The book of Sergei Tarmashev "Heritage"

The book of Sergei Tarmashev "Heritage"
The book of Sergei Tarmashev "Heritage"

Sergey Tarmashev's book "Heritage" causes controversy among contemporaries, as it raises serious questions related to genetically modified organisms (GMOs). As you know, the use of GMOs has become a certain trend in recent decades. No one wants to heed the warnings of individual scientists about the dangers of eating these organisms. "Heritage" and other books by Tarmashev show people the possible options for the development of mankind in the context of the use of GMOs.

Author in brief

Sergey Tarmashev, due to the specifics of his previous activities, has a brief biography. Born in 1974 in the family of an officer. He spent his childhood in various garrisons where his father served. Graduated from the Suvorov Military School. Then there was a service in the special forces of the Main Intelligence Directorate (GRU) of Russia, in connection with which this period of his biography is closed to outsiders.

Sergey Tarmashev
Sergey Tarmashev

Currently teaching hand-to-hand combat as an instructor. In parallel with his teaching activities, he writes novels on the apocalyptic theme in the genre of fantasy. What brought the GRU special forces officer to the camp of writers?

This is how talents are born

The specifics of Sergey Tarmashev's service was such that the shifts were often long, and in order to pass the time, he began to invent stories that he shared with friends. Then I bought a computer, but those were times when the Internet was rare.

In order to somehow use the computer, Sergey decided to systematize his invented stories by printing them on it. This work lasted for several years until he arrived in Moscow, where he showed his manuscript to an acquaintance who worked in a publishing house. The manuscript was accepted and he was asked to write something similar.

Sergey Tarmashev books
Sergey Tarmashev books

So the writer Sergei Tarmashev appeared, whose books later became bestsellers. The most famous are the cycles of novels "Ancient", "Darkness", "Area" and "Heritage". Let's stop at the last cycle.

Legacy Announcement

Tarmashev's book "Heritage" was released in 2010. The work tells about the possible options for the development of mankind in the case of uncontrolled and thoughtless use of GMOs. According to the plot of the book, the terrestrial civilization in a short period, calculated not even in centuries, but in years, is plunging into chaos. Transgenes turn a blooming planet into a desert covered in poisonous weeds.

Tarmashev "Heritage"
Tarmashev "Heritage"

The air is filled with deadly pollen and carcinogens. People have become disabled freaks. Mankind has lost hope for salvation, although the existing myth about the future death of life on Earth still left a chance for survival. This chance, according to the Russian scientist, lies in a certain heritage, which is hidden in artifacts located in the monastery tombstone of the city of Moscow and a mysterious grave near Los Angeles. In search of a legacy, an expedition is being equipped, which will have to go through an infected environment filled with hungry creatures and evil mutants.

The book "Heritage" Tarmashev
The book "Heritage" Tarmashev

Despite the overload of the first part of the book with scientific terminology and complex data, Sergey Tarmashev recommends that readers take the content of the work seriously, as it is based on the work of modern geneticists, virologists, and biologists.

"Heritage". To be continued

In 2013, Tarmashev's book "Heritage-2" was published, in which events again unfold around GMO research, the use of genetically modified products (GMP). The book consists of 3 parts.

The first one is probably the most interesting one. It outlines the opinions of scientists about GMOs, provides schemes for their introduction into the current everyday life. The reader gets acquainted with the history of creation and activities of such GMF giants as BASF and Monsanto.

Monsanto, for example, supplied Agent Orange to the US Army, which used it in Vietnam. Today it is the basis for a number of herbicides,used to pollinate plants in the US and other countries. As a result, the poison enters the food, and then into the human body.

Tarmashev "Heritage-2"
Tarmashev "Heritage-2"

According to Tarmashev, Heritage-2 makes the previously presented information more convincing. The second and third parts of the book reveal the possible consequences of the use of GMOs for humanity. The first manifestation of such substances in people's lives will be extremely unhe althy offspring. Then an era of mass infertility will follow. The latter will lead to the extinction of mankind and all living organisms on Earth.

Tarmashev about his views on the world

Views of the world, of humanity Tarmashev outlined in his works. In his opinion, people are destroying themselves, slowly but surely. Humanity is becoming uglier, the positive in its life is becoming less and less. Tarmashev sees no changes in humanity over the past millennia. According to the writer, people, as they were in the past, bloodthirsty and greedy creatures, they remain so today. However, Sergei does not consider the apocalypse obligatory in the history of mankind, although he does not exclude such a scenario. According to Tarmashev, Heritage-1 contains exactly this idea.

Readers' opinion about Tarmashev's work

According to Sergei Tarmashev, the books written by him should shake up humanity, make them take a sober look at the possible consequences of their activities. However, not all representatives of this humanity agree with the author. Many of them believe that he has read a lot of pseudo-scientific heresy. Somesure that the book is custom-made. For some readers of this group, it seemed boring.

Termashev "Heritage-1"
Termashev "Heritage-1"

But still, the majority of readers were interested in the book "Heritage". Tarmashev is recognized by them as a talented writer, touching on topical issues of our time. Reviews confirm that Tarmashev's work does not leave indifferent, makes you think. Some readers believe that Heritage should become a reference book for every person.

Tarmashev on science fiction and readers

The writer is convinced that any fantasy should contain some thoughts, ideas, not be stupid, brainless. This genre should make a person think about this or that issue, should not be focused on an idiot.

According to Tarmashev, modern science fiction does not suit him in full. Therefore, he decided to create something of his own, different from the well-known works of other authors. Judging by the feedback from readers, he succeeded, and Tarmashev's books "Heritage", "Darkness", "Area", "Ancient" are read by caring people avidly, forcing them to express their opinion.

Tarmashev "Heritage"
Tarmashev "Heritage"

The best-selling author is well aware that none of the writers has ever been able to please all readers. Therefore, good reviews are not an end in itself and a guideline in the creative process for him. He simply describes the world as he sees it himself. At the same time, it does not make age and social differences for its audience.
