Summary: "Doctor Zhivago"

Summary: "Doctor Zhivago"
Summary: "Doctor Zhivago"

Boris Pasternak. "Doctor Zhivago". A story about time and about yourself. “Summary: Doctor Zhivago” might look like this.

After moving to St. Petersburg uncle, who took care of him after the death of his parents, Yura Zhivago lives in a family of other relatives - Gromeko. In the face of Tony Gromeko and Misha Gordon, he finds good friends. Once, when Amalia Guichard, an acquaintance of the Gromeko family, wanted to end her life, Yura saw her daughter Lara for the first time. Then he caught the secret of Lara's relationship with Komarovsky, who was much older than her and who also had his own relationship with Lara's mother.

Summary of Doctor Zhivago
Summary of Doctor Zhivago

A few years later, already a medical student, Yura and Tonya celebrated Christmas at the Svetnitskys'. It was already clear that Yura and Tonya should be together not only as friends, but also as spouses. Severely ill Anna Ivanovna, Tony's mother, predicted a happy fate for them. ToLara also comes to Svetnitsky (after a meeting with Pasha, who is in love with her). At the evening, Lara is not up to fun - she shoots at Komarovsky, who was also in the hall, and, having missed, hits one of the guests. So the second meeting between Yura and Lara took place. At the same time, Anna Ivanovna dies. Komarovsky managed to save Lara from trial. She married Pasha, and the young family went to live in the Urals. Yura and Tonya also got married. With the outbreak of war, both Yuri and Pavel end up at the front. Soon Larisa heard rumors that her Pasha had died. Yura and his wife move to the Urals, to Yuryatin, where he begins to secretly meet with Larisa. Soon, having learned from Larisa's confessions that her husband did not die and lives under a different surname, Yura decides to leave both his wife and Larisa, because he can no longer lie to his wife about his love for her, and his conscience does not allow him to be with Larisa. But then Yuri is forcibly taken to Mikulitsyn's detachment.

Doctor Zhivago summary
Doctor Zhivago summary

Only two years later he will be able to escape from the detachment. In Yuryatin, Zhivago does not find any of his relatives. Tired from the road, he falls into a dead sleep. The next morning, he wakes up in Larisa's apartment, well-groomed and clean. After a while, a letter arrives from Tony, which says that she is in Moscow. Soon, Larisa, at the insistence of Yuri, leaves with Komarovsky, and he himself begins to slowly go crazy. He writes poetry and philosophizes. With the beginning of the NEP, Yuri arrives in Moscow. He is no longer what he used to be. Gradually losing his ability to heal and write, after a while he dies.


parsnip doctor alive
parsnip doctor alive

This, written without some important details, is a summary. (“Doctor Zhivago”, of course, is not designed for such an introduction). Its purpose is to interest potential readers. Some, after reading Doctor Zhivago. Summary”, will be interested in the full text, and just starting to read, they will see that there are a lot of details in this novel. The very essence of the novel depends on them. Other young people will find it sufficient to read only a summary. Doctor Zhivago is a magnificent, powerful novel. And without taking into account the most important nuances on which the whole intrigue of the work rests, it is impossible to evaluate this work, which brought the author the Nobel Prize. If you want to fully understand and feel it, then it is better to go straight to reading the novel after finishing the summary. Doctor Zhivago is worth it!
