"The Sistine Madonna" is a brilliant work by the great maestro Raphael

"The Sistine Madonna" is a brilliant work by the great maestro Raphael
"The Sistine Madonna" is a brilliant work by the great maestro Raphael

Until today, many secrets shroud the history of the creation of Raphael's greatest work "The Sistine Madonna". Unfortunately, not a single sketch and drawing has come down to us, not a single document that tells about the time the picture was painted, as if to confirm the version of the maestro's divine insight. It is said that when the canvas was brought into the throne room of the Dresden residence of King Augustus III of Saxony, he pushed back his throne, which obstructed the passage, and exclaimed: "May the way to the great Raphael!"

Sistine Madonna
Sistine Madonna

"The Sistine Madonna" is an unsurpassed creation of world art

Neither heaven nor earth is depicted on the canvas by Raphael. The "Sistine Madonna" is devoid of the usual landscape, the entire space between the images is filled with clouds, in which the faces of angels are guessed. The Mother of God, in comparison with the past Madonnas of Raphael, no longer soars in the air, but as if walking through the clouds towards us, and the only obstacle in her way is the thoughtful angels sitting on the edge of the parapet, propping their faces with plump little hands. Mary with the divine son in her arms, as ifwould like to descend from the heavenly world into our earthly world. And it seems as if she is about to step over the frame and step barefoot on the cold floor of the gallery, but at that moment she freezes motionless. Being so close and so obvious to our eyes, it still remains inaccessible.

Raphael Sistine Madonna
Raphael Sistine Madonna

The Sistine Madonna is pensive and sad, motherly carefully holding little Jesus. Restrained and humbly looks into the distance, her eyes are filled with anxiety, she is powerless before the inevitable. Now they are still together, one whole, but very soon she will be forced to bring her son into life and give him to people. In the depths of her soul, she mourns for the sacrifice that she has to make. Although childishly trusting, little Jesus cuddles up to his mother, but his gaze is quite adult, meaningful and disturbing. Kneeling and carefully placing her tiara next to her, Pope Sixtus IV meets Mary, in fact, that is why the work got its name "Sistine Madonna". His hand, extended to the people, symbolizes the true meaning of the picture - the appearance of the Mother of God to the people. Perhaps anticipating his short life, to the right of Madonna Raphael

Sistine Madonna description
Sistine Madonna description

depicts precisely Barbara, the one who at that time was credited with the gift of salvation from sudden and violent death. Her downcast gaze expresses humility and reverence.

Raphael's work is the peak of genius and the crown of perfection in the art of the Renaissance

In the series of Raphael creations, by far the best jewelis the Sistine Madonna. Description, even the most eloquent, will never replace eye contact with this masterpiece by the great artist. According to Goethe, the picture is a whole world, and even if Raphael would not create anything else in his life, this canvas would be enough to make him immortal. Rafael died young, at the age of 37, having taken from this world the amazing power of his talent. It's scary to even imagine what brilliant works humanity lost at that moment.
