Clans and badges of Autobots and Transformers

Clans and badges of Autobots and Transformers
Clans and badges of Autobots and Transformers

In our world of modern technology, it's hard to imagine the film industry without films about robots. The action movie "Transformers" became the most popular among fans of action movies and science fiction. In it, we observe a long-term confrontation between warring clans of robots in the struggle for peace. The project was filmed based on the transformers comics. Probably, only the lazy did not watch at least one of the five parts with the inimitable Megan Fox in the title role. And many boys from different parts of the world are fond of the animated series with the same name.

As in most works, in "Transformers" there are both positive characters - Autobots, and negative ones - Decepticons.


The side of good is occupied by the Autobots - kind robots who do not like the fight in fact with the same transformers, however, located on the dark side. Autobots, friendly by nature, were made to work. But still, in order to prevent the seizure of power by the leader of the warring clan - Megatron (Galvatron), they have to fight the Decepticons in the battle for peace and their home planet Cybertron. Each of the Autobots has a propertytransform into a vehicle. The main one is Optimus Prime, who has the ability to turn into a truck.

Autobot emblem
Autobot emblem


Negative characters, the enemies of the Autobots, are the Decepticons. Before their leader Megatron wanted complete dominion over Cybertron, they, unlike the Autobots, who were made to work, were made for fun. The Decepticons took part in gladiator fights. In fact, that was their purpose. And with the Autobots, the Decepticons originally lived in peace. But, led by Megatron, they were saturated with hatred for their peace-loving brethren and started a war with them, which dragged on for many millions of years.

Decepticon badge
Decepticon badge

Autobot and Decepticon badges

Each clan of Autobots and Decepticons had their own identification badges. The emblem of the Autobots was a human face transformed into a robot, and the Decepticons - a fox head.

After the release of the movie "Transformers" on the wide screens, these badges have gained megapopularity. Metal nameplates with transformers emblems began to be attached to car owners on different parts of their cars. Manufacturers made them from stainless steel in different sizes. So, depending on which badge (Autobots or Decepticons) adorned the car, it was possible to judge which clan of transformers its owner was a fan of.
