Best movies starring Robert Pattinson
Best movies starring Robert Pattinson

Video: Best movies starring Robert Pattinson

Video: Best movies starring Robert Pattinson
Video: Top 10 Charlie Chaplin Movies of All Time 2024, June

Robert Pattinson is a British actor, producer and musician whose talent became known to the whole world after the release of the Twilight saga based on the works of Stephenie Meyer. After working on the saga "Twilight" (the film "New Moon" in 2009 caused a special stir), the actor played in many films, many of which were highly acclaimed by critics. Today we're looking at movies starring Robert Pattinson.

"Toby Jagg Chaser" (2006)

A dramatic thriller about a lieutenant who is confined to a wheelchair after being wounded. The film was directed by Chris Durlacher based on the novel of the same name by Dennis Whitney.

Toby Jagg is a pilot who participated in World War II. However, as a result of the injury, he was confined to a wheelchair. He was taken to a secluded hospital in Wales for rehabilitation. However, his psyche is damaged, the horrors of war now and then appear before his eyes. Peace and quiet in the hospitalact on him depressingly, and the doctor behaves rather strangely. Will Toby recover?

The film is rated 7 out of 10. The film's storyline is not perfect, but Pattinson's performance is worthy of all praise. He was able to perfectly convey the pain and despair of his hero. Also in the reviews, the atmosphere of the film was noted, which completely immerses the viewer in the story.

"Twilight" (2008-2012)

twilight movie
twilight movie

In 2008, a fantasy drama film was released under the enigmatic title "Twilight". In the center of the plot is the love of a vampire and a mortal girl. A cute vampire with sad eyes performed by Pattinson looked very harmonious on the screen. Later, the continuation of the Twilight saga was filmed: New Moon (2009 film), Eclipse, Breaking Dawn (in two parts).

This film became Robert's calling card, after the release of which he became known to the general public. Although today Pattinson claims that he is uncomfortable talking about the saga. First of all, he does not want to remember the failed relationship with his colleague in the shop - Kristen Stewart. Moreover, since then, Robert has been seen mainly in similar roles, but any talented actor wants to develop. Therefore, he stubbornly rejects such proposals.

"Transitional age" (2008)

According to the plot, Arthur is a young guy who, despite his age, still has not decided on his goals. Once he chose a musical direction, but his career did not work out, andhe is forced to play and sing in bars to earn a living. By the way, Pattinson himself also sings well and plays the piano and guitar beautifully.

However, soon a black streak begins in Art's already not very joyful life: the girl leaves him, he loses his job. The guy is forced to move in with his parents, but they are not enthusiastic about this idea. The book of Levi Ellington helps Arthur to understand himself, and the arrival of the writer at the request of Art completely changes the life of our hero.

Rated 6, 1 out of 10. Starring Robert Pattinson, this film combines elements of drama and comedy. Viewers note that it is filled with deep meaning, so not everyone will understand it.

Remember Me (2010)

remember me
remember me

Even before the movie "Remember Me" Robert Pattinson proved to be an excellent dramatic actor. Tyler seems to be a careless student, but in fact, chaos reigns in his soul. He does not understand the world around him, and the world does not understand him. In addition, Tyler is having a hard time with the suicide of his older brother and the indifference of his father. One day, he gets into a fight that ends up in jail, but is quickly released on bail. Soon he meets a student. She turns out to be the daughter of the same cop who wanted to send Tyler to jail.

Rating - 9 out of 10. The audience notes the good acting of the actors, the deep meaning of the film and the unexpected ending. It is noteworthy that the current Duchess of Sussex also starred in this film with Robert Pattinson. At the same time, critics are mostly negative.commented on the movie.

Film "Echoes of the Past" (2008)

In this film, Robert Pattinson played the eccentric Salvador Dali. It is noteworthy that this film tells about mutual sympathy and even some kind of love between Dali and his friend, the poet Frederico Lorca. Of course, the tolerant attitude of the British towards same-sex relationships is not new, but they began to release films on such topics relatively recently. It is noteworthy that the audience warmly received the film.

The film is rated 7.2 out of 10.

