Michael Moore is the most controversial documentary filmmaker of our time

Michael Moore is the most controversial documentary filmmaker of our time
Michael Moore is the most controversial documentary filmmaker of our time

Michael Moore is a political activist, journalist, writer, satirist by vocation and with experience, an American documentary filmmaker who has made 11 films that are notable for their capacity to criticize the American way of life and US foreign policy.

Biography Facts

Michael Moore was born in the provincial American town of Michigan called Flint on April 23, 1954. He began his education at one of the local universities, while building a career as a journalist. After some time, he managed to organize the release of an independent local weekly, The Voice of Flint, where he was listed as editor-in-chief from 1976 to 1986. But the movie haunted the original, so in order to shoot his debut film, Michael Moore converted his home into a bingo club.

michael moore
michael moore


The first documentary "Roger and Me" (1989) covered the events of the local social disaster that occurred in Flint after the closure of local subsidiaries of General Motors Corporation. Director Michael Moore chose sharp satire as his weapon of influence. And using the original editing, he achieved the desiredcomic effect. All the originality of the installation lay in the fact that the frames of the documentary chronicle alternated with inserts from fragments of television advertising and episodes of second-rate films. The significant box office receipts received after the release of the project forced critics to pay attention not only to the debutant director, but also to the genre of acutely social documentary film.

michael moore movies
michael moore movies

Bowling for Columbine

In further works, which also belonged to the genre of acute political and social satire, the director mercilessly criticizes American politicians and the capitalist system in general, the processes of globalization and corporations in particular, and neoliberalism. The most resonant project of the director, according to critics, is the film "Bowling for Columbine", which won the Oscar in the category "Best Documentary". The main issue that Michael Moore highlights in the film is gun violence in the United States. Discussing the direct relationship between fear and violence, the author asks why in America there are much more deaths caused by the direct use of firearms than in other states. The motivation for the creation of the tape was the terrible events that took place at the Columbine School in Colorado on April 20, 1999. Then a couple of high school students Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold, armed, staged a massacre at the school, as a result of the shootout they arranged, students and teachers of the educational institution were injured, in total 37 people were injured, 13 of them died fromreceived injuries. After the incident, the children committed suicide by shooting themselves. Michael Moore highlighted these tragic events in his work. The films "He alth Burial" (2007), "Riot of the Idlers" (2008), "Capitalism: A Love Story" (2009) only cemented his fame as a scandalous documentary filmmaker, touching on socio-economic topics and exciting issues.

michael moore where else to invade
michael moore where else to invade

Fahrenheit 9/11

But before these films, Michael Moore received in 2004 at the Cannes Film Festival the Palme d'Or for the project Fahrenheit 9/11, and a little later, another 22 awards from famous film screenings. In this work, the director told the public about the events of September 11, 2001 and the origins of terrorism. This political investigative pamphlet was positioned as an exposure of the policies of President George W. Bush. The narrative contained separate facts and assumptions about how dishonestly the ex-oil businessman from Texas managed to come to the highest authorities and how he used power solely for his own selfish purposes. The film caused an unprecedented wave of genuine excitement at the box office in the United States and the world, only Michael Moore could remove such political pathos. "Fahrenheit 9/11" is inferior to previous works from an artistic point of view, but is a model of the author's ingenuity and creative avant-garde.

director michael moore
director michael moore

Two Film Festival Prizes for "Love Story"

Moore shot his last project Capitalism: A Love Story (2009) before a long creative break that lastedsix years. In it, the author took up the study and analysis of the root causes of the global financial crisis. The picture will tell about the manipulation of American taxpayers' money, there will be facts denouncing various banks, corporations, politicians and individual top managers who, according to Moore, committed the biggest robbery and went unpunished. For his brainchild, the director was awarded two prizes at the Venice Film Festival. After that, Michael Moore, whose films regularly excited the public, took a time out. Recalling himself sometimes in media interviews, for example, in support of Quentin Tarantino, who managed to speak out about the extreme brutality of American police, which caused a wave of discontent in the ranks of law enforcement officials.

michael moore fahrenheit 9 11
michael moore fahrenheit 9 11


The scandalous documentary filmmaker in September 2015 at the Toronto Film Festival presented a new work, once again exposing the aggressive foreign policy of the United States. The satirical film "Where else to invade", the work on which was kept in strict secrecy, promises to be the most provocative and fun trick that Michael Moore is capable of. Where else to invade also assures that the invasion will take place "without PTSD", "without prisoners" and "without casu alties". Moore in this project acted as director and screenwriter. The film was produced by Carl Deal and Tia Lessin. Active participation in the creation of the film was taken by Jamie Roy, editors Woody Richman and Pablo Pronza, who had already worked with the author on Love Story. According toMoore, there is no separate American military adventure that inspired him to shoot the picture, but since this topic worried him for a long time, this allowed him to saturate the work with the necessary amount of satire. This is what Michael Moore is all about. "Where Else to Invade" should be strongly recommended for viewing by all thinking audiences.
