We arm ourselves with a list of literature for the summer to make it easier in the school year

We arm ourselves with a list of literature for the summer to make it easier in the school year
We arm ourselves with a list of literature for the summer to make it easier in the school year

At the end of each school year, literature teachers have long given their students a summer reading list. And each student put at least minimal effort to conquer it. Naturally, only the most diligent readers mastered the entire list of literature for the summer.

summer reading list
summer reading list

Today we will not only mark the class distribution of school literature for students in grades 5-8, but also give advice on how a diligent student can read as many books as possible. After all, further progress and the amount of work done to prepare for classes depend on how much volume is read. Therefore, we arm ourselves with a list of literature for the summer to make it easier in the school year.

We will present you with an approximate set of works and authors that are most often found in the curriculum. Check with your teachers for details. But remember that an additional book read will never be superfluous.

Programme works on literature for the 5th grade

List of literature for the summer forstudents moving from grade 4 to grade 5 can be roughly divided into four sections:

1. Tales and myths. This section highlights the myths of Ancient Greece, which will help the student to form a personal idea of the development of culture and art. In addition, they learn about heroes, gods, about the life of an ordinary person. Russian folk tales will contribute to the formation of the cultural and general educational level of the student.

myths and fairy tales
myths and fairy tales

2. Works of the Golden Age of Russian Literature: 19th century. In the list of literature for the summer, the school of Russia includes the following works of the classics.

list 5 grade
list 5 grade

Given the small volume of poems, we did not include them in the list, since time needs to be spent wisely, and the lyrics can be read during the study period.

3. Works of the Soviet period: 20th century. This section includes the following list:


4. Works of foreign classics. This section is not characterized by a permanent list of references for the summer: they are studied if the main list, which includes Russian writers, has been completed. However, it has been observed that some authors are consistently included in the school curriculum.


Programme works on literature for the 6th grade

List of literature for the summer "School of Russia" (FSES) includes works by Russian classics of the 19th and 20th centuries. There is a noticeable tendency to focus on an older, understanding and thinking student.

bibliography onsummer
bibliography onsummer

Programme works on literature for the 7th grade

The list of literature for the summer for students moving from the 6th grade to the 7th has the same conditional division as when transferring to the 5th:

  1. Russian folklore.
  2. Works of the Golden Age of Russian Literature: 19th century.
  3. Works of the Soviet period: 20th century.
  4. Works of foreign classics.
summer reading list
summer reading list

As before, for the summer, in addition to the main list, an additional one is given. Start literature for free reading only after reading all the works from the main one.

Programme works on literature for the 8th grade

The genre diversity of this year's school curriculum is no different from previous ones. The time frame also fluctuates in the three sections outlined earlier:

  1. The works of Russian writers of the 19th century are divided into two periods: the first and second half of the century.
  2. Works of Russian writers of the 20th century (Soviet stage).
  3. Classical works by foreign authors.

Practical Summer Reading Tips for School Students

To read the maximum amount of works from the school curriculum, you need to correctly distribute the time, the duration of which depends on the speed of your perception of the text (reading technique).

list of literature for the summer school of russia
list of literature for the summer school of russia

- Approximately for a student in grades 5-7. If the reading techniquehigh enough, spend at least 40 minutes a day alone with a book. Calculate the volume of the read work based on the pages mastered per day: from 8-10 per day.

- Approximately for a student in grades 8-9. Given the increased volume of works, the student should spend reading from 2 hours a day. Minimum number of pages: 20 per day.

You should also understand that in the summer it is more expedient to study voluminous works. Poems can be left for the school year. Also, look through literature textbooks in advance and outline for yourself a plan for working with works. For example, some schools encourage the division of the studied literature into quarters.

We recommend keeping a reader's diary to write down your thoughts and impressions of the work. It is also useful for adding quotes you like.

list of references for the summer school of russia fgos
list of references for the summer school of russia fgos

In addition to the main list, each student should be familiar with the additional list of literature for the summer. It, like the main one, includes works, among which various genres and directions stand out.

How to motivate a child to read? Tips for parents

Some kids rightly believe that summer is not the time to read. For them, this sunny time is a period for fun, unlimited relaxation and walks with friends. What should parents do if their beloved child is not very interested in the list of literature for the summer?

summer reading list
summer reading list

Morozova Victoria Emilyevna,a Moscow school teacher gives a number of tips that parents of non-reading children should heed:

  1. Explain to your child the value of reading books. Give positive examples of the impact your erudition has on your own life. If you do not have personal examples in your arsenal, refer to the biographies of famous personalities that are authoritative for your child.
  2. Children tend to imitate. Set a positive example: read, write out quotes, tell the moments that interest you publicly to the household.
  3. Warm up interest, motivate. Show how interesting reading is for you, how much pleasure you experience from this process.
  4. Hang a list of literature over your child's desk, where you will celebrate success in conquering him with him.
  5. Create a corner in your home that motivates reading: a comfortable chair, shelves, stationery.
  6. Watch movies based on the book with him and offer to find the differences between the original and the film version.

We can add from ourselves: if your child is not eager to immerse himself in school literature, but reads books that do not affect the educational process, do not interfere with this: it is better than not immersing yourself in the world of words at all.