Movie "Water for Elephants" (2011)

water for Elephants
water for Elephants

Jacob is a capable veterinarian who is studying in the USA. On the day of the exam, he is informed of the death of his parents and, shocked, he leaves the institute without receiving a diploma. Soon the young man starts working as a veterinarian in the circus of Augustus, a charismatic but cruel man. Jacob, shocked by his unscrupulousness, wants to quit, but compassion for animals and August's beautiful wife, Marlena, embodied on the screen by Reese Witherspoon, hold him back.

Rating - 8, 5 out of 10. This is one of the best films with Robert Pattinson about love. It features excellent acting, amazing music and beautiful scenery.

"Dear Friend" (2012)

George is a cynical and prudent young man with nerves of steel. He is handsome, smart and has excellent manners, which allows him to conquer Paris. His many rich mistresses help him to succeed and build a career,enriched at their expense along the way. Up to a certain point, Georges even manages to avoid embarrassing situations. But for how long?

Rating - 6 out of 10. It should be noted that Robert played an excellent villain, although some viewers did not see him as a sophisticated seducer.

Cosmopolis (2013)

film cosmopolis
film cosmopolis

Pattinson played the sophisticated billionaire Eric, who, from an abundance of opportunities, began to consider life boring and uninteresting. He is cheating on his wife and does not appreciate anything that he has. However, he soon loses everything as a result of the attack.

Rating - 4, 7 out of 10. It should be noted that this is not the most successful film starring Robert Pattinson. However, the actor did a great job with his role.

Rover (2014)

Near future. Humanity is on the verge of complete degradation. The main character Eric (Guy Pearce) has some thugs stealing a car. After picking up an injured guy (Robert Pattinson) who is the brother of one of the hijackers, Eric sets off in pursuit.

Rated 6 out of 10. The film received mixed reviews from viewers.

Star Map (2014)

star map
star map

This allegory film features an excellent cast - Mia Wasikowska, Julianne Moore, John Cusack, Robert Pattinson. According to the plot, a young girl comes to Los Angeles, dreaming of conquering Hollywood. However, he soon comes across all the dirt behind the beautiful façade.

Rating - 6 out of 10. The film receivedvery conflicting opinions. Some consider it boring and mediocre, others saw a deep meaning in it.

"Life" (2014)

This is an autobiographical drama about two friends - photographer Dennis Stock and rising Hollywood star James Dean. The action of the picture takes place shortly before the release of the film "East of Paradise" in 1995.

Rated 4, 5. It's not Pattinson's most famous work, but certainly worth a look.

"The Lost City of Z" (2016)

lost city
lost city

Officer Percy Fawcett has decided not to pursue a military career. Instead, he turned to exploring new territories. One day, on his way home, he heard a legend about a mysterious city lost in the jungle. There is reason to believe that this is the famous El Dorado. However, Percy prefers to call the city simply Z. He equips an expedition that includes explorer James Murray. Even the refusal of the sponsor to provide funds for the trip does not stop the men. Can they find the mysterious city?

Rating - 8, 4 out of 10. This is one of the most successful works of Robert Pattinson. Even film critics were positive about The Lost City of Z.

"Good Time" (2017)

Lack of money pushes people to rash actions. One day, Connie decides to rob a bank. He takes his brother with him, who suffers from mental disabilities. However, the robbery turns out to be a failure. And if Connie manages to escape, then his brother is in the hands of the police. Feeling guiltyand despair, the protagonist is trying to get his brother out of prison…

Rating - 6, 8 out of 10. The film received many positive reviews and several awards. Pattinson was nominated for a Satellite Award for his lead role in the film.

"Girl" (2018)

film frame with Pattison
film frame with Pattison

Comedy western starring Mia Wasikowska. According to the plot, Samuel travels along the western border of the United States in order to find his bride, who was kidnapped two years ago. He is accompanied by Henry, who poses as a missionary preacher. However, when the girl is found, everything turns out to be different from what Sam had said.

Rated 5, 6 out of 10. The film is a bit out of the ordinary, but should appeal to western fans.

High Society (2018)

The action of the picture takes place in space. Monte is a former criminal tasked with drawing power from a black hole for the purpose of an experiment. However, even the successful completion of the task does not save the criminals - they will spend their whole lives at the station…

Rated 5, 4 out of 10. Overall, the film received positive reviews and was warmly received by critics.

And let's hope the best films starring Robert Pattinson are yet to come.
