A.S. Pushkin, "To Siberia": analysis of the poem

A.S. Pushkin, "To Siberia": analysis of the poem
A.S. Pushkin, "To Siberia": analysis of the poem

A. S. Pushkin wrote "To Siberia" in 1827 in order to support his Decembrist friends. The events of 1825 left their mark on the work of the Russian poet. Alexander Sergeevich was very upset by the failure of the secret agreement and the arrest of his associates. Although the authorities suppressed the uprising, they could not extinguish the flame of a thirst for freedom in the poet’s soul, at that time he still had a hope of achieving it. In 1827, his wife went to the Decembrist N. Muravyov to share him there with him. Together with the woman, Pushkin decides to send news and words of support on his own behalf.

Pushkin to Siberia
Pushkin to Siberia

Many intelligent, highly educated and creative individuals were then exiled to Siberia. They accepted the ardent greetings from Alexander Sergeevich with gratitude. Such news from a comrade-in-arms became one of the brightest events in the difficult life of the Decembrists, helped them not to lose faith in a happy future, not to give up. To understand the power of this poem, it should be noted that after the arrest, many relatives renounced the rebels, and Pushkin was not afraid to openly support them. The Decembrist Odoevsky was so inspired by the message that he wrote a response poem, saturated with the belief that sooner or later their cause would becompleted.

The verse "To Siberia" Pushkin dedicated to his friends in trouble, so he is imbued with a gloomy and tragic mood. There are many abstract images in the work: Freedom, Unhappiness, Friendship, Hope, Love. The phrases "hard labor holes", "dungeons", "dungeons", "heavy fetters" emphasize the unenviable position of the unfortunate, the terrifying hopelessness. But, despite the tragedy of the situation, there is also encouragement in the poem.

to siberia pushkin poem
to siberia pushkin poem

Whatever the grief, but a person should not lose hope - it was this main idea that Pushkin wanted to convey to his friends. "To Siberia" is the anthem of a wrestler who, in spite of everything, does not give up and does not give up. No matter how hard it is, it is necessary to remain faithful to your ideals, strive to achieve them and courageously endure endless torment. Pushkin does not even doubt that the "free voice", "love and friendship" of a like-minded person will strengthen the spirit of those arrested. The poet was not sent to Siberia, but it would have been much easier for him to endure all the hardships and hardships in hard labor than to suffer far from the realization of his own powerlessness.

Pushkin to Siberia
Pushkin to Siberia

Despite the gloomy beginning, the end of the poem is quite optimistic. Whatever was in Alexander Sergeevich's soul, but with all his heart he wanted to morally support his comrades, to raise their morale. The work "To Siberia" is imbued with hope for a brighter future. Pushkin wrote a poem with the belief that sooner or later "the shackles will fall", and "the dungeons will collapse", and thenjustice will prevail, the Decembrists will be released, and like-minded people will support them, "giving up the sword." Alexander Sergeevich tried to convince the rebels that they did not suffer in vain, their cause lives on and will be brought to an end, you just need to wait a while. It is known that the poet's message greatly encouraged the Decembrists, they felt the support they needed so much.
