Realism in painting. Main idea

Realism in painting. Main idea
Realism in painting. Main idea
realism in painting
realism in painting

The term "realism" literally means "real", "real". In art, this direction objectively, truthfully reflected reality using specific means.

Historically, the specific meaning of the concept of "realism" means the current of art and literature, which was formed in the eighteenth century. This direction reached its heyday and comprehensive development in the 19th century. During this period, critical realism in painting manifested itself especially brightly. The direction developed in the process of interaction or struggle with other art movements of the twentieth century.

Realism in painting of the mid-19th century is characterized by a certain artistic system, which is theoretically justified as an aesthetically conscious method.

In France, this trend in art is associated mainly with the name of Courbet. The main requirement of the realism of that time was the appeal to modern reality in the diversity of its manifestations, while relying on exact science. Representatives of the movement used clear and precise methods, replacing them with the somewhat "vague and unsteady" methods of romanticism. Great importance inThe revolution of 1848 had a further development of the direction, dispelling the illusions of the representatives of the French intelligentsia.

socialist realism in painting
socialist realism in painting

In Russia, realism in painting of the second half of the 19th century is inextricably linked with the development of democratic social ideas. This was manifested in a close study of nature, deep sympathy for the fate and life of the people, combined with denunciation of the existing state structure.

The last third of the nineteenth century was marked by the formation of a group of Wanderers. Among them are Kramskoy, Perov, Shishkin, Repin, Savrasov, Surikov and others. Thanks to them, realism in painting strengthened its position, manifesting itself in the historical and everyday genre, landscape and portrait.

The traditions of the current were especially established in Russia by the beginning of the twentieth century. This can be seen in the works of Korovin, Serov, Ivanov and others. After the revolution, it was on the basis of these traditions that socialist realism in painting began to develop. This creative technique was an aesthetic reflection of the socially conscious concept of man and the whole world. This concept, in turn, was determined by the era of the struggle for the formation and strengthening of a new society.

critical realism in painting
critical realism in painting

Realism in painting has become the main artistic trend in the USSR. The idea of this trend was to proclaim a truthful reflection of reality in its revolutionary development.

A more precise concept was formulated by Gorky in 1934 at the congress of writers. He said that realismpainting, literature, art in general is called upon to affirm being as action. Being a creative device, it fulfills the task of continuously developing the most valuable human abilities, thanks to which victory over natural forces becomes possible for the sake of the he alth and longevity of mankind and great happiness on the planet. Thus, realism in painting and other areas of art began to represent a new type of creative consciousness.
