Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi: biography, creativity, memory

Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi: biography, creativity, memory
Persian poet Nizami Ganjavi: biography, creativity, memory

Nizami Ganjavi is a famous Persian poet who worked during the Eastern Middle Ages. It is he who must be given credit for all the changes that have come to the Persian culture of speech. In memory of this, you can find an old 1 ruble coin of 1999 "Nizami Ganjavi". It is equivalent to 200 modern rubles.

Biography of Nizami Ganjavi

The poet was born around 1141, presumably on August 17th. Some historians claim that the poet's birthday was from 17 to 22 August. The biography of Nizami Ganjavi begins in the city of Ganja.

Nizami Ganjavi
Nizami Ganjavi

Despite all the achievements in the field of literature, very little is known about the life of the poet and writer. The name of Nizami Ganjavi has been surrounded by many secrets and mysteries until today. Many biographers brought something of their own to the poet's biography, which made it even more intense.

Nizami Ganjavi is the pseudonym of the poet. His real name sounds like Abu Muhammad Ilyas.

Family of a literary figure

The family of the poet Nizami Ganjavi for many years was engaged in a simple craft - embroidery. This played an important role in choosing the poet's pseudonym.

Nizami Ganjavi biography
Nizami Ganjavi biography

The poet's father was an official, but this information is only guesswork by historians and biographers. Nizami's mother was a born Iranian, the daughter of a great Kurdish leader.

Ganjavi's parents died early, which influenced the personality of the poet. Nizami was raised by his maternal uncle.

Education of Ganjavi

Speaking about the time when Nizami Ganjavi lived, we can say that the poet had an excellent education. In the Middle Ages, it was customary to consider all poets knowledgeable in many areas of science. Despite these customs, Nizami was well versed in many disciplines. The poems of Nizami Ganjavi prove that the poet was well versed in the literature of Arabia and Persia, had a developed written and oral culture of speech. In addition, it is important to note that he was also educated in the exact sciences. In the poems of Nizami Ganjavi, it can be traced that the great literary figure had knowledge in the field of astrology, mathematics, astronomy, botany, medicine and alchemy.

Speaking about Nizami's achievements, it is important to note that the poet also understood religious monuments. He knew all the interpretations of the Quran, had an excellent command of Islamic law, and had certain knowledge about Christianity and Judaism.

nizami ganjavi poems
nizami ganjavi poems

In addition, Ganjavi knew Iranian legends and myths very well, understood history, ethics, esotericism, philosophy, as well as the musical and visual arts of his time.

Philosophical direction in creativity

For many centuries, Nizami has been calledsage. This is explained by the fact that in his poems the poet touched upon very important issues that could not help but make readers think. Studying the work of Ganjavi, one can say that he was by no means a philosopher. The poet's thoughts cannot be attributed to those great sayings that belong, for example, to Ibn Arabi or Suhrawardi. Historians still adhere to the opinion that Nizami was partly a philosopher, but it is important to note that he was also a Gnostic. It was he who managed to combine all those traditions that were introduced into Eastern culture by earlier sages.

The work of the poet Nizami

Very little can be said about the poet's work. Nizami needed freedom of thought, this was necessary for him in order not to lose honesty in his creations. There is sincerity in them, some alienation.

Many of Ganjavi's works are devoted to political relations between various dynasties and tribes, which were both rivals of the Iselgits and compatriots.

poet nizami ganjavi
poet nizami ganjavi

In the poet's archive there are also those works that differ from the works of the Middle Ages in their dramatic nature. Nizami's romantic poems are very complex in terms of the psychology of narration. Ganjavi reveals the complexity of the human soul, its depth and richness, when the inner world is filled with love and gratitude.

The life of a Persian poet

It is known that Nizami was married three times. The first chosen one of the poet was a slave, who was very loved by Nizami. Ganjavi dedicated his first lovemany works. The poet called his beloved a reasonable and beautiful woman. In 1174, the couple had a son. The boy was named Mohammed. However, just a few years later, Nizami's wife died. The same fate befell the next two spouses of the poet.

An interesting fact is that the death of each of the wives was accompanied by the end of a new poem by Nizami. After the death of his third wife, he indignantly uttered a phrase consisting of a question to the Almighty about why he should pay for each of his poems with the loss of his companion.

Ganjavi lived in that period of time, which was marked as a stage of political instability and intensity of intellectual activity. One can find reflection of this in his poems and poems.

It is difficult to say anything about the attitude of patrons to the work of Nizami, because it is almost impossible to determine the exact time of writing many of the poet's literary works. But it can be said with confidence that Ganjavi was respected and received many honors during his lifetime. There is a legend that the poet was invited to the court, but refused the invitation. The head of the state where the court was located considered Nizami a holy man and gave him great we alth, which included fourteen villages transferred to the possession of the poet.

Death of a great poet

The exact date of the death of the poet is impossible to determine, as well as the date of his birth. Biographers who lived in that era indicate different dates that diverge by a very long period of time - thirty-seven years.

OnToday, one thing can be said for sure: the poet died in the XIII century. The main date of death is considered to be 1208, which is based on an inscription published by Bertels from the poet's hometown.

1 ruble 1991 Nizami Ganjavi
1 ruble 1991 Nizami Ganjavi

However, there is an assumption that Nizami died in 1201. This conjecture was based on the lines of the second book of Iskander, which were included there by the son of Nizami. The chapter that contains this fact tells about the death of such great men as Aristotle, Plato and Socrates. Ganjavi left a rich literary heritage.
