Singer Madonna: filmography. Which tape became the main one in Madonna's filmography?

Singer Madonna: filmography. Which tape became the main one in Madonna's filmography?
Singer Madonna: filmography. Which tape became the main one in Madonna's filmography?

Madonna's success story is one of the most complex and scandalous. A talented woman tried different directions in her creative life, and at the beginning of her journey they were side by side with overwhelming everyday difficulties. Now she is famous, rich, but is she happy? She always knew what she wanted, and confidently moved towards her dream. She was not afraid of criticism, contradiction to social norms, public frankness and even vulgarity. She is who she is and that is what made her who she is!

madonna filmography
madonna filmography

Thorny path to a dream

Madonna was born in August 1958, the third in the family and was named after her mother. When the girl was 5 years old, her mother died of breast cancer. After some time, the father remarried, with a new wife they also had children. In total, Madonna has five relatives and two brothers and sisters only on her father's side. The girl never had a relationship with her stepmother, and later there were serious quarrels with her father.

Peers considered Madonna strange and did not like her, relationships with guys did notwere built. For a long time, the girl was considered pious, but after a concert number at school, she was branded a harlot and began to spread obscene rumors.

The girl studied very well and graduated from school as an external student. An excellent certificate and a high IQ score predicted Madonna a good free legal or medical education. But she chose a different path…

As a teenager, Madonna always participated in school theater productions, learned to dance, and was excellent on stage. She decides to conquer the American scene with dance and music.

She started dancing professionally too late, but plasticity and natural lightness gave her the opportunity to keep up with other students. I had to make every effort and perseverance to achieve success.

Stage and Madonna

Definitely, the scene loved Madonna, but was in no hurry to accept. Before the girl's name began to appear on the charts and in the media, she had to go through a lot: she starved, lived like a beggar, was raped, took any job, moved from group to group and much more.

All the creative minds who have ever worked with Madonna say she has talent. It is curious that everyone at the same time sees talent in a certain area: someone thinks that she feels poetry very well, another that she moves unusually, someone says that she plays musical instruments excellently, and someone considers her voice ideal. But all as one speak of her diligence and perseverance.

The first disc of the singer "Madonna" was released in 1983. Albumwas not a runaway success, although during the year it rose in the music charts and was criticized. But the singer was more than determined, and only she knows what it cost her.

the main tape in Madonna's filmography
the main tape in Madonna's filmography

If we talk about the cornucopia, then at that time neither songs, nor proposals, nor albums poured out of it at Madonna, since it was full of scandals. The first serious surge of public interest was brought to her by black-and-white photographs taken more than 6 years before (when she was forced to earn money even by candid filming). Later, this scandal was supplemented by a film that envious people attributed to pornographic. "Specific Victim" is the first film where Madonna starred. The filmography of the actress in the future will gain momentum, but she got the start from this tape.

Cinema and Madonna

Madonna's filmography is quite voluminous and includes more than 20 films, despite the fact that this is not the main direction of her activity. The singer always aspired to act in films and practically begged the director for her debut role. Later, she will file a petition with the court to ban the showing of the film "A Specific Victim". But at the time, she was willing to work on it for free, even though she was literally starving.

If you study the biography and work of the actress, it becomes clear which tape became the main one in Madonna's filmography. Definitely, this is the movie-musical Evita.

which tape became the main one in Madonna's filmography
which tape became the main one in Madonna's filmography

Films featuring Madonna often include soundtracks recorded by her. And oftenit is music and songs, unlike acting, that are positively evaluated by critics.

Heavy, ambiguous and acute themes of racism, sex, religion, discrimination, violence, not only in the songs are affected by Madonna. The filmography of the actress is full of works based on these provocative questions.

Black and white stripes of film career

In 2007, Madonna presents her first directorial work, Filth and Wisdom. Later, her second film, We Believe in Love, was released. Both films were critically acclaimed. In Russia, the films were shown in a limited distribution, although the audience received them very warmly.

Apparently, the main tape in Madonna's filmography, which she will shoot herself, is yet to come!

A surprisingly strong and persistent girl fought her way not so much to fame as to a dream. When Madonna became interested in cinema, she was already quite famous as a singer. Frankly speaking, a significant role in her fame was played by various scandals in which she unwittingly fell. But the acting career was given to her almost more difficult than the singing one. Most of her roles were received extremely negatively by critics.

For the title of "The main tape in Madonna's filmography with a minus sign", that is, the one that brought her the most negative reviews, several films could compete. "A Dangerous Game", "The Body as Evidence", "Gone", "Best Friend" are the films that received the most unflattering reviews. And even for her role in the James Bond film Die Another Day, where she played a cameo role, Madonna received the Golden Raspberry Award in the Worstactress of the millennium.”

Although there have been films that have received more positive reviews from critics: A League of Their Own and Dick Tracy.

Those interested in the singer's work should pay attention to which tape became the main one in Madonna's filmography. Only the role in the film "Evita" brought the singer the desired awards and positive assessments of her acting abilities. It is worth noting that to date the film "Gone" is her last acting work.

"Evita" - Madonna

The filmography of the singer, according to experts, does not represent anything interesting. Although most of the actress's works were severely criticized, almost all the songs that sounded in these films received the best reviews and awards. But the film adaptation of the musical "Evita" was approved by everyone and gave the actress positive reviews and a Golden Globe award that saved her acting vanity.

A film-biography of a girl who managed to build a stellar career and a successful marriage with the future president of Argentina. Holiness and cruelty are intertwined in the character of the main character, she was one of the most influential people in the country. Her charm was combined with intransigence, perseverance and frankness.

which tape is the main one in Madonna's filmography
which tape is the main one in Madonna's filmography

We found out which tape is the main one in Madonna's filmography. But this film not only brought the Golden Globe to the actress. He also contributed to the inclusion of Madonna in the Guinness Book of Records. During the film, Madonna changes costumes 85 times - a world record.

Some interesting facts about Madonna

GreatestMadonna the singer received recognition, love and financial profit. Filmography is not a completely rosy page in her already not fabulous biography. Scandals, songs, music, dances, concerts - this is what Madonna does at the highest level. Perhaps someday the director's career and even acting work will reach a high level of skill. The industriousness of Madonna does not give reason to doubt this. As the singer herself says: “It is better to live a tiger for one year than a sheep all your life.”

madonna singer filmography
madonna singer filmography

It is worth noting that in addition to the stage, albums and cinema, Madonna is fond of writing. She has released several books for children and adults.

In an interview, Madonna said: “Fame is like a drug, it fills the void inside you. I will not be happy until I am as famous as God.”
