What the film "Honest Pioneer" directed by Alexander Karpilovsky told us about

What the film "Honest Pioneer" directed by Alexander Karpilovsky told us about
What the film "Honest Pioneer" directed by Alexander Karpilovsky told us about

When murders, scuffles and base humor are poured from the screen in a thick stream on the viewer, it's so nice to see a good film about boyish friendship, first school love and dog fidelity.

Once upon a time…

The film is called "Honest Pioneer". It is about those times when these words meant a lot - about the mid-seventies of the last century. Once upon a time there were two sixth grade boys in the neighborhood, they studied in the same class and were close friends. Mishka's dad is a big boss, and Dimka's parents are building BAM, and a stern grandmother is raising her grandson. Boys are like boys: lively and a little careless, regularly getting into different stories for this reason.

honest pioneer
honest pioneer


This is probably the main character of the film "Honest Pioneer" - a smart dog who saved drowning friends. The guys ended up in the river because of an absurd brawl that they staged right on the railing of the bridge. Mishka, unable to swim, was the first to fall into the water, Dimka rushed to save him and almost drowned himself. Everything would have ended sadly if not for Savva: a smart dog safely pulled the boys out of the water. But, as it turned out,the new four-legged friend has no owner, and he is in danger: the furrier Amanita is eager to literally pull the skin off the poor dog. The boys take care of Savva. An obstacle in the form of a categorical refusal of adults to accept a dog into the house gives rise to an avalanche of troubles and problems for the boys and the dog. The film "Honest Pioneer" is also about the fact that adults rarely hear children. Sometimes only real trouble makes parents understand their own child.

film honest pioneer
film honest pioneer

First love

Let's go back to the very beginning of the film "Honest Pioneer": the reason for the quarrel between friends was Mishka's falling in love with a classmate. Dimka snorted contemptuously and was perplexed: what did his friend find in this girl? The bear stubbornly refused to admit his imitation. Who ignited such passions? The object, frankly, is worthy in all respects: she is smart, beautiful, and knows how to make friends (she was not afraid to go against the will of the school principal, protecting the boys). And she has an unusual dream. What did the girls of those years want to be? Artists, doctors or teachers. And our heroine wanted to become… a clown!

film honest pioneer 2013
film honest pioneer 2013

Before think about the Motherland, and then about yourself

The young generation was brought up on this and similar slogans in Soviet times. There was no alternative: the public is always more important than the private. What if it is private - saving the life of a friend, albeit a four-legged one? For two friends, there was only one solution: burn with a blue flame this "public", Savva must be saved at all costsno matter! As a result, Mishka, who is terribly afraid of water, swims across the river to save his friend and dog, his father finally hears and understands his son, and the "demonstrative flogging" that the headmaster arranged for his friends turns into a triumph for Dimka and Mishka. In the midst of the execution, a policeman appears at the school and announces that the boys helped to catch a dangerous criminal. The film "Honest Pioneer" was released in 2013, but the atmosphere of the seventies is recreated in it surprisingly accurately and carefully. Sometimes you look at the screen and recognize your childhood.

Honestly pioneering, this movie is worth watching!
