Tasha Strict: biography, career and personal life

Tasha Strict: biography, career and personal life
Tasha Strict: biography, career and personal life

An amazing woman who achieved everything herself. She built not only a dizzying career, but also found true love. This is Tasha Strict. It is about her that will be discussed in this article.

Tasha Strict: biography

Natalia Frolova is Tasha's real name and surname - she was born on June 27, 1974 in Moscow. In childhood, she attended many different sections and circles. Among them were the piano, and drawing, and dancing, and even a circle of naturalists.

Even at school, Tasha Strict chose her vocation. How many years did she dream of becoming a designer? Yes, since childhood! She stubbornly walked towards her goal and after graduating from school she entered the speci alty of a theater costume designer. After this educational institution, she continued to improve and became a student at the Academy of Light Industry. After 5 years, she graduated with honors and became a fashion design professional.

As Tasha Strict herself recalls, whose biography is becoming more and more interesting for us, it was no coincidence that she began to sew. Her mother took care of it and dressed her herself. Grandmothers also helped, one of whom often brought fabrics from abroad. Mom taught her daughter how to sew, and she wasthe process itself is very interesting. This hobby developed during my college years. There he and the girls bought a piece of fabric in the evening, and in the morning they had to come in things sewn overnight.

Tasha Strict Biography
Tasha Strict Biography

Designer Tasha Strict

The name of Tasha Strict is continuously associated with the beginning of her career as a fashion designer. The fact is that at that time in Moscow there was already a well-known designer named Natalya Frolova, so a pseudonym was required. Initially, Tasha wanted to take a paternal surname - Stroganova, but people would hardly remember her. So, with the light hand of her director, she became Strict. Such a sonorous name easily stuck in my memory.

After studying, Tasha started working as a stylist on the Rossiya TV channel, while simultaneously combining this with the position of an editor in a fashion magazine.

tasha is strict how old
tasha is strict how old

In 2002, Tasha Strogaya, whose biography reached a new level in the fashion world, founded her own brand called "Tasha Strogaya". Her collections are updated twice a season and have very interesting names. Among them were: "Dreams Come True", "Smell of Rain" and others.

Tasha is loyal to young designers like Kira Plastinina. Professionals work in her team, and she herself is a creative person. But she cannot understand those who rush into design simply because they have nothing better to do.

Natasha and Tasha: "Take it off immediately"

On TV, Tasha appeared in the program “Take it off immediately”, where she worked with Natasha Stefanenko. The transmission had highratings and ceased to exist quite recently.

Her pseudonym fully justifies the behavior and attitude towards the heroines of the program. Tasha is strict not only to others, but to herself. In her opinion, the whip will help the truth to reach the consciousness of the participant of the program faster. Such women do not need pity, they need an emotional shake-up, because they themselves have launched themselves. Her colleague did not understand Tasha's working methods at first, but soon her opinion changed.

Natasha and Tasha take it off immediately
Natasha and Tasha take it off immediately

Private life

In this regard, Tasha is a very secretive person. Because of work, she could sacrifice rest, meetings with friends, but her personal life never suffered. It was always easy for her to get up a couple of hours early to cook dinner for a loved one. In life, she loves three things: sleep, cook and earn money. Despite this, the children of Tasha the Strict, the twins Fedor and Fedot, do not remain without their mother's attention.

A little about her

Tasha loves to travel, cities inspire her. She likes Paris the most. And she says that she did not fall in love with him immediately. For the first time, she did not like this city at all. After the huge Moscow, he looked different, with a different rhythm of life. Of course, for Europe, Paris is just crazy, but after living in the capital of Russia, it seemed too compact and quiet. But the more often Tasha visited Paris, the more she liked it. Gradually, the city opened up to her, and now she can rest there and switch to another wave.

children of Tasha Strict
children of Tasha Strict

Tasha calls herself a workaholic, but withrevaluation of values. She understands that all the money in the world cannot be earned, and there are still a lot of good things in life for which there is not enough time. Not all pleasures can be bought. Tasha came to this conclusion at the age of 35. Now she is 40, she is not going to stop there, but she also does not intend to sacrifice and go over the heads for the sake of her career. She knows exactly what she wants to achieve in life, and has found that golden mean between work and family. Not every person can boast of this.

Such an established versatile personality as Tasha Strict, whose biography you now know, can be an excellent example to follow. Surely many young girls will want to repeat her success. A woman who has achieved everything in her life on her own causes only admiration and a desire to achieve the same bar. She is successful in both work and love.
