Dan Balan: biography of a talented musician

Dan Balan: biography of a talented musician
Dan Balan: biography of a talented musician

The millennia generation gave the world a huge number of talented musicians, among which was Dan Balan. The biography of the artist began its countdown on February 6, 1979 in the city of Chisinau. His parents, a TV presenter and an ambassador, tried to develop Dan in every possible way, and therefore, from an early age, he attended a large number of circles and sections of various directions.

dan balan biography
dan balan biography

The artist began to show musical inclinations at the age of 4, presenting himself as a stage artist. Studying in the third grade, Dan tried himself as an aspiring poet, presenting his work to the judgment of teachers and classmates. On his eleventh birthday, Balan received an accordion as a gift from his father. It was on this instrument that the singer began to compose his first songs. Dan Balan initially created only w altzes, since the accordion is rarely used for most compositions in modern musical genres.

In 1994, the artist's family moved to Israel in connection with the appointment of Dan's father there. For a year and a half Dan Balan,whose biography is now known to many fans of pop music, was forced to get used to a new environment and new people, after which he returned to his native Chisinau, where he graduated from the lyceum in 1996.

dan balan biography and photos
dan balan biography and photos

Having received a secondary education, the singer entered the Moldovan State University, where he decided to study law. As a student, he sings in a little-known rock band Panteon, soon the idea of creating his own musical project appeared in his head, so the band Inferialis appeared in 1997.

However, the project did not last long, and already in 1998 Balan began working in the studio on recording his own compositions. A year later, a talented musician creates the O-Zone group, with the help of a former colleague, Petru Zhelichovsky. The first compositions of the group attracted the attention of the audience and music critics.

After two years, Dan and Petru decided to leave, Zelichowski did not like working in a pop group. Dan Balan, whose biography and photo were already known almost all over the world, invited Radu Sirba and Arseniy Toderash to work in O-Zone. The team continued to successfully tour Moldova. In 2002, the band released their debut disc, called Number 1. Two songs Despre Tine and Numai Tu literally blew up the Moldovan charts.

The next album DiscO-Zone allowed the group to strengthen their position in the world charts. In many ways, success was ensured by the hit Dragostea Din Tei, which instantly scattered throughout Europe and was incredibly successful. musicians at oncewent on their first tour, which was a huge sell-out.

Dan Balan songs
Dan Balan songs

In 2005, the team broke up, and its members began solo careers. Dan decided to be called in the English manner - Dan Balan. The singer's biography began from scratch after he organized the pop-rock band Balan and presented to the public a new version of the song Dragostea Din Tei. In parallel with this, the musician created an album called The Power of Shower, using the pseudonym Crazy Loop.

In 2010, the whole world found out who Dan Balan was. The singer's biography again took a sharp turn, this time after the release of the song Chica Bomb. Soon there were duets with Russian and foreign pop artists, which brought the musician popularity. Now Dan lives in the USA, where he has his own recording studio.
