Yuri Moroz, director: photo, biography, personal life

Yuri Moroz, director: photo, biography, personal life
Yuri Moroz, director: photo, biography, personal life

Producer, screenwriter, actor, director - Moroz Yuri Pavlovich managed to prove himself in all these professions. "Kamenskaya", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Pelagia and the White Bulldog", "The Inquisitor", "The Gambler" are some of his famous series. Also, this person is the creator of the films "Dungeon of the Witches", "Point", "Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure", "Black Square". What else to tell about him?

Director Yuri Moroz: the beginning of the journey

So, what is known about the star of the national cinema? Krasnodon is a city located in the Luhansk region, in which director Yuri Moroz was born. The biography of the master indicates that this happened in September 1956. The boy was born in the family of an electrician and a surgeon.


In the first years of his life, Yura did not even think about connecting his life with the world of cinema. No one was specifically involved in the development of his creative potential. Parents dreamed that their son would acquire a "serious" profession. It is not surprising that after graduation, the future famousthe director entered the Donetsk vocational school.

Choosing a Life Path

Donetsk vocational school never graduated director Moroz. The biography of the star says that he left this educational institution a year later. Unexpectedly for everyone, the guy decided to become an actor. He moved to Moscow, applied to the Moscow Art Theater School. Yuri managed to enter on the first attempt, a talented young man was accepted to the course, which was taught by Viktor Monyukov.


After graduating from the Moscow Art Theater School, Moroz joined the creative team of Lenkom. He remained faithful to this theater until 1987. Then Yuri was again at his desk, this time he entered the directing department of VGIK. Among the teachers with whom the young man studied, there were many stars, for example, Tamara Makarova, Sergey Gerasimov.

In 1993, director Moroz won another victory, whose photo can be seen in the article. He took over the Young Filmmakers Association.

First roles

In 1980 director Yury Moroz appeared on the set for the first time. As an actor, he made his debut in the historical drama At the Beginning of Glorious Things. In this picture, Yuri Pavlovich played the role of Alyosha Brovkin. His hero was a man who was a childhood friend of Alexander Menshikov, the famous associate of Peter the Great. The actor embodied the image of this character in the film "Peter's Youth", which was released in the same year.


Then he played a sailor named Victor in the film "On someone else's holiday of life", starred in the TV movie "Grenada".

Fromobscurity to glory

"Princess of the Circus" - a film adaptation of the operetta, thanks to which Yuri got his first fans. He got the role of the frivolous and perky Tony, with whom he brilliantly coped. The image of the hero's mother in this television movie was embodied by the famous actress Lyudmila Kasatkina.


Further, Frost played Kostya in The Boys, reincarnated as Vivian Dubois in The Secret of the Blackbirds. He also appeared in the famous fairy tale "Mary Poppins, goodbye", taking on the role of a postman.

It is impossible not to mention other interesting films in which director Moroz starred. These are the musical comedy "Need a Soloist", the detective story "Visit to the Minotaur". In the biographical drama Lermontov, which tells about the life and death of the famous poet, Nikolai Martynov became his character. Then Yuri Pavlovich switched to directing. However, from time to time he still plays episodic roles, mostly acting in his own films and TV shows, but sometimes in others.

Directorial debut

For the first time, Yuri Pavlovich decided to test his strength as a director in 1986. Then the master presented the short film "Experiment-200" to the audience court. She tells the story of a crazy experiment in which humans take on the functions of God. The aim of the work of scientists is to humanize the monkey using the latest advances in genetics and biology. However, the chimpanzees who are assigned the role of test subjects do not behave at all in the way that the experimenters expect.


Witch Dungeon -the first full-length picture, which was presented to the public by director Moroz. The plot of the tape is borrowed from Bulychev's sensational science fiction story. The action of a fantastic melodrama takes place in the distant future. Humanity discovers in the depths of the universe a planet suitable for life. A group of scientists land on uncharted land in order to study it. In the process, it turns out that the planet is inhabited by dinosaurs, mammals, primates, and even people stuck in the Stone Age.

In 1993, Frost pleased fans with another picture. His next brainchild was the criminal detective "Black Square". A group of operatives is forced to investigate a crime that at first glance seems to be domestic. However, in the process it turns out that the killer belongs to high society, endowed with power. The investigation becomes dangerous for the lives of the brave, but against all odds, they do not give it up.


"Kamenskaya" - the first series, which was presented to the public by director Moroz. It was this TV project that gave the master real fame. The plot was borrowed from the works of Alexandra Marinina, this writer writes detectives about the operative Anastasia Kamenskaya and her colleagues.

It is known that the series was originally conceived by Frost as a full-length film. It is not surprising that the director paid maximum attention to the script, the selection of actors for the main and secondary roles. As a result, the detective TV project fell in love with thousands of viewers. All Yuri Pavlovich released three seasons of the series, and then"ceded" the opportunity to work on the sequel to other people.

Movies and series

"Women in a game without rules" - a melodrama, which was presented to the audience in 2004 by Frost. The story of the amazing interweaving of human destinies was a huge success. The focus was on women of the same family - mother, daughter and grandmother.

"Children of Vanyukhin", "Apostle", "The Brothers Karamazov", "Pelagia and the White Bulldog", "The Inquisitor", "The Gambler" are other well-known series, which was shot by the talented director Moroz.

The master releases full-length films less often than long-running TV projects. However, one cannot ignore the social drama "Point", released in 2005. The film tells about the difficult fate of three night butterflies, each of which dreams of a happy future. The fantastic film "Fort Ross: In Search of Adventure", which was released in 2014, was also a success with the audience.

First wife

Of course, the public is interested not only in films and serials that the master shot. Director Moroz and his wife Marina Levtova met while working on the film Youth of Peter. Yuri at first sight fell in love with a charming actress. He had to achieve reciprocity for a long time, and at first the director managed to please the father of his chosen one. To do this, he had to spend some time at the dacha of the parents of the future wife, actively helping with the housework. In the end, Marina nevertheless agreed to become his wife.


For some time, Yuri and his wife lived in a student dormitory. They got their own apartment.only after the birth of her daughter. By the way, Daria Moroz followed in her parents' footsteps and became a famous actress. The girl can be seen in the films "Fool", "Steel Butterfly", "House of the Sun", as well as in the series "Death of the Empire", "Dostoevsky", "Black Wolves".

The love story of Yuri and Marina, unfortunately, ended tragically. For 20 years, their marriage seemed almost perfect to others, and so it really was. However, in 2000, the actress Levtova died, the cause of her death was a tragic accident. Yuri Pavlovich decided to tell his daughter about the death of his mother after the funeral took place.

Second wife

Did director Frost get married a second time? The personal life of a star of Russian cinema settled down two years after the death of his first wife. During a walk, the master accidentally met actress Victoria Isakova. For a while, the lovers did not advertise their relationship, then it became known about their wedding. Daria Moroz did not immediately agree to accept her father's new wife, as she believed that in this way he was betraying her dead mother. However, gradually her relationship with her stepmother improved.


Shortly after his marriage, Frost had to endure a new tragedy. Daughter Marusya, who was given to him by Victoria Isakova, did not live even four months. Surprisingly, the girl died almost on the anniversary of the death of the first wife of the director. Yuri and Victoria decided not to have other children.

There is no information about the further creative plans of the director yet. However, there is no doubt that the master will soon presenthis fans another pleasant surprise.
