Do-it-yourself plaster sculptures: technique, forms and recommendations

Do-it-yourself plaster sculptures: technique, forms and recommendations
Do-it-yourself plaster sculptures: technique, forms and recommendations

Gypsum is a material widely used in art and construction since time immemorial. It is known for sure that it was used in antiquity for the manufacture of sculptures. Today, gypsum is used in their work by professional architects and sculptors. Each of us can purchase this material at a hardware store for personal needs. Plaster sculptures are easy to make at home without being a professional. Detailed instructions and tips for work - especially for you.

Main characteristics of gypsum

plaster sculptures
plaster sculptures

In any hardware store you will find gypsum powder or gypsum plasters. The material is made from sedimentary rock - gypsum stone. Gypsum owes such a diverse and wide use in construction work to its availability, combined with low cost. Working with this material is quite simple. It is necessary to dilute it with water, after which you can start pouring molds or modeling. Attention: gypsum hardens very quickly in air and at the same time slightly increases in volume (no more than 1%). Prepare the solution at a time, just before you start working with it. The material is able to convey the smallest details. If desired, plaster sculptures can be decorated with paints and other finishing compounds, and create a high-quality imitation of noble stone or metal.

Methods for making plaster sculptures

how to make a plaster sculpture with your own hands
how to make a plaster sculpture with your own hands

If you are not a professional sculptor, it makes sense to start working with plaster by making sculptures by molding. This technology involves obtaining finished products by pouring gypsum mortar into molds. Molding is a very simple way to create sculptures, which is suitable even for children's creativity. Children under the age of 12 must be taught by an adult. An alternative way to make a plaster sculpture is to model the desired figure from diluted plaster on a frame. It is convenient to use a variety of spatulas and other tools in the work. What sculptures can be made from plaster with your own hands? The solidified material is quite porous and brittle. But despite this, it can be used to make street sculptures. Gypsum is ideal for creating interior elements and decorative figurines. If you are just starting out with this material, try doing something small and simple in shape the first time. Gradually improving your skills, you will learn how to create from plastertrue masterpieces.

Ready mold or self made?

how to make plaster sculpture
how to make plaster sculpture

For the manufacture of plaster sculptures, you can use ready-made forms. They are sold in art supply stores. An interesting idea is to use culinary forms, for example, for ice, muffins or candies. In joint creativity with children, sand molds can be used for casting from plaster. If you couldn’t find anything interesting, try making a mold with your own hands. Simple sculptures (for example, interior columns or large mushrooms to decorate a garden) can be made using household appliances. For example, a mushroom cap can be cast in a basin or bowl of a suitable size, and a stem in a cut plastic bottle. Casting molds can be removed from any existing figurines and figurines. Wrap the selected product with cling film. Then cover it with clay or plasticine. Wait for the material to harden, then carefully cut the mold and pull out the figurine hidden inside. Your homemade mold is ready, now you can make plaster sculptures.

Preparing the mold and pouring plaster

plaster garden sculptures
plaster garden sculptures

The form needs some special processing before it can start working. Thoroughly coat the inner walls with petroleum jelly, vegetable oil or paraffin. Pay special attention to small casting elements. Professional sculptors often prepare a special lubricant for mold processing. Take 2 parts of grated soap, add 1 partvegetable oil and 7 parts water. Mix the ingredients until a homogeneous consistency. The lubricant is ready - you can start processing the inner surface of the mold. In no case do not skip this step, otherwise you will not be able to pull out the finished product after it has solidified. How to make a plaster sculpture with your own hands, how to properly dilute the dry mix? It is enough to mix the powder with water to the consistency of sour cream. Be sure to leave the plaster for a few minutes, and then, after mixing thoroughly, proceed to filling the mold. A small amount of PVA glue can be added to the water for preparing a gypsum mortar - no more than 25% of the total liquid volume.

Protective treatment of the product

The optimum temperature for drying gypsum products is 16-25 degrees. Sculptures made by molding should be removed from the molds after complete hardening. At this stage, you can sand the irregularities with a brush or a wet sponge. If you are completely satisfied with the shape of the plaster sculptures, leave them for a while to dry completely. The next step is preparing the figurines for painting. Apply a special primer in several layers on the entire surface of the product. You can replace it with PVA glue diluted with water. If you made a sculpture that will stand on the street, you can treat it with drying oil or shellac for additional protection.

Sculpture decor

plaster sculpture form
plaster sculpture form

After the primer has dried, you can proceed to the most creative part of the process - the design of the sculpture. Plaster garden sculpturesmust be painted with the most resistant paints. Small figurines and children's crafts can be painted with gouache. To paint the sculpture that will be in the room, you can use any paints and techniques for applying them. After painting, you can additionally cover the product with a layer of transparent varnish to fix the decor. If appropriate, additionally decorate the plaster sculptures with decorative elements. These can be individual beads and rhinestones, bows, textile details or special plastic figures.

Helpful tips

making plaster sculptures
making plaster sculptures

Follow all the rules for working with gypsum and the sequence of technological steps. Very often, problems in working with this simple material arise when the sculpture manufacturing technology is violated. Be sure to dry the products thoroughly after removing them from the mold, and only after that proceed with their further design. Try different molds to make sculptures. Any small figurines, children's toys and household items are suitable as samples for their manufacture. In the described technique at home, you can make casts of hands. Making sculptures from plaster is an interesting and accessible kind of creativity for everyone!
