An event in time and space is what storytelling is

An event in time and space is what storytelling is
An event in time and space is what storytelling is

The language of any people is something alive, constantly developing, renewing and having its own laws. Regardless of whether a person knows these laws or not, his speech (written and oral) obeys them. In this case, immutable rules do not mean spelling or punctuation, but the very organization of the language, how a person chooses a way to express his thoughts. There are only three functional and semantic types of speech in Russian: narration, description, reasoning.

Types of speech

narrative description reasoning
narrative description reasoning

People don't even notice that during a conversation, depending on the purpose of their statement, they narrate, describe or reason. Although the majority will not be able to explain, for example, what a story is. Each of these types of speech has characteristic features, which are especially necessary to know when writing texts and books. This will help to correctly, clearly and logically express your thoughts, as well as make it easier for others to understand. Described verballyperson, object or phenomenon. You can describe anything, here it is important to reveal the main features so that the reader or listener can vividly, voluminously and accurately present the picture. If, when describing a person, nothing is said about his age, height, hair color, but only an indication of a smile and eyes is given, then such a text will not be a description, and the author is unlikely to convey his intention to the reader. You also need to understand that when describing a room, it is important to show the volume and character of the space, and not just mention two old chairs. With the help of reasoning, a certain idea is explained, stated and confirmed. This type of speech has its own composition: first, a thesis is put forward (what is being proved or refuted), then arguments are given with examples, and finally a conclusion is made. If you do not follow this plan, then the argument will crumble into separate incoherent sentences. Let's talk about what a story is in more detail.

Not just a set of sentences

what is storytelling
what is storytelling

To narrate is to tell, report about some event, observing the temporal sequence. This means that the actions in the story should follow one after another, and the narrative itself should follow the plan: the plot (how the event began), development (how the event happened) and denouement (how the event ended). You can narrate in the third person (this is called the author's narration) and in the first person (this is indicated in the text by the personal pronoun "I"). In fiction, first-person narration is most often found inautobiographical works. To study narrative techniques in literary texts, there is narratology - a branch of science that studies the narrative technique of the authors, as well as what narration is as an artistic reflection of reality.

Narrative features

first person narration
first person narration

Any narrative text tells a story. Despite the fact that events should follow one after another, during the presentation of their essence, they can change places, the story can also describe the past or contain a forecast for the future. All these techniques do not violate the type of narration, they are used by the author to expand the picture of what is happening and for a deeper understanding of it. That is, an event that occurred over several months can be told by the author in such a way that the reader will know and understand not only the facts of this time period, but also the whole life of the heroes of the work, all its main events in the correct sequence. It should be noted that such a narrative includes a combination of tenses that creates movement and sets the rhythm of the narrative, for example: scene, pause, ellipsis, summary.
