"Business card" of Russia - Dymkovo toy

"Business card" of Russia - Dymkovo toy
"Business card" of Russia - Dymkovo toy

Video: "Business card" of Russia - Dymkovo toy

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Dymkovo toy has a history of about a century and a half. This type of folk craft changed along with the change of several generations of craftsmen. The Dymkovo toy dates back to ancient times, but it is impossible to establish the exact date of manufacture of the very first figurine.

Dymkovo toy
Dymkovo toy

The toy is heterogeneous in its composition and belongs to different periods of the development of Russia. The Dymkovo toy, according to experts, received its purpose in connection with the ancient Russian spring-summer holiday of the Svistoplyaski. Gradually, in rural life, ritual whistles and tiaras were replaced by sculptural compositions that decorated shelves with dishes and window sills. The ancient ritual content faded into the background, the Dymkovo toy acquired the characteristics of a small folk sculpture. Over time, there was an enrichment not only of decorative elements, but also an increase in plots from the life and life of different social groups: these are individual figures, and compositions from different figures, and a carousel, and turkeys, bears and riders - all this is a Dymkovo toy.

Mistress withan umbrella and two newborns in each hand has not undergone significant changes since pre-revolutionary times, when a toy was just a way to earn some money, common among the peasants of the Vyatka province.

Making toys

Dymkovo toy lady
Dymkovo toy lady

Each stage is important in the manufacturing process. It is necessary to prepare clay that is suitable for work only from a few small quarries in the village of Dymkovo. This is followed by modeling and giving the toy characteristic magnificent forms, which depend directly on the type of clay. The next step is drying and firing in muffle furnaces, whitewashing with white lead and, finally, painting. Gold and aniline paints were not used in painting toys - these are the achievements of our time.

Over time, different trends emerged in the production of Dymkovo toys. Each generation of masters, especially the masters of the Soviet period, brought something of their own to modeling and decoration. But the general canon has never changed. On a white background, figures that have never been completely covered with color, leaving a part always white, draw lines and circles. Masters always use pure colors for painting, they never mix paints. Stucco flowers and ruffles - the main features of the Dymkovo toy - have remained so to this day. As “every grotesque and decorative fantasy”, reflected “in the life-affirming feelings it excites”, such, according to the historian of material culture A. B. S altykov, is the Dymkovo toy. The lady in a magnificent dress causes a smile of tenderness on the faces in our time.

Dymkovo toy story
Dymkovo toy story

"Business card" of Russia

Gradually, a number of signs emerged that distinguish the toy from a number of other folk crafts. The canon of figurine modeling is a school of skill, teaching a conventional language that distinguishes a Dymkovo toy from other folk molded products.

The ability to convey movement, laconism and generalization of modeling - these features characterize the figurines of the village of Dymkovo. The Dymkovo toy continues to resonate in our souls with a sense of joy, the accuracy of the expression of characters, the wit of a joke. Her story does not end today. Now this once childish fun has become one of the "calling cards" of modern Russia, known far beyond its borders.
