Olga Cover: biography, children, books

Olga Cover: biography, children, books
Olga Cover: biography, children, books

Psychologist Olga Cover is sure that the diagnosis of "infertility" is not a sentence, and helps those who are faced with it to believe in a miracle and know the joy of motherhood. Olga is sure that all illnesses are the result of thoughts and negatively tuned programs in the human subconscious, and if you remove them from your head like viruses from a PC, then the body will rebuild and approach a he althy state. Training participants and book readers thank Olga and write that her program makes us believe that a diagnosis is not a sentence, but just a station on the way to the desired motherhood.

olga cover books
olga cover books

Who is O. Cover?

Olga Dmitrievna - PhD in Economics, family therapist, director of MIHR, member of the Guild of Psychotherapists, website creator, self-improvement and personal growth coach and mother of five children. When Olga met her husband Joseph Cover, she was working as the CEO of an advertising company. In the depths of his soul, the husband hoped that over time, the wife would sit at home, cook, take care of children, ironshirts, and did not immediately get used to Olga's activity.

Olga at school wanted to be a psychologist, she dreamed of entering St. Petersburg University, but she couldn't leave her native Tomsk because of money problems. The most important thing, she believes, is to trust the flow of life. It so happened that with the birth of her son, she decided to radically change her life and received a second higher education in economics. With the birth of her second child, she defended her Ph. Such an interesting fact in the biography of Olga Cover - the dream came true with the birth of the fifth baby.

I want a baby
I want a baby

How is everything doing?

A nanny lives in Olga's house, who helps with younger children. When mom is at home, the nanny takes care of the housework. Parents themselves take children to school / kindergarten, they also help with lessons, feed and put them to bed. Books had to be written at night, otherwise the work would not work. Younger children run into the office - either to show a drawing or play on the computer.

The schedule is scheduled for months ahead, but Olga always finds time for children. On the one hand, employers helped to start a business on their own, they do not see a mother of many children in a leadership position. In their understanding, this is a complete aunt who does not fulfill herself and does not take care of herself. Olga proved the opposite - she went into business, slender, mother of five kids, candidate of sciences, coach, general director of the company, speaks fluent threelanguages, writes books. Olga Cover urges all women not to look back at stereotypes, to be successful, happy and, of course, to know the joy of motherhood.

olga cover
olga cover

What is O. Cover's method?

The main direction in which Cover works and on which her methodology is based is "Psychological Infertility". She herself went through such a period and received a unique experience that became the basis for her methodology. Why psychological infertility? The author is sure that psychological attitudes prevent 90% of women diagnosed with infertility from getting pregnant. During the trainings, women get rid of these attitudes, the new attitude “I want a child” works and such a desired pregnancy occurs.

In her classes, Olga uses various methods: positive attitudes, process therapy, family constellations and spiritual practices. The coach is sure that love can do a lot - love of life, love of a man and a woman, love of a coach for his listeners. According to Olga's calculations, and women who have not been able to get pregnant for several years come to her, many after the IVF procedure, on average 45-50% of her listeners become mothers.

olga cover biography books
olga cover biography books

I want to be a mother

One of Olga Cover's activities is the psychology of infertility. She also had the same period in her life, but she managed and realized that she could convey her feelings and knowledge to many women who dream of the happiness of motherhood. Olga helps from the moment a woman has a desire to become a mother:decide whether it is really at this moment that a child is needed, to understand yourself.

She leads during pregnancy: helps to establish contact with the child, explains the process of the birth of a new life, teaches you to deal with past grievances, and sometimes even in problems with the baby's father. Olga can, at the request of the mother, provide psychological assistance during childbirth, and after the birth of the baby, help to adapt to the role of mother and a new way of life, because the appearance of a little man is both happiness and trouble at the same time.

Trainings for future parents: "I want a child", "FASE Program", "You can't wait to give birth", "Simple Magic". Trainings are held online, by appointment - in Moscow, in Barcelona.

“The flow of love”

Another direction O. Cover is the psychology of success, shares his experience at trainings on how to combine career, family and himself, helps to find a purpose, explains how to remain a woman in the business world. Trainings:

  • "Find your purpose".
  • "Miracle" - for those who are ready to create their reality on their own.
  • "Business Mom".
  • "Find love" - for those who haven't met the man of their dreams.
  • "The flow of love" - love in different faces.
  • "Mom" is a new training based on the methods of family constellations and perinatal psychology. Meaning: "Success has a mother's face."

In addition to intensives, Olga Cover conducts webinars, constellations (classes from 40 minutes to 2hours), field trainings (Spain), therapeutic groups (2 months, 1 lesson per week), individual consultations.

olga dmitrievna cover
olga dmitrievna cover

A little bit of everything

Olga has a master's degree from the University of Barcelona in Reproductive Psychology. In 2014, together with N. Isaeva, they created the International Institute of Human Reproduction (PUER), it is located in Barcelona, and everyone can attend the programs listed above. Also at the institute, a "School of Trainers" was organized, most of the training in the field of reproductive psychology takes place in practice.

In 2011, the psychologist's first book "You will be a mother!" was published, where the author talks about his experience, years of waiting and the joy of motherhood. In 2014, a training book "I Want a Child" was published with tasks, exercises, tools for independent work, based on the method of O. Cover for the treatment of infertility.
