exhausted him. He left the office, sank into a chair in exhaustion, took a deep breath, took out his wallet and handed the “defenseless creature” a banknote of twenty-five rubles. The woman instantly wrapped the money in a handkerchief, hid it and smiled sweetly coquettishly: “Your Excellency, can my husband come back to work?”

a p chekhov defenseless creature
a p chekhov defenseless creature

Summary - Chekhov, "Defenseless Creature". Conclusion

Anton Pavlovich Chekhov, as always, is subtle and ironic in his story. But at the same time, sadness and a certainhelplessness and hopelessness before staged absurdity and endless stupidity. Is it possible to resist "defenseless beings"? On the one hand, yes, it is possible, but on the other hand, it is difficult, because arrogance, all kinds of farce and cynicism in its extreme manifestation take away so much spiritual strength and energy that a normal person wants to quickly end this and run away. But it is impossible, because Mrs. Shchukina has already been refused in five places. So, it's still possible. Summary (Chekhov, "Defenseless Creature"), of course, cannot convey all the subtlety and depth of the plot, so reading the original is highly recommended.
