M. Y. Lermontov, "Angel": analysis of the poem

M. Y. Lermontov, "Angel": analysis of the poem
M. Y. Lermontov, "Angel": analysis of the poem

Mikhail Lermontov "Angel" wrote at a very young age, the author was barely 16 years old.

lermontov angel
lermontov angel

Despite the fact that the poem belongs to the early period of the poet's work, it has lightness, beauty, strikes the reader with a calm, peaceful atmosphere. Mikhail Yuryevich took as a basis the lullaby that his mother sang to him in childhood. He completely changed the content of the half-forgotten song, borrowing only the time signature.

The meaning of the work

The poem "Angel" by M. Yu. Lermontov belongs to epic romantic works. It consists of four quatrains and tells about the birth of a new life on earth. An angel flies across the sky, singing a beautiful song about paradise, the bliss of sinless spirits. He carries the Soul with him to reunite it with the body at the moment the child is born. To the pure soul of a baby, the angel promises eternal paradise, subject to a righteous life and sincere faith in God.

Sorry,a person from childhood has to deal with sadness, resentment, pain, humiliation. Earthly life is far from the bliss of Heaven, but still, in the depths of the soul, a beautiful song of an angel sounds, which does not allow you to give up, to lose faith in your abilities. An analysis of Lermontov's poem "Angel" allows you to see the melodiousness of the work. With its tenderness, it really resembles a song. The author managed to achieve a peaceful atmosphere with the help of whistling and hissing sounds that prevail in the verse. They create the effect of an angel hovering above the ground and are a great backdrop.

analysis of Lermontov's poem Angel
analysis of Lermontov's poem Angel

Hymn to the Divine World

The poet does not speak directly about the events taking place, the reader only in general terms guesses what Lermontov wanted to say. "Angel" is a hymn to the Kingdom of Heaven, which can only be entered by the righteous with a pure soul. The poet emphasizes: earthly songs did not please a person, they seemed boring to him. On earth, the Soul languishes in anticipation of returning to Paradise. Mikhail Yuryevich managed to achieve a light and soft contrast by comparing earthly and heavenly life.

There is a clear line between parallel worlds in the poem, it is visible only at the moment of birth and death of a person. If you look at the work from a philosophical point of view, it becomes clear what an idealist Lermontov was in his youth. An angel, in his understanding, is God's messenger, who gives hope to a person for a better future, convinces him to lead a righteous life. The poet claims that a person comes to earth only tosuffer in order to atone for sins with your pain, cleanse your own soul with tears.

poem angel M. Yu. Lermontov
poem angel M. Yu. Lermontov

Mikhail Yurievich is sure that a person stays temporarily in his body shell on earth, there is nothing bad and terrible in death, because the Soul does not die, but lives forever. Lermontov "Angel" composed to compare the Divine and mortal existence. No wonder the poem begins with the word "heaven" and ends with "earth". The poet compares singing a lullaby to babies with a kind of ritual that resembles the process of perfecting the soul. Lermontov emphasizes that even the most beautiful, tender lullaby cannot be compared with the song of an angel. This is just her mean copy, reminiscent of the existence of Paradise.
