Elena Vorobey - biography, personal life, creativity

Elena Vorobey - biography, personal life, creativity
Elena Vorobey - biography, personal life, creativity

Elena Yakovlevna Vorobey is an honored artist, singer and parodist. Today everyone knows and loves her.

elena sparrow
elena sparrow

Elena Vorobey, whose biography is full of creative discoveries, falls and successes, overcoming all the difficulties of fate, proved to herself and everyone that a simple “serf girl” (as she called herself) can reach such heights that she could have in childhood just dreaming.


Elena Vorobey was born on June 5, 1967 in Brest. Few people know that the artist performs under a pseudonym, her real name is Lebenbaum. Why is the viewer not aware of this fact? Due to the fact that the Jews were not particularly favored in the USSR, Elena had to come up with the pseudonym "Sparrow". The father of our heroine, Yakov Movshevich Lebenbaum, worked as a housing office fitter, and his mother, Nina Lvovna Lebenbaum, worked as an installer and seamstress. Despite her hooligan character, Elena studied well and attended classes at a music school. The girl's parents prophesied her the role of a music teacher. After Elena graduated from the eighthclass, her mom and dad contributed to the fact that she began to study at the Brest Musical College, although the girl herself did not part with the dream of becoming a clown. While still at school, she began to imitate teachers, which delighted her classmates.

First steps to success

After graduating from a music school, Elena decides to enter Leningradsky

elena sparrow biography
elena sparrow biography

theatrical institute, but without success. However, difficulties do not stop our heroine. And only two years later (in 1988) she manages to enter the institute for the course of mastery of Isaac Shtokbant. At the entrance exams, the selection committee determined that the girl had a complete lack of voice. While still a student, Elena began working at the Buff Theater. There she met the famous Yuri G altsev and Gennady Vetrov.

First victories and obstacles

In 1992, Elena Vorobey decided to prove herself at the A. Mironov Acting Song Contest. With a clown hat on her head and an old bag in her hands, the future star appeared on trial before the audience and members of the jury. The commission not only did not approve of her speech, but was also greatly outraged by it. But the audience, on the contrary, greeted Elena very warmly, and the girl was awarded the Audience Choice Award. In 1993, at the Y alta-Moscow-Transit competition, Elena, with pigtails on her head, in a school uniform and a sandwich in her hand, demonstrated all her acting and vocal abilities, for which she received the Grand Prix, as well as the audience award. The rewards didn't stop there

Firstthe channel also noted Elena's talent, presenting her with the Grand Prix and the Audience Award. Despite this, in order to develop and move on, financial investments were needed, which Elena did not have. Therefore, after the competition, she again returned to St. Petersburg, to the comedy theater "Buff".

Conquest of Moscow

Elena Vorobey continued to do her favorite thing with faith and the hope that her talent would be appreciated and noticed. And now the long-awaited hour has come! Elena was lucky to meet one businessman who provided sponsorship. Then A. Pugacheva herself noticed her and invited her to speak at the "Christmas Meetings" in 1988. After that, Elena became a regular guest on this program.

Later, Elena was invited to V. Vinokur's Parody Theater, who was looking for an actress who was not afraid to be funny on stage. It was she who became our heroine, because she was remarkably successful in parodies. She moved beautifully, and most importantly, she could sing. But the actress failed to work with Vinokur. After performing with Vetrov and G altsev in the concert program "Levchik and Vovchik 30 years later", Dostman noticed Elena and offered to conclude a contract. Our heroine gladly agreed.

Life after that played in a new way. Numerous shootings, parodies and performances in the popular Full House program. Elena Vorobey gave solo concerts, she had numerous tours.

Several times our heroine became a laureate: "Cup of Humor", "Ostankino Hit Parade", "Golden Ostap". And she also received a cup - "Best Variety Actress 2006year.”

In 2008, Elena participated in the second season of the show "Two Stars" paired with B. Moiseev. The following year, she took part in Blue Light, Dancing with the Stars, and Russian Sensations. In 2011, in a duet with Kirill Andreev, our heroine starred in the show "Star + Star-2". A year later, Elena received the title of Honored Artist of the Russian Federation. By that time, the whole country fell in love with her. In 2013, Elena was a participant in a parody show on Channel One called Repeat.

Elena Parodies

For more than 20 years, Elena has accumulated a lot of parodies. Many of them are familiar to almost everyone. Some of the brightest and most memorable were parodies of I. Allegrova, Alsou, E. Malysheva, V. Leontiev, J. Friske, L. Uspenskaya, L. Vaikule, N. Babkina.

theater of elena sparrow
theater of elena sparrow

The viewer enjoyed the creativity of the star when she reincarnated as Zh. Aguzarova, Yolka, L. Gurchenko, N. Kadysheva, A. Pugachev, M. Rasputin, E. Piekha, T. Povaliy, Trofim, E. Vaenga. The parodist did not deprive A. Rosenbaum, Glucose, N. Baskov of attention.

Elena's filmography

Elena also managed to star in some films:

- 1990 - Whiskers;

- 1993 - "Passion for Angelica";

- 2000 - “Old songs about the main thing”;

- 2001 - "Streets of Broken Lanterns";

- 2004 – Afromoskvich;

- 2005 - "Caution, Zadov", "Twelve Chairs", "These are all flowers", "Diamonds for Juliet", "Yeralash";

- 2006 - "Poor Baby", "First Ambulance";

- 2007- "First Home", "Kingdom of Crooked Mirrors";

- 2008 - "Goldfish";

- 2009 - Golden Key;

- 2010 - Morozko, Soldiers and Officers;

- 2011 - The New Adventures of Aladdin

- 2012 - Little Red Riding Hood;

- 2013 - "Three Heroes".

sold out elena sparrow
sold out elena sparrow

The personal life of our heroine

Elena Vorobey's first husband is Andrei Kislyuk, an actor of the St. Petersburg theater "Buff". She lived with him for 10 years. The second husband was a businessman from St. Petersburg - Igor (Elena does not disclose his last name). He is also the father of her only daughter Sophia, who was born on March 11, 2003. But it also did not work out with her second husband. Later, Elena had an affair with TV producer Kirill. It was even rumored that the couple was going to legalize their relationship. But soon they broke up.

husband of elena sparrow
husband of elena sparrow

And now, when Elena completely despaired of finding her female happiness, she met her lover - Alexander Kalischuk. The acquaintance happened when a man came to the Elena Sparrow Theater to work as a sound engineer. At first, the star did not react in any way to the new employee. But after one of the concerts, when the whole team went to celebrate success in a karaoke bar, everything changed. As it turned out, Alexander has a good voice, and the parodist is quite good. They even got their own joint number. But being together was hindered by the fact that Alexander was married. After a short time, he nevertheless divorced his wife, and the couple began to live together. Nowthey are fine. Alexander takes care of Elena and her daughter Sophia. The couple is not going to the registry office yet.

Elena Sparrow today

Now our heroine performs with her own theater in humorous programs, where she presents her best and new parodies. Many viewers have already appreciated her talent.

elena sparrow show
elena sparrow show

The show of Elena Vorobey is remembered by the audience because of the amazing resemblance to the parodied characters. Her programs are always bright, incendiary and witty. Elena Vorobey, whose biography turned out to be so eventful, can easily transform from Glucose to Pugacheva or from Rasputina to Alsou. In short, her show is a carnival of stars!
