A play is a small life

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A play is a small life
A play is a small life

Video: A play is a small life

Video: A play is a small life
Video: «Русское» порно: как устроен этот рынок / Редакция 2024, June

A performance is a work that belongs to theatrical art. It is based on a dramatic or theatrical stage plot. The director, actors, artist and composer take part in its development. The word spectacle comes from the Latin spectaculum, which means spectacle.

performance is
performance is

Theatrical arts

Theater is translated from Greek as a place for spectacles. This is a direction of art where, through the actions of actors on stage, the audience is conveyed the emotions, feelings and thoughts of the author of the production.

Varieties of theater

There are these types of theater:

  • Ballet is a kind of performing arts where dance and music are inextricably linked. It can be based on a work of art or music, but plotless productions also exist.
  • Puppet theater. The actors here are puppets controlled by people. The performances are based on fairy tales. The puppet show is great fun for kids.
  • Musical or musical comedy. Songs, music, dialogues, dances are tightly intertwined here. The script of the playthe rule is straightforward.
  • Opera. It has an artistic and dramatic form. This performance is dominated by singing.
  • Operetta is almost the same as opera. Has a comic plot and is a popular light character.
  • Pantomime is a stage performance without words. The plot or story is conveyed through facial expressions and gestures.
  • Drama of the absurd. The plot is based on a pile of facts, incoherent actions, emotions, destinies and words.
  • Street theatre. His actions take place in the open air. A street play is a production in which the actors perform without a stage.
theater studio performance
theater studio performance

Performance genres

Theatrical productions (performances) are divided into the following genres:

  • Vaudeville is a comedy with dancing and singing.
  • Drama is a play based on the life of a real person. It is based on the conflict between the main character and society.
  • Comedy is the other side of drama. Designed to make fun of the problem between individuals or a person and society.
  • Mim is a humorous genre of performance. Consists of small scenes of entertainment direction.
  • Mystery is an echo of medieval religious theatre. Performances were shown on the main square. They alternated between interlude and religious scenes.
  • Melodramadramatic performance is a performance with sharp conflict and intrigue.
  • Monodrama. There is only one actor here. Same as drama.
  • Moralite is a performance of an edifying nature. Acuteopposition of virtues and vices.


Theatre Studio is a non-commercial amateur project. They tend to spawn in small towns. Where there is no professional theater. Theater studios often appear at schools and universities. There are commercial theater studios for adults. Here people are taught to be more liberated, put voice and speech.

performance script
performance script

One of the most famous theatrical studios was Stanislavsky's drama club. After a while, it grew into the Moscow Art Theater. The performance of the theater studio of such a great actor and director was in no way inferior to professional productions.
