Multi-part detective thriller "The Hand of God" / "The Hand of God"

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Multi-part detective thriller "The Hand of God" / "The Hand of God"
Multi-part detective thriller "The Hand of God" / "The Hand of God"

Video: Multi-part detective thriller "The Hand of God" / "The Hand of God"

Video: Multi-part detective thriller
Video: Алексей Воробьёв - Сумасшедшая 2024, June

Among the avid cinephiles, there are many who love to tickle their nerves. Most prefer not some second-rate horror films, but worthy psychological thrillers with elements of mysticism. And it’s absolutely ideal if it’s not just a movie, but a longer-term pleasure - a whole series. "The Hand of the Lord" is just such a film. It has an unpredictable plot, tension in every frame, great acting and powerful religious overtones.


The series "The Hand of the Lord" or "The Hand of God" is a popular American project that was released in 2015. The pilot episode was presented back in 2014 on Amazon Video. It was this show that was supposed to decide whether the creators should continue shooting and bring their brainchild to rent. The audience became interested in the film and gave the go-ahead - they will watch it. SoThus, a year later, the full-fledged 1st season of "The Hand of the Lord" was released on the screens. Directed by Peter Medak, Mark Forster, Brad Anderson and Sarah Pia Anderson. The project has a very good rating: 7.5 on the foreign portal IMDb and 7.41 on the Russian KinoPoisk. At the moment it has 2 seasons, the duration of each episode is 60 minutes.


All s alt, as in hundreds of other detective thrillers, in the capture of a criminal who unceremoniously encroached on the sacred - the family of the protagonist. The 1st episode of the 1st part of the series "The Hand of the Lord" begins quite interestingly. A policeman notices a naked madman in the city fountain, who is praying loudly and violating public order in every possible way. However, this is not just another religious fanatic who decided to play for the public, but an unfortunate father whose son is in the deepest coma after an unsuccessful suicide attempt.

the hand of the Lord
the hand of the Lord

Moreover, dad is also a famous judge, and he does not believe in any that the offspring wanted to commit suicide of his own free will. Since neither the police nor the rest of the family are going to look for the mythical villain, the determined father takes up the matter himself. With the help of two swindlers he knows and a fierce faith, he begins to hear his son's thoughts and with each episode he gets closer to unraveling the monstrous incident.


In terms of famous actors, there really is something to see here. The highlight of the program is the great and mighty Golden Globe winner Ron Perlman or the samethe guy who played Hellboy. Without red make-up and in the role of a wise and inconsolable father, dreaming of retribution, he looks no worse than in his most famous films. Many people know him as one of the main characters of the films "Battle of the Fire", "City of Lost Children", he also appeared in the series "Sons of Anarchy".

the hand of the Lord series
the hand of the Lord series

With the female component, everything is a little simpler here - actress Dana Delaney is in the first position. She specializes mainly in American television series, among them - "Sex and Another City", "Desperate Housewives" and "Body Investigation". In the latter, she starred as a smart and sexy medical examiner who handles even the most complex murder cases with ease. In addition to this couple, such actors as Andre Royo, Garret Dillahunt, Alona Tal and many others took part in the serial film "The Hand of the Lord"


Reviewers who have taken the liberty of sharing their thoughts on the series with the world are basically divided into two camps. Some people are wildly delighted with the ingenious and intriguing plot, sing about the excellent acting of the actors and recognize this series as one of the best and most exciting that they have seen in their lives. In positive reviews, special attention is paid to the psychological bias of the thriller and the finely honed characters of the main characters, which keep the heat at the proper level, do not allow the viewer to get bored.

the hand of the Lord series part 1
the hand of the Lord series part 1

The negative color in the reviews and comments is based mainly on the fact that the storyline is rather weak and differs little from similar television series, of which there are already innumerable. Many people pay attention to the length of the series and say that it was possible to figure out the villain and put an end to him in the 1st season.

Someone is embarrassed by the religious bias, someone's action seems rather implausible, someone is amused by madness, someone is surprised by the serious intentions of the protagonist. However, on many sites, positive reviews still win in numbers. Representatives of the "golden mean", as always, summarize something like "you can see" or "it will do for the evening."
